
Just Chillin for a Month and more phenixes

After killing riser, he teleported back home. He was actually really satisfied that he had killed riser because he just hated him... like seriously was there anything to like? No there wasn't.

Orion: "Ok I'm back."

Kalawarner: "Well that was quick, how did it go?"

Orion: "How did you think it went?"

Kalawarner: "I know you won, but I need a little more detail."

Orion: "Long story short, I killed the flaming turkey."

Kalawarner: "So how did the devils take the news that you were the son of lucifer?"

Orion: "I don't know, I teleported out as the match was finished."

Raynare, Asia and Mittelt soon walked in. They had heard a small part of the conversation.

Raynare: "Hey orion, I see that you won your match without any problems."

Orion: "Was there ever any doubt?"

Raynare: "Well no, but I didn't think you would be done so quickly."

Orion: "There are literally a handful of being that can hurt me at full power, and they are all way above satan class so fried chicken and his little gang couldn't even dream of hurting me."

Asia: "I'm so happy that you're not hurt."

Mittelt: "Well I have to admit that you're strong..... don't think I like you or anything now."

Seriously what is wrong with girl.... Tsundere's are so confusing sometimes.

Orion: "Well I'm off to bed. I'm not tired but I just really wanna just chill out, Later girls."

Orion went up into his room and just took a seat on his bed to lay down. He thought about his decision to reveal his identity and decided he didn't care. No one couldn't force him to do shit so he didn't have to worry. Just as he was about to lay down, a red teleportation circle appeared in his room. Rias then stepped out of the magic circle looking a little nervous, however she had a smile on her face.

Orion: "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me? What now?"

Rias: "You left before I got a chance to thank you."

Orion: "Yea I don't want any of those old farts sprouting bullshit about me now that I revealed my bloodline."

Rias: "Why did you do it tho? Didn't you want to keep your existence a secret?"

Orion: "I did, but I don't see a reason to anymore... times are changing so might as well change too."

Rias: "Well I guess that makes sense. I wanted to thank you for saving me."

Orion: "Then thank me and leave."

Rias began taking off her clothes..... hold up what the actual fuck????

Orion: "Whoa!!! whoa!!! whoa!!! what the hell are you doing?"

Rias: "I've been thinking about it for a while and I decided that I want to give my virginity to you."

What???? How the hell did she even come to a conclusion that I even like her? And people tell me that girls aren't confusing.

Orion: "Ok firstly... why would you even think that I even like you?"

Rias: "I thought about what you said to me and you were right, I should have just asked you to join my peerage and not allow those fallen angels to attack you. Also when you said my peerage and I were weak because we didn't train you were right so I've asked Grayfia to train me and Akeno while Big Brother's peerage trains my other peerage members."

Orion: "Ok but that didn't answer my question."

Rias: "I know you don't like me much but please hear me out. I want to start over, just please give me a chance."

Orion: "I will give you a chance because I believe that everyone deserves a second chance but why the hell would you just come into my room thinking that I would take your virginity?"

Rias: "Well I would give it to you because you saved me from a life of torment so I wanted to give you something that no one could ever take from me."

This girl was fucked up..... this entire universe was fucked up. First girls sneak into his room to cuddle and grind on him just because they couldn't sleep and now this girl offers him her virginity just because he saved her?..... How the fuck was Issei still a virgin when he had shit like this being thrown at him literally everyday??? Fucking worthless.

Orion: "Ok that's not how it goes... you don't just give someone you're virginity because they saved you.... and secondly can you please leave, I want to lie down."

Rias: "Can I stay in your bed with you?"

Orion: "Rias go home and leave me alone. You said thank you so leave."

Rias: "But I didn't get to...."

Before she could finish her sentence, Orion forcefully teleported her out. He didn't want to deal with any of that. He could forgive her bitchy attitude but that would take some time. Right now he just wanted to lay down... he had enough shit to deal with.

Orion: Mia I haven't seen my stats in a while... show me my stats."

[Host status]

Name: Orion

Age: 17

Race: Dragon God/Ancient Devil (Royal Demon,Vampire,Sayian ALL SEALED)

Bloodlines:, Dragon God (Great Red) Ancient Devil (Ancient Sayian, Legendary Super Sayian, Elite Sayian, Indra Otsutsuki, Lightning Dragon Slayer, Royal Demon, Ashura Otsutsuki. ALL SEALED)

Class: God Class

Lifespan: Infinite

Body State: Healthy

System Points: Incalculable

[ Ki Techniques]


[ Chakra Techniques]


[ Transformations]


Dragon God : Humanoid Dragon (50x), Dragon God Form (200x), True Dragon God Form (500x) [X2 due to True God Essence]

Lightning Dragon Slayer: ALL SEALED

Royal Demon: ALL SEALED

[ Magic Techniques]

Concept of the Dreams and Illusion

Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic : ALL SEALED

Ancient Devil Magic : Primordial Power of Darkness, Primordial power of Dark Light (Due to Lucifer bloodline), The Powers of All 72 Pillars of the Underworld.(DXD)

Vampire Magic : ALL SEALED

Divine and Devil Magic: The Lost powers of the Dead God and the 4 Devil Kings

Normal Magic: Reflect

[Sacred Gears]

Artificial Sacred Gear: Golden Spear of Fafnir, Sword Birth, Twilight Healing, Blade Blacksmith, Incinerate Anthem, Sacred Gear Extractor, Boosted Gear

[Devil Fruits]


System Bloodlines and Powers: (ALL SEALED), Killua's Godspeed, Quirk: Overhaul, Uzumaki Adamantine Sealing Chains, Kagune: Rinkaku, Poison Resistance to the Blood of Samael


Noble Phantasms: ALL SEALED


Orion: "Still fucking sealed... I can't wait to kill the trihexa for making me go through this shit."

For half a month orion was just chilling and enjoying his time training. At school however Rias was always trying to be near him, earning him the nick name 'Goddess Slayer' by the retarded boys because he had slayed their goddess or some shit like that. She had started training with Grayfia as she said but she still had years of catching up to do. He didn't find her as annoying as before but she was still a bit annoying with her constant trying to talk to me.

Right now Orion was on his way home from school. He wanted to go home and continue training the girls. He had started training all 3 fallen angels and asia. He didn't want to be saving them from everything so he was teaching them so that they could be strong enough to defend themselves. So he had arrived home and opened the door to see 3 extra guests in his house. These three were Sirzechs, Ravel and a milfy version of ravel.

Orion: "Why are you in my house?"

Sirzechs: "Lady Phenix said she had something really important to discuss with you so I will be off now."

He disappeared into a red magic circle, leaving him alone with both phenixes.

Orion: "So what did you wanna talk about?"

Lady Phenix: "My name is Rika Phenix, Lord Lucifer, I wish to talk to you about my son's peerage."

Orion: "Orion is just fine.... and what happened to riser's peerage?..... and aren't you angry about me killing your son?"

Rika: "Well I am sad that he's now dead but it's his fault for aggravating beings stronger than he is. Also I kept telling him to stop being cocky and relying on his bloodline."

Orion: "Yea so what's wrong with riser's peerage?"

Rika: "Well there is an old rating game rule which states that when a king dies during a rating game, his peerage must be passed on to the one who killed him."

NOOOO GOD!!!! NO GOD PLEASE NO!!!!!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Orion: "....."

Rika: "So I brought my daughter Ravel with me to talk to you about the terms."

Ravel: "H-Hello Lord Lucifer, the other peerage members have discussed it already and have decided that they want to live with you and get to know their new master better."

Orion: "...."

Ravel: "L-Lord Lucifer?"

Rika: "Lord Orion are you ok?"

Orion: "Can I give you both a response at a later date? Right now I'm kinda busy."

Rika: "No problem Lord Orion, come on ravel."

Ravel: "G-Goodbye Lord Lucifer."

They both disappeared in a magic circle leaving orion standing there with a headache that could kill.

Orion: "Why is this happening to me?..... is God telling me that going to a harem universe and messing with it a bad idea?........NAH!!!!!!"

He walked upstairs to see all the girls huddled in his bed.

Orion: "Ummm guys what you doing in my bed?"

Raynare: "The Crimson Satan came and asked for you. I just told him to wait for you while we stayed up here. I was not about to be in the same room with one of the rumored super devils."

Orion: "But I'm a super devil as a well. Hell I even surpassed it."

Kalawarner: "But you're different."

Orion: "Ok if you say so. They are all gone so you guys can leave now."

Asia: "O-Orion can I stay here with you tonight?"

Mittelt: "I-If Asia is staying then I-I'll stay as well....But I'm only doing it to make sure you don't do anything to Asia."

Orion: "Asia why do you wanna stay with me?"

Asia: "W-Well whenever I'm with you I feel all warm and I feel so safe. And plus big sisters Ray and Kala said that sleeping with you felt really good."

Orion: "Oh really, they said that huh?"

Orion looked over to both Raynare and Kalawarner who were avoiding his eyes like a plague.

Orion: "Ok Asia, you can sleep with me."

Asia: "Really? YES!!!!"

She then ran and hugged him but when she realized what she was doing she stopped hugging him while blushing. Orion chuckled when he saw her blushing.

Orion: "I've just realized that I've never cooked for you, would you like me to cook for you guys?"

Raynare: "You cook? I want to taste it."

Kalawarner: "Me too."

Asia: "I do as well."

Mittelt: "I don't mind but make sure that it doesn't taste bad."

Orion went to the kitchen and started cooking and surprisingly the girls started helping him by cutting up some vegetables and doing some simple stuff.

Soon the food was ready and they all sat down and started eating. Surprisingly he still had his food skills that he bought to cook for Beerus. He kept it due to it not being a fighting skill so the food he cooked was amazing.

Raynare: "Oh my God this is so good!!!!"

Kalawarner: "I agree this is amazing."

Asia: "I've never eaten something so good before."

Mittelt: "I have to admit it that it's really good."

While they were eating he was thinking a bit into the future. The Excalibur Arc was coming up and that mean kokoballs was gonna make his appearance. Also there was Xenovia who was kinda a bitch before she joined rias' peerage. This next arc would probably be the best arc for Orion since he really wanted to fight kokoballs. The truth about god being dead would be revealed and he wanted them all to hear it as it would open their eyes to the truth of the world and the peace meeting would also happen. He would capture Katerea Leviathan because honestly she was one of the sexiest villains and he thinks he can turn her good by revealing that he is the son of lucifer and he can also find Ingvild Leviathan and reunite them.

(I'm so sorry for the super late update guys. Work has been pegging me in the ass and I have been really busy. I promise to update alot more often. Also I'm working on a novel. Please check it out. It's name is 'A Dragon's System of Evolution'. Thanks for all the comments of encouragement, I really appreciate it.)

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