
Dexter the Personal Trainer Ch. 02


I was fifteen minutes late, but I wasn't stressed about it. My client was my Aunty, so it didn't really matter that I wasn't on time.

"Dexter, nice to see you."

My Uncle had opened the door, and as usual he had greeted me as if I was his best friend. Then he hugged me. That was too much, I could hardly breathe. When he eventually released me, I stepped back to a safe distance, because there was a good chance he would do it again.

"Your Aunty is waiting for you in the back bedroom," he then paused before adding, "Be gentle with her, she is no spring chicken."

I nodded solemnly, and then he laughed. It was his big booming one that could wake the dead. He was still laughing as I went up the stairs.

"Hi Dexter, thanks for coming," then she glanced at the clock on the wall to make the point that I was late.

I muttered a quick, "Sorry," and she smiled. I was OK, she was just teasing me.

Last week my Aunty had asked me about the equipment she needed to buy. I had told her that she didn't need much. After a brief discussion, we settled on an exercise bike, and some mats. Anything else she could get later on. However, she had ignored my advice.

"What do you think?"

I looked at all the stuff in the room, there was more than I had in my Gym.

"Did you buy everything in the shop?"

She looked offended, but then she smiled, before saying, "I think I did."

I shook my head. I just hoped that exercising wasn't going to be a fad for her. In a few weeks she might pack it in, and she would then have all this expensive equipment sitting there doing nothing.

I wanted her to start with some push-ups, but she refused.

"I will do anything, but I won't do that."

That got Meat Loaf singing in my head, and I was now doing my best to ignore it. I liked to be in control, but making her do things she was adamant about not doing, wasn't a good idea.

"What about the bike, are you OK with that?"

She nodded enthusiastically, then she got on it. I watched her as she cycled. I would have liked her to be a bit quicker, but it wasn't too bad for a first time.

As she exercised, I thought about her. Aunty Margaret was three years older than her Sister. She was the sensible one. From what I have been told, Mother was a bit wild when she was a teenager, dating lots of inappropriate men, but Aunty married her first boyfriend, and they were still together.

She was still going strong after ten minutes. Her face was now red, and there was sweat on her top. When Mother had started, she had worn a tight T-shirt, and a short skirt. However, Aunty had gone the other way, preferring to be covered up. Her top was baggy, and she was wearing leggings.

"Can I stop?"

I looked at my watch.

"Yes, but only after you have done another minute."

She groaned, but she didn't stop. When she had finished, she remained seated for a while, slumped over and breathing heavily.

"I am so out of shape."

"You are a lot better than most people when they start."

That got a big smile from her, and she then sat upright, thrusting her chest out. Her top was baggy, but it couldn't completely hide her magnificent tits. As I wondered how big her nipples were, my cock started to grow. Mother's were impressive, but my Aunty's were supposed to be even better. It took me five minutes to get my cock back under control.

After forty minutes we called it a day.

"Thanks Dexter, I'm going to have a shower."

"OK, let me know when you want another session."

She just nodded, then she left the room. Half an hour later I was on my way to see Arthur, my last client of the day. He was an old guy, late fifties, and he was now a regular. When I got there he was wearing new gear.

"What do you think?"

I looked him over.

"Very nice."

His trainers were top of the range, even more expensive than mine, and his top was the ultimate in sportswear.

An hour later we were done.

"Thanks Dexter, you really pushed me today."

My face was serious, as I said, "Thanks," but it burst into a smile when I was outside. During our session we had spent more time sitting together talking, than exercising. However, I didn't mind. If he was happy with what we had done, then I was as well.

I was home first, then shortly after Mother arrived.

"We will eat when Becky gets in."

"No problem, but what are we having?"

"It's a surprise."

I looked at her, wondering why she was being mysterious, then she burst out laughing, before saying, "Leftovers."

I groaned, but really I didn't mind. It had been good yesterday, so it would still be good today. However, my Sister would not think that.

"Becky will not be happy."

After shaking her head, Mother said, "She is never happy."

I laughed at that, but then I started to think about it. Mother was right. When was the last time my Sister was in a good mood?

"I know we are joking about it, but what is wrong with Becky?"

Mother stopped what she was doing, and I could see that she was thinking about it.

"It started when she split up with William. When she gets another boyfriend she will be OK again."

What Mother had said made sense. My Sister wasn't getting any, and that was making her grumpy. I then shuddered as I imagined her being fucked. That was enough to put you off sex forever. I now had to get that image out of my mind. I did that by concentrating on Aunty's big tits. That worked, but it also got me excited. I desperately wanted to get my hands on them. Then I looked over at Mother. We could go to the Gym.

"Would you like another session with your own Personal Trainer?"

She was at the sink, with her back to me. Looking over her shoulder, she said, "Not now. Perhaps later on."

That would be too late, we needed to do it before my Sister got back. I moved behind her and put my hands out, cupping her breasts. She brushed them away, but only after I had managed to squeeze them. When I tried again, she turned around to face me.

After placing her hands on her hips, she stared at me, and then said, "No. We don't have time for this."

I quickly put my hand up her skirt. I must have taken her by surprise, because I managed to rub my fingers against her cunt before she spoke again.

"We really don't have time for this."

Then she sighed, and I knew I had got her. She was right though, we didn't have time, so this was going to have to be quick.

"Lean over the table."

She opened her mouth, and I thought she was going to protest, but then she closed it without saying anything. All resistance had gone, and she was now doing what I had asked.

As quickly as I could, I got her knickers off, and then I spread her legs. Her top half was now flat on the table, with her bottom at a nice height for me to fuck her. When I pushed into her I grunted, and she moaned.

"Fuck me hard with your big cock. I need to come."

I smiled as I gave her long strokes. In just a matter of minutes she had gone from, 'No' to 'Fuck me hard'. Very soon she would climax, and hopefully I would as well.

"How was my Sister?"

That took me by surprise, and I almost stopped.

She then giggled, before saying, "Did she tease you with those big tits of hers?"

I answered her with a quick, "No," and for some reason that made Mother laugh.

"They are a waste on her. If I had them, I would be able to get all the cock I wanted."

I had seven inches of very thick meat up her, wasn't that enough?

"She has never been fucked from behind, she thinks it's dirty," then she moaned as I went deep into her, before adding, "It is, that's why I like it."

She started to laugh again, but it quickly turned into a loud groan as I fucked her hard. I don't know what had prompted her to talk about her Sister, but I was glad she had, because both of us were now highly excited. As I continued thrusting into her, I tried to imagine what it would be like fucking my Aunty. Of course it would now have to be from behind, with her begging me to make her come.

"I'm nearly there."

I was as well. Two hard strokes took her over the edge, then another three gave me the climax I needed. As soon as I had finished, I pulled out of her. As I pushed my now limp cock back into my trousers, I looked at her, expecting her to move, but she was still bent over the table with her bottom sticking up. I felt a stirring in my trousers, if we had more time I think I would have tried to fuck her again.

"Becky will be back soon."

She mumbled something, but she stayed where she was. Then I heard a noise. It was the front door opening.

I hissed, "She's here."

I thought she wasn't going to respond, but then thankfully she did. When my Sister entered the kitchen, we were both seated at the table. There hadn't been time for her to get her knickers on, so I had stuffed them into my pocket.

"Hi, something smells good."

Mother smiled at her, and then said, "Leftovers."

I was expecting her to complain, but instead she just said, "OK," before leaving the kitchen to go to her bedroom.

As soon as she was out of earshot, I sniffed the air in an exaggerated fashion, and then I said, "Something smells good."

That made her giggle, and then, when she had stopped, she looked at me and whispered, "Yes, my pussy."

That got both of us laughing. Mother was right, the only thing I could smell was sex.

An hour after eating, we did go to the Gym. Fifteen minutes into the session I made a half-hearted attempt to fondle her tits, but she brushed my hands away. I was more relieved than disappointed. I wasn't in the mood, but I felt that I should at least try. When we had finished, she was red faced, and very sweaty. She still had a long way to go, but she was already a lot fitter than she had been before I became her Personal Trainer.

The next day I had a lie-in. My first client wasn't until ten, so there was no need to get up early. By the time I went down for breakfast both my Mother and Sister had left for work. As I ate, I thought about Aunty. We hadn't arranged another session yet, so I made a mental note to call her later on. A minute later I laughed out loud. My phone was ringing, and it was her.

"Is that Dexter the Personal Trainer?"

"Yes, and is that my favourite Aunty?"

That made her laugh. I only had one Aunty, but if I had more she would still be my favourite.

"I am now ready to be tortured again. Is tomorrow OK?"

It wasn't. I was fully booked. However, I didn't want to disappoint her.

"Yes, but it will have to be in the evening. Is seven too late?"

"No. Ted is out until eight so seven is OK. Would you like to eat with us afterwards?"

I quickly said, "Yes."

Aunty was a good cook, and it would be nice to spend some time with my Uncle. He was always good company.

"See you Wednesday, and don't be late."

Wednesday had been fully booked, but two clients cancelled at short notice. I was now free at five, but I kept to the original plan of seeing Aunty at seven. However, I did get there fifteen minutes early. When she opened the door to me, I was surprised to see that she was ready to start, but I was more surprised by what she was wearing. The baggy T-shirt had gone, she was just in a sports bra, and the leggings had been replaced by a skirt. She must have seen me looking at her, because she then explained her change of clothing.

"I've been talking to your Mother, she suggested that I would be more comfortable in just a bra and skirt."

When we got to the bedroom, I wanted her to start with the step machine.

"OK, but I want to do some stretching first. Your Mother says she always starts with that."

I was tempted to remind her that I was in charge, but I managed to bite my tongue. After the second arm stretch, I noticed her nipple, and as I stared at it, it seemed to get even bigger. I had to look away. By the time I had finished with her other arm, I was back in control, and my cock was limp again. It was now time to give her hamstrings a good work out. The first stretch took her leg high, and the second one took it even higher. As I held it, I realised that if I moved my head slightly, I would be able to look up her skirt. I resisted, but when she moved her other leg outwards, it was too good an opportunity to miss. I was expecting her to be wearing loose knickers. However, what she had on were small, and they were stretched tight against her, straining to keep her plump cunt from bursting out. I was mesmerised, and my cock was responding to the glorious view that I had, by trying to rip a hole in my shorts.


I quickly let go of her leg. When I looked at her face I could tell she was angry with me.

"What would your Mother say if I told her you were looking up my skirt?"

I muttered, "Sorry," then I hung my head in shame.

"Men, all you think about is pussy."

That shocked me. Her using that word was an indication of how angry she was. I was in deep shit.

"I am going to do some steps. And you had better behave yourself."

I nodded, then I gave her a weak smile, but I got nothing back. For the next fifteen minutes, while she was on the step machine, there was silence. However, that angry expression had now gone, and I was praying that my indiscretion would be forgotten.

"What do you want me to do now?"

"How about some weights?"

She hadn't done that before, but it was the first thing that had come into my head. She did less than ten minutes, and with just a few pounds on the bar. I had to stand over her, to help if she got into trouble. That was the easy part, not looking at her big tits while she pressed the weights, was far more difficult, but somehow I managed it. We ended the session with her cycling.

"Thanks Dexter, that was good."

I wondered if I should apologise again, but before I could decide, she came over and hugged me. That wasn't a good idea. Despite my best efforts, my cock was expanding at a rapid rate.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you. It's no big deal. I have my knickers on, so you didn't really see anything." then she laughed. I joined in, relieved that she was playing it down. However, as she continued to hold me, my cock seemed to get even bigger.

"Oh, I had better let you go."

When she released me, I quickly stepped back. She must have noticed my cock poking her, but thankfully she hadn't shouted at me. Then, without any warning, she put her hand on the front of my shorts.

"You are like your Uncle. When we first met, all I needed to do was touch him, and it made him hard," then she laughed.

I just stood there, not knowing what to say. It felt good having her hand touch my cock, and it then got even better as she started to feel it through my shorts.

"Dexter, you are a big boy," then she actually licked her lips, before saying, "A very big boy."

Her hand was now still, and there was a strange look on her face. It was a mixture of desire and apprehension. I decided to take the initiative. I brushed her hand aside, and then I quickly pulled my shorts and underwear down. She gasped when she saw it sticking out, fully erect.

"Feel how thick it is."

She grasped it, then said, "I can't get my hand around it."

"Stroke it."

She nodded, then she started to masturbate me, slowly at first, but then quicker as she got used to my cock. I reached for her tits, but she moved back. I waited a while, then I tried again, and this time she let me play with them. I went straight for her nipples, pulling and pinching them as best I could through her bra. She was now moaning almost continuously. I wanted to suck on them.

"Take your bra off."

That got a quick shake of the head from her.

"Please, I need your big nipples in my mouth."

Her hand slowed, as she thought about it, then it stopped. As she reached behind with both hands to unhook her bra, I just stared at her tits, mouth open ready to suck on them.

Sometimes, the anticipation is better than the actual event. For example, you get excited about a holiday, and then when it happens, it doesn't live up to the expectation. In rare cases it's better than you expect. That's what my Aunty's tits were like. They were a lot firmer than I thought they would be, and her nipples weren't just big, they were huge. Long and thick, and begging to be sucked.

I was now sucking on her as if my life depended on it, and she was stroking my cock at a furious pace. As I switched nipples, I felt the sap rising. I wanted this to last, but really I only had seconds before I was going to explode. I think I managed another ten, then I spurted into the air. When I had finished, I looked at Aunty's face, but she averted her eyes. Nothing was said, until we were ready to leave the bedroom.

"I think that got out of hand."

I smiled at her, before saying, "Yes Aunty."

It certainly had, and I was hoping that it would get out of hand again next time.

After we had showered, Aunty got the meal ready while I sat at the kitchen table talking to her. There was no mention of what had happened. Uncle Ted was late, but we waited for him to get back before eating.

"So what did you two do in the bedroom?"

I almost choked on my food, but Aunty took it in her stride.

"Cycling, steps, and some weights."

He shook his head before saying, "It's not for me. Sounds like hard work, but did you enjoy it?"

"Yes I did," then looking at me, she said, "Did you enjoy it Dexter?"

I shrugged my shoulders, and then I casually said, "It was OK."

I got a big smile back from her, because she knew that what I had said was for my Uncle's benefit, and that really it had been way better than just OK.

For the next two days I only had a few clients booked, which was just as well because I was ill and couldn't work. Nothing serious, just sickness and diarrhoea. Mother was sympathetic, but Becky was more concerned about catching it rather than my well-being. On Saturday morning I felt a lot better, and by the evening I was almost back to my best. That night in bed I even managed to knock one out. I made it last twenty minutes, and during all of that time I was thinking about Aunty, and her amazing nipples.

I had an early start Monday morning, seven fifteen. I would have preferred it to be later, but I was told it would have to be then, or not at all. It was a husband and wife, and both of them worked. Early morning was the only time they were both free together. They were new clients, so I spent the first few minutes finding out what they wanted from me. George looked to be about thirty, but Mildred was at least fifteen years older than him. However, it terms of fitness, they were on an equal footing. They wanted the exercise to be hard, but not too hard. I started them off slowly, but by the end of the session they were going strong. When I left I had two satisfied clients.

Next up was Julie. When she opened the door I was half expecting her to be naked, as she had been last time, but she was fully clothed. I got a quick peck on the cheek, then I followed her into the house. When we got to the Gym I started to open the door, but she turned to me and smiled.

"We are outside today."

She then pointed to a door at the end of the corridor. When we got to it, she opened it for me, then said, "Go outside and wait. I am going to get changed."

A lot of the equipment from the Gym was here, in her garden. I would never have thought of doing this, but it was a good idea. The weather was hot, and it would feel nice to have the sun on us while we exercised. Five minutes later Julie joined me.

"What do you think?"

"About being outside, or what you are wearing?"

She laughed, then said, "Both."

"It's a good idea, the weather is perfect for being outside."

She looked pleased.

"And my costume?"

"It's ideal," then I paused, before saying, "For a nineteen year old cheerleader."

She then laughed again, for so long, that I thought she was never going to stop.

"Good, that's just the look I was after."

She was showing a lot of midriff, and the skirt was almost non-existent. It was more suited to a slutty teenager rather than somebody of Julie's age, but despite that, she looked good. Good enough to eat.

For twenty five minutes I worked her hard. I even made her do the push-ups that she hated. Then just watching her got too much for me, I needed to fuck her.

"I want to go inside?"

"Inside the house, or inside me?"


She shook her head.

"If you want my pussy it has to be in the garden."

I looked around. We would probably get away with it, but we could be seen if somebody was in the bedroom of one of the other houses. I then looked at Julie, big tits jutting out, and a short skirt that was only just covering her knickers. I was desperate to fuck her, so I was going to have to give in.

We started by kissing, then she pulled away so that she could take her bra off. When it was off I looked at her tits. Aunty's were only slightly bigger, but they were a lot firmer, and she also had by far the better nipples. However, I wasn't disappointed. Julie might be past her prime, but these were still tits that would make a schoolboy go crazy, and they were doing the same to me.

"Suck them."

She was now in control.

"Play with the other one."

I wanted her cunt, but I knew that I needed to wait. When she was worked up enough, she would tell me to do more. For the next five minutes I kept switching nipples.

"You do know that I have a pussy that is waiting to be fingered?"

I couldn't help smiling. That is what I had been waiting for. As quickly as I could, my hand was between her legs. I didn't try taking her knickers off, instead I just pushed two fingers in from the side. It was a tight fit getting them into her knickers, but then her big cunt sucked them in. I loved it. It was third on my all-time list. My Mother's was currently number one, and the second position was reserved for my Aunty's, if I was ever lucky enough to get to play with it.

"I need another finger."

There was no way I could do that with her knickers on. Then I had an idea. With my other hand, I pulled them down at the back, then I gave her that extra finger, but into her bottom. That made her gasp.

"Fuck, you should have told me you were going to do that."

I muttered, "Sorry," then I said, "Do you want me to take it out?"

"No, fuck me with it."

I was now fucking both her holes with my fingers.

"I can't take much more of this. You need to fuck me with your big cock."

Her knickers now had to come off, and they did, in record time. When they were off I was expecting her to bend over, but instead she lay on her back and then pulled her legs up high. I was now ready to enter her, but I hesitated. Both openings were visible, and both looked equally inviting.

"Put it in my pussy."

She had made the decision, so that's what I did. As it went in she grunted.

"I love your big cock. Now fuck me until I scream like a bitch."

That is exactly what I was planning to do. After several minutes of long hard strokes, she was breathing heavily. It wouldn't be long before she climaxed. I was well on the way to mine, so with a bit of luck we would reach it together.

All was going well until I looked up. There was somebody at the bedroom window of the house opposite us. It looked to be a woman, standing to the side, so as not to be seen. I looked away, the best thing to do was to ignore her. A minute later I felt a stirring in my balls.

"Julie, I am ready to come. What about you?"

She groaned, then said, "Fuck me hard. I want Mrs. Henderson to see me come."

That almost put me off my stroke. So she had seen her neighbour watching, and she wanted to put on a show. I was now determined to do my best. We both only lasted a few more seconds. I reached it first, and as I finished flooding her cunt, she boiled over. It was big one for her. Eyes rolling, and head shaking. Mrs. Henderson must have been impressed.

My last client for the day was Hannah. I was excited about it, but I was also apprehensive. The fucking with Julie had been epic, and I wasn't sure that I could do the same again with Hannah. However, it wasn't a problem, because it didn't happen. An hour before the appointment her maid called. Hannah's husband was in hospital, so there would be no more lessons until he was better. I felt sorry for her, but there was nothing I could do to help. When she was ready, I would get a call to arrange the next session, but when that would be I had no idea.

Shortly after I got home, Aunty called.

"I know we said Wednesday, but is it possible to change it to tomorrow night?"

I couldn't think of a reason to say no, so I readily agreed. It was the same arrangement as before, exercise at seven, and then I would eat afterwards with them.

Tuesday was a bit of a boring day. Nothing exciting happened, and by the end of it I was getting tired of demonstrating the same exercises over and over again, to clients who weren't putting a lot of effort in. The only thing that kept me sane, was the fact that I was seeing Aunty later on. When I got to her place, I felt as if something special was going to happen, then I remembered what she had said at the end of the last session.

"I think that got out of hand."

That calmed me down. Tonight would just be about her exercising, and nothing else.

"Hi Aunty, are you ready to get hot and sweaty?"

She laughed, then said, "Yes, but not too hot, and not too sweaty."

We started with her doing some stretching. This time I didn't look up her skirt. I then tried to persuade her to do some push-ups, but she still wouldn't budge. Next was the exercise bike. For the first ten minutes she was doing well, then she slowed down, and she was now slouching over the handlebars.

"You need to sit up."

I put my hands around her waist, then I pulled her up. It worked, she was now more upright, but my hands had moved higher, cupping her big tits. I froze, expecting to be shouted at. However, she didn't say anything, and she didn't move my hands, she just continued cycling. I was in two minds about what to do, take my hands away or fondle her big tits?

"Men, you are all the same. You're not going to stop until you have had a good feel. Dexter, you have five minutes, then you have to stop. I want to exercise."

I would have liked longer, but I knew I could do a lot in the time she was giving me. I was quickly on her nipples, and very soon they were swollen. I was amazed that her bra could contain them. As I played with her, she kept up the pace. I was enjoying it, but very soon she would put a stop to it. I decided to be bold. I put my hands behind her back, and before she could protest, I had her bra off. Then, as she slowed down, I reached forward, both hands searching for her nipples.

"Dexter, you need to..."

She was probably going to say stop, but I had both her nipples under my control, and I was now in charge.

"Get off the bike."

She did, then I motioned to her to sit on the floor. As soon as she was sat down my mouth was on a nipple. I greedily sucked on it, then I switched to the other one.

"Let me lie down, it will be more comfortable."

I raised my head so that she could move. She was now flat on her back, and I was milking her again. This was good, but fingering her would be even better. My hand almost got to her cunt, before she clamped her legs tight.

"Dexter, Just my tits."

I sucked as hard as I could, then I stopped so that I could speak.

"Please, I won't go inside."

I got a, "No", but there had been a slight delay before she had answered me, so I might be able to persuade her.

"Your tits are huge, and your nipples are amazing. I bet what you have between your legs is special."

"Your Uncle says it is," then she giggled like a schoolgirl, before adding, "Why don't you see for yourself?"

She then opened her legs.

"But don't go inside. That's reserved for your Uncle."

As I frantically rubbed her through her knickers, I thought how lucky he was. This was a plump cunt, with large lips. She could probably take three fingers, and perhaps even four. Thinking about that nearly made me come in my shorts.

After spending some time exploring her opening, I was now searching for her clit. It was hidden within her chunky lips, but when I started rubbing it, I felt it get bigger and become more prominent.

"That's so good," then she gasped, before saying, "Take my knickers off. You can finger me properly, but don't put your cock in. That's reserved for your Uncle."

She was now without her knickers, and her legs were as wide open as they could be. Pushed deep up her were three of my fingers, and my thumb was working her clit. With all the skill I had learnt over the years, I was slowly, and expertly, taking her towards a climax. I was definitely going to give her one, but it was going to be with my cock rather than my fingers. I just needed to time it right, to get her worked up so that she wouldn't say no. Five minutes later she was ready. However, when I pulled my fingers out she clamped her legs together.

"NO. Just your fingers."

This time she sounded adamant, and I just knew that she was never going to give in. We had reached a line that she wasn't going to cross. She wasn't going to let me fuck her, but would she let me go down on her instead?

"What about my tongue?"

"Yes, but I want your fingers as well."

It only took a couple of minutes to finish her off. Three fingers up her, and sucking on her clit, proved to be a winning combination. When she came she was even more animated than my Mother, and it was a while before she recovered. I had to help her up, and she was unsteady on her feet.

I said, "I think that got out of hand."

That got a weak smile from her. I was OK with what we had done, but from the expression on her face, and her body language, it looked as if she might be regretting it. My throbbing cock was rapidly going limp, because I now knew that it wasn't going to get any attention from her. I was disappointed, but I was also worried. This might be the end of our special relationship.

When my Uncle got home, he was keen to find out how the Gym session had gone.

"It was good," then she glanced at me, before adding, "But Dexter made me do more than I really wanted to."

Thankfully he didn't ask what that was, but he did say, "Dexter is in charge. He is the professional. I think you should do whatever he wants you to do."

On the way home, I kept thinking about what my Uncle had said. I just hoped that Aunty would take his advice. He had meant the exercising, but I was thinking about being able to fuck her.

When I got home, I went straight to bed. I was soon stroking my cock, but my heart wasn't in it. I did continue until I climaxed, but it wasn't one of my best.

Next day I woke early, and I was in a better mood. My optimism was back. I now felt sure that Aunty would eventually give in. When I went downstairs for breakfast my Mother and Sister were already in the kitchen. I got a nice smile from Mother, but Becky just scowled at me.

"I am not happy with you."

I had no idea what I had done to upset her, but I knew she was going to tell me what it was.

"You are giving Mother and Aunty lessons, but I am getting nothing."

Mother said, "So you want him to be your Personal Trainer?"

She shook her head, before saying, "Hell will have to freeze over before that happens."

I looked at Mother, she was as confused as I was.

"I don't want to exercise with him," then she pointed at me to make it clear who she was referring to.

I put my hands up, as if I was surrendering, before saying, "What do you want then?"

"I don't know yet, but I want something from you."

Then she left the kitchen. I looked at Mother, and she was shaking her head. I wondered if she was thinking the same as me. Becky needs to get a new boyfriend, and it needs to be soon. We can't go on like this, with her being so moody. She is a lot nicer person when she is getting regular sex.

My first client of the day was George, the young man who had gone to seed. He was smartly dressed, but his clothes couldn't hide his fat flabby body. I worked him hard, too hard. We had to end the session early. I made a mental note to take it easy next time. He was keen to get fit, but it was going to have to be a long slow process. As they say, 'Rome was not built in a day'.

I ended the day with Jane, the young girl who was already very fit. I had been hired to take her to another level. I enjoyed the session, and we even did some flirting. When we had finished, I was tempted to ask her out, but thankfully I didn't, because as I was leaving her boyfriend arrived. He was taller than me, bigger than me, and way more handsome than me. There was no way she would ditch him so that she could be with me.

When I got home I was expecting Becky to have another go at me, but she didn't. In fact, she was almost sociable. Thank heavens for small miracles.

The next day I didn't have any clients until the afternoon, so I took the opportunity of having some extra time in bed. When I went downstairs I was surprised to discover that Mother was still at home.

"I thought you were working today?"

"I was supposed to be, but my boss asked me to work tomorrow instead."

"In that case can we go to the Gym?"

I was asking in hope, expecting her to say no, and it looked as if that would be her answer because she was taking her time replying. Then she surprised me.

"OK, but I only want to do half an hour."

Five minutes later we were in the Gym.

She started on the bike.

"Is this too fast?"

I just laughed. She was peddling as slowly as possible. She then quickly got up to the required pace.

"How are you and my Sister getting on?"


"Has she been teasing you with those big tits of hers?"


It came out louder than I had intended, and Mother was now staring at me. I kept my face straight, hoping she wasn't going to say anything else.

"What have you two been doing?"

I could hear the shock and amazement in her voice.

I muttered, "Nothing," but I knew she wasn't going to believe me. She then stopped cycling.

"Dexter, I think you need to tell me all about it."

I told her what had happened after Aunty had caught me looking up her skirt, and how the session had ended.

"I don't believe it, she had your cock in her hand," then she shook her head, before saying, "And she is supposed to be a goody two shoes."

When I started telling her about the last session, she got off the bike, and then came over to me.

"I want all the gory details. And while you are telling me, I want you to finger my pussy."

I waited until her knickers were off, and I had two fingers up her, before continuing. As I told her the story, she got more and more excited.

"You licked her pussy, and she climaxed."

It was as if she couldn't believe it.

"Yes, but I really wanted to fuck her, but she wouldn't let me."

"She's a cock tease. You should have just rammed it up her cunt."

"Next time I will, but now I'm going to ram it up yours."

"Yes, and I want it hard. Put your cock deep into my pussy."

She then bent over, touching her toes. That was a good position for stretching the leg muscles, but that wasn't why she was doing it. It was so that I could enter her from behind. I was quickly pushing into her, only stopping when my balls were flat against her. After only a couple of strokes, she was breathing heavily, and grunting every time I went in deep.

"Make me come."

That was my intention, but I needed to ease off a bit, otherwise she would climax and I would be left hanging. I managed to delay it for five minutes, then I realised that she had reached the point of no return. One brutal stroke took her over the edge, and another three that were even harder, gave me the orgasm that I needed. Mine was good, but hers was epic, better than all the other ones I had given her before.

"That was wonderful."

I puffed my chest out, proud that I had done such a good job.

"My Sister doesn't know what she is missing," then she laughed, and I joined in.

On Saturday morning I got a surprise, a nice one.

"I forgot to tell you, your Aunty is coming over later on. Uncle Ted is away for the night, so she is staying over. If you are a good boy I will persuade her to go to the Gym with you."

I was now grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"I thought you would like that."

Aunty arrived just after three in the afternoon. She gave my Mother a hug, and then I got one that lasted longer. We than sat in the living room, with the television on, but none of us were really watching it. There was a lot of conversation between them, but I didn't say much. I was waiting for Mother to mention the Gym. It was at least twenty minutes before that happened.

"Dexter says that you are doing well with the exercising. He is very pleased with you."

"I still have a long way to go."

"While you are here, why don't you try out our Gym?"

Aunty looked at me, and I nodded my approval.

"I might do," then she frowned, before adding, "But I didn't bring any of my Gym clothes."

Mother waved her hand, to signify that it wasn't a problem, before saying, "I will find you something."

An hour later I was in the Gym, waiting for Aunty. Almost ten minutes had passed, and I was still waiting. I thought she had changed her mind, but then she arrived.

"Sorry, it took a while to find something suitable to wear."

She had on a very tight T-shirt, and the skirt looked to be the one that Mother wore. I started her on the step machine. She had only just got going when she stopped.

"This top is uncomfortable."

She then tried taking it off, but it got stuck on her big tits. I came over and helped her.

"That's better."

It certainly was. Her bra was low cut, and she was showing a lot of cleavage. It must have been one of hers, because Mother's or Becky's would be too small for her. On impulse I reached for her tits. I managed to squeeze them before she stepped back.

"No, your Mother might come in.

"She will be too busy cooking."

I tried again. This time she stayed where she was.

"I don't think this is a good idea."

I then kissed her. There was resistance at first, but then she was kissing me back. As my tongue explored her mouth, I put my hands behind her back, and unhooked her bra. She didn't seem to notice, but she did when my fingers were on her nipples.

After pulling her mouth away, she said, "What if my Sister comes in?"

"She won't."

Then I bent my head so that I could suck on her thick nipple. That made her moan, and I could tell that whatever resistance she still had, was quickly evaporating.

I was now sucking her nipple, and pinching and pulling on the other one. Whenever I switched over, it was done seamlessly.

"Take my knickers off."

That surprised me, because it was her that was asking for more rather than me. Then I had a thought, and it sent a shudder down my spine. If she was this eager, then perhaps she would let me fuck her. My cock gained another inch.

As soon as they were off, I got her to lie on the floor. I then got back to sucking on her ripe nipple, while my hand made its way up her leg. She grunted when my fingers entered her. Three had gone in easily, so I added a fourth. I then fucked her with them.

"Lick my clit, I like that."

What woman doesn't like that? I would have preferred longer on her tits, but I wasn't complaining. Apart from fucking, there is nothing I like better than having my head between a woman's legs, licking and sucking on a swollen clit.


When I did what she had asked, I must have found her sweet spot, because she almost climaxed.

"Fuck, don't stop."

I had no intention of stopping, that is until she was ready to be fucked. A few minutes later, she seemed to be ready, so as quickly as I could, my fingers were out and my cock was at her opening.

When she felt it pushing against her, she said, "Yes."

I smiled, I was going to get to fuck her. What I needed to do was to get my cock into her before she changed her mind. However, I didn't just want to fuck her, I wanted to be the first to take her from behind. I was now running the head of my cock up and down her slit. I was teasing her.

"Dexter, put it in. I need to be fucked."

I could hear the pleading in her voice.

"No, I am going to fuck you like a dog."

It took her a second or two to understand what I meant, then she gasped, before saying, "NO."

"YES, if you want my big thick cock up your sweet cunt, then you need to bend over."

I was gambling, and I might lose. However, I had a feeling that she would give in. When she started to move, I knew I had won.

This time when my cock was at her opening, I didn't hesitate. I pushed it in as quickly as I could, and as deep in as I could. When it was fully in she gave an almighty groan.

"Fuck, your cock is too big for me. It's splitting me in two."

I didn't care, it wasn't coming out until I had reached it. She was going to be fucked hard, and hopefully she would enjoy it as much as I was going to.

It took several strokes before she was comfortable, then she was as eager as me to continue.

"Fuck me harder."

I was now pushing her cheeks apart, so that I could go in deeper.

"Stick your bottom higher up."

She did, and without any hesitation. This might be her first time in this position, but you would never know by just looking at her.

"I'm ready to come."

Good, I was near as well. Then I heard something, and I looked towards the door. It was now slightly open, and Mother was looking in. Thankfully, Aunty couldn't see her. I was now not just fucking my Aunty, I was putting on a show. We both climaxed within seconds of each other, and as I shot my load, I glanced over towards the door. I got a thumbs up from Mother for a job well done.

An hour and a half later, we were all together for our evening meal. Mother had prepared a feast.

"What's the special occasion?"

Mother looked towards her Sister, then she replied to Becky, "We have a guest."

"But it's just Aunty."

I would have taken offence at that, but Aunty just smiled.

"Mother says you have been in the Gym again."

I just nodded.

"It's not fair. I want you to give me lessons as well."

I calmly said, "So has hell frozen over?"

Mother laughed, but Becky didn't think it was funny. Aunty just looked confused, I would have to explain it to her later on.

"Do you really want me to be your Personal Trainer?"


I looked at her, and I could tell she was being serious. I mulled it over for several seconds, and then I said, "OK, but I'm in charge."

That got a big smile from her, the biggest I had seen from her in a long time. I still wasn't convinced that it was a good idea, but it might be fun. It would give me some sort of perverse pleasure to work her hard.

She then said, "So when do we start?"

"How about tomorrow, sometime in the afternoon?"

After some discussion, we settled on two o'clock.

That night in bed, I found it difficult to sleep. I kept thinking about my session in the Gym with Aunty, which was understandable, but I also kept thinking about Becky. For some reason I was excited about giving her a lesson tomorrow.

Was it possible that she would become a 'special' client? Then I laughed out loud, that was never going to happen!

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