
CHAPTER 168: Father.

Elisa picked up the child to hand it to the father who had been standing on the side-lines.

But the man just backed away. "That thing isn't mine anymore. It killed its mother and probably still has the energy of that demon flowing through it."

"Sir, this is your son. Your wife was already dying before Rubedo came back. If he had not intervened your son would have died as well."

The man furrowed his brow. "How can I know that that child is still human after that monster helped to place it on this world? I don't have anything to do with it anymore. But do yourself a favour and throw it in the sea before it starts to bite the hearts out of people"

He turned around and started to walk away.

Suddenly the man screamed out when my claws sunk deep into his shoulder. He tried to reach out to the wound but hesitated once he realised what caused it in the first place.

"Alright I have had it." I spoke while forcing the man to turn around and face me. "I understand that you are scared, sad and confused after everything that has happened. But we are not throwing babies into the sea. The child is perfectly healthy and completely human if that is what you are worried about. And if it is about the magic that I used to help keep your wife alive long enough to actually give birth to him. Then you must know that magic is magic no matter what its source is. Even if I had been an angel the outcome would have been exactly the same."

"As if you know anything about emotions. I bet you would burn down an entire country just because you felt like it. while not worrying at all about who lives or dies. Whose children will burn and what families will be destroyed, how much lives you shatter and how much blood you spill. But if you really care about that thing. Then you can keep it yourself."

I let go of the man's shoulder. And as soon as my claws left his flesh, I let the wound heal. Of course, it left a terrible scar due to haw bad I was at healing but that was what I was going for in the first place.

"Fine, I will keep him myself then. But I want you to remember this moment. And to think about what could have been if you had just kept the last thing that your wife left you every time you look at that scar."

I took the child from Elisa and flew off with it to a place that was a little quieter. But of course, the child stared to scream and no matter what I did he wouldn't calm down. And I did not want to force him to stop since I had no idea how that would affect him later.

At first, I was scared that I might had accidentally hurt him. However, that did not seem to be the case.

I sighed and decided to call for help.

("Dad? I am roughly a hundred meters north from where you are right now. Could you please come and help me?")

I could tell that my father was pretty freaked out by hearing my voice in his head. So, I just immediately left his mind and hoped that he would come soon.

To my luck it indeed did not take long for him to come here.

"Could you please not do that again? Is this how demons possess people? Man, that was just… weird."

I could not feel more relieved when my father came to help me. I had now seen what could have happened between my father and me. And that while this child was perfectly human.

I shook my head. "No, that was not how I would do such a thing. But that is not why I called you here. how do I make this child stop screaming?"

My father rubbed his forehead. "I am getting way to old for this. He is probably just hungry or something."

"No, he is not. I checked it the same way how I talked to you a moment ago. But apart from basic feelings like that, everything is just a blur to me. I can hardly even tell what emotion he is feeling."

"Well, then maybe it is just scared. His mother did just die, his father abandoned him and no offence, but a gigantic blood red demon is holding him right now."

I looked at the child and wondered if there was a chance that he might break his vocal cords like this.

"You think he knows what is going on?"

My father nodded. "Yes. When you were just a baby, you were scared of thunder. So, I would not be surprised if this kid is indeed scared of you."

"Then, what can I do about that?"

"Maybe slowly let him get used to you? What was that girl's name again? Leonor? Maybe she can help."

I sighed. "Fine, I will ask her for help."

I carefully stood up. Now that I actually thought about it, it might not have been the best idea to fly with a baby. So, I just walked back.

When I had taken only a few steps I heard my father behind me. "Don't forget to give the child a name. Believe me, it will make things a lot easier later."

I smiled. "If Leonor is going to help. Then it is only fair if she has some say in what the name is going to be."

I only realised to late that showing of my fangs was terrifying for the kid and swiftly continued to walk.

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