
35 (2)

As Temari watched the council members walk towards her, the blonde haired girl thoughts turned back onto who her fiancé would be.

She figured that her fiancé would be someone close to her own age, since her Sensei had stated that the marriage would wait until both were of legal age.

The first possibility was the Uchiha Clan heir, Uchiha Sasuke, although Temari did find him attractive and had a sort of bad boy appeal to him. Not to mention his Clan helped found Konoha which would give him a lot of clout.

The problem though with Sasuke was that there was something off about the Uchiha heir. She had seen it when he fought Gaara

He was strong, there was no question about that, given how he was able to fight toe to toe with Gaara and defeated her with little trouble before that. But still there was some sort of darkness surrounding him, something that reminded her of Gaara, (before his sudden change), and it frightened her and made her want to stay away from him.

The second possibility was Hyuga Neji from the Hyuga Clan, who was seemingly the nephew of the Hyuga Clan head. Like Sasuke, Temari had to admit he wasn't bad looking and he was clearly strong given his fight with Senju Naruto and was from the esteemed Hyuga Clan. A Noble and powerful Clan, who were well-known and highly revered not only in Konoha, but in the rest of the Shinobi world. In terms of status in Konoha, the Hyuga Clan was second only to the Uchiha and Senju Clans.

But the thing that turned Temari off about Neji was his personality, which didn't really seem all that great. Not to mention his type of arrogance got old real fast.

The third possibility was her former opponent Nara Shikamaru, who defeated her in the Chunin finals, although technically she won the match. It was only because he forfeited the match, something that still annoyed her, since she didn't like to win that way.

The reason she thought he might be a candidate was because Shikamaru was the heir of the Nara Clan. Who were famed tacticians and used a unique brand of Ninjutsu and were highly respected in Konoha.

A fourth possibility was Inuzuka Kiba, son to the head of the Inuzuka Clan. The Inuzuka Clan was a well-respected Shinobi Clan. Who were regarded not only as excellent trackers, but also fierce fighters, especially when working in conjunction with their canine partners.

Temari remembered the boy mainly because of his fight with the Kumo jinchūriki Nii Yugito and how he was defeated by her in the preliminaries.

She of course hoped that Kiba wasn't the one she was engaged to, since Kiba was a loud mouth, which was something she didn't like in a guy.

The fifth possibility was Aburame Shino, heir to the Aburame Clan, a renowned Clan in the Shinobi world, who were said to be skilled in the art of espionage and were dangerous adversaries in battle.

A fact they proved when they lead Konoha to a crushing victory over Iwa when the rival village attempted to invade Konoha. They even dealt a devastating blow to the Kamizuru Clan, who founded Iwa and led the Iwa force in their invasion, where they lost many of their members and fell into decline.

Shino had also proven himself to be a capable Shinobi when he fought her brother to a draw, where both of them were left unable to continue fighting. But despite his skill and his high standing, Temari was serious hoping he wasn't her fiancé.

The reason being that she had heard the stories of how the Aburame Clan let bugs live inside them and she was grossed out by the mere idea of it.

The sixth possibility was Akimichi Choji heir to the Akimichi Clan head. Although not as revered as other Shinobi Clans, the Akimichi were a respected Clan from Konoha. Who were well known for their long standing relationship with both the Nara and the Yamanaka Clans, where they would form the famed Ino–Shika–Chō trios, making them into formable teams in battle. Other than that, Temari didn't really know much else about Choji, she had seen his battle with the Oto-nin Dosu and was far from impressed by him and how quickly he lost. She was also hoping he wasn't her fiancé, since she would prefer a guy who was a bit fitter or at least had a little less weight.

The seventh possibility was a person she didn't know, since there were still plenty of other Shinobi in Konoha who came from well-respected Shinobi Clans and families.

The eighth and final possibility, which was also her least favourite thought, was Senju Naruto, who she had fought and lost to in the Chunin exam finals.

Naruto definitely had the status and lineage since he was heir to the Senju Clan, who many regarded as the Strongest Shinobi Clan in the world during their time and were revered in Konoha.

His ancestors where the first two Hokages and were the main founders of the village and trained the Sandaime Hokage. Who in turn trained Naruto's mother Tsunade the Slug Princess, who was now to become the next Hokage, if the rumours she had heard were true. He was even being trained by his mother's team-mate Jiriaya the Toad Sage, who had trained the Yondaime Hokage and was regarded as the strongest of the Sannin.

When Temari thought about Naruto's lineage and who had trained him, she could easily understand why he was so strong. Yet even now she found it hard to believe that he had defeated her younger brother, who she had always believed was unstoppable. She was especially surprised at how he completely overpowered her brother.

Even when he released Shukaku, Naruto was still able to match him, move for move, where he summoned the trade mark summons of his mother Tsunade and Jiraiya, and used them to defeat the Shukaku.

Despite the fact that she found Naruto to be attractive, (physically wise), the main problem the Suna Kunoichi had with the spikey haired blonde was how he got right in her face and pissed her off. Especially with that annoying nickname he called her.

She was also angry over how easily Naruto had defeated her in the Chunin exam finals in front of everyone and had talked down to her, it was as if she wasn't even a challenge to him. But these were only some of the reasons why she didn't like the blonde boy which was why she was seriously hoping that he wasn't her would-be fiancé. Not to mention the fact that she didn't know how her brother would react to such news, since after the battle, Gaara had sworn vengeance on blonde haired Senju.

Yet before they left Konoha, Gaara seemed to be almost on friendly terms with her fellow blonde, as if they had reached some sort of understanding. But whenever asked by her or Kankuro, Gaara would refuse to answer.

Eventually, Temari was broken from her train of thought when she heard one of the council members speaking to her.

"Good afternoon Temari-san" spoke one of the senior council members as he faced the daughter of their late leader,

"Good afternoon honoured council members" Teamri replied respectfully.

"Since you are here, would we be correct in assuming that your Sensei Baki has finished explaining the matters of your engagement to you?" one of the female council members asked.

"Yes and with respect honoured council members, I would like to skip the pleasantries and get to the heart of the matter, which is to know the identity of the person I am supposed to be engaged to?" the young girl asked as she used the word engaged reluctantly.

"Of course my dear" replied Ebizō with a small smile. "The person we hope you will one day wed is Senju Naruto, heir to the Senju Clan and son of the soon to be Godaime Hokage, Senju Tsunade…"

When Temari heard this, it took every ounce of her willpower to not scream in frustration, "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK…FFFUUCCKK! Why out of all the people in Konoha did it have to be HIM! Hell even the Hyuga prick Neji or that lazy arse Nara would've been better than that smart mouth."

When Gaara and the others heard that Naruto was Temari's fiancé, both Gaara and his sensei raised their left eyebrows, while Kankuro had to fight hard not to laugh. He knew how much the blonde Konoha-nin pissed off his older sister and was already beginning to pity Naruto, knowing how his sister would probably make his life with her a living hell.

Either not noticing or ignoring Temari's displeasure of their choice, Ebizō continued to speak. "Ignoring the boy's lineage, we believe that Senju Naruto is the perfect candidate to be you fiancé, due to his great skill and abilities as well as his Bloodline limit Mokuton. The council also believes given how you are both the children of our villages respected leaders, it will help heal some of the wounds of previous events. Not to mention both of you are highly skilled Shinobi in your own right."

When Ebizō finished, Temari had to bite down hard on her own tongue, so to keep from yelling out.

She of course knew she shouldn't be surprise by the council's choice, since as Ebizō said; Naruto was now the son of the new Hokage and was the one who defeated Gaara in the recent failed invasion. He also had the Mokuton Bloodline limit of the Shodai Hokage, the most revered Bloodline limit in all of Konoha, which was said could challenge even the Uchiha Clan's Sharingan Bloodline limit.

This of course made him the ideal candidate; she was also betting that the council was hoping that if they did go through with this marriage. That one of their children would have Naruto's Bloodline limit and that the child may decide to go to live in Suna later on or at the very least they would have close ties with Suna.

Before Temari could comment on the news, the former Puppet Brigade Commander Chiyo spoke. "Also we thought you should know given that the boy is the last surviving male heir to his Clan with no other living relatives other than his mother, who is passed the child bearing age. Konoha has enacted the Clan Restoration Act on him."

"What law is that?" Temari asked, as she had never heard of such a law and guessed it was one privy to Konoha.

"It's a unique law that the boy's ancestor, the Shodai Hokage, created where in the event that a Clan with a unique Bloodline limit, that is vital to Konoha's defence, is on the verge of dying out with only one male heir remaining. The boy is required to either marry multiple times or impregnate multiple women so to secure the Bloodlines limits continuation."

"Wait! Are you saying that they're giving him a harem?!" Temari asked in outrage at the thought of her being part of it.

"To put it bluntly, yes" Chiyo answered simply.

"Lucky bastard" Kankuro thought, as Naruto was basically living every guy's wet dream.

"Although from what we've heard" Chiyo continued, "The boy and his mother are violently against the idea and tried refuse it. But were eventually forced to accept it, since the law requires that he either marries multiple women or he impregnates women of the council elders choosing through other means, once he is of age."

When Temari heard this, her angered and outrage lessened, although it didn't mean she had to like it. The only good thing about this whole situation was that once she and Naruto were of age they could cancel the whole marriage thing without incident."

Once the council members had finished, they bid good-day to Temari and left the chambers.

After the council members had left, Temari sat back down in frustration so to digest the whole situation.

Seeing his sister like this, Kankuro decided to get his younger brother's opinion on the matter, since he had kept quiet, (as usual), throughout the entire affair.

He was also curious of Gaara's opinion on the possibility that the Senju heir may one day become their brother-law.

"So Gaara, what's your take on all this?"

"I approve" Gaara replied in a dead tone.

"W-what!" Temari asked him in surprise as she had half expected her brother be furious at the suggestion.

"He's a good choice," Gaara said in the same dead tone.

"B-but...after what he did?" Temari asked him. She honestly didn't get this at all, of all of them, Gaara shouldn't even like the boy after he defeated him and she remembered Gaara swearing revenge against the blonde.

But after being released from Konoha, he had been a changed person, and for him to actually accept all this, didn't make any sense to her.

Not to mention that there was a chance he would marry not only her but multiple other girls.

"Gaara?" Kankuro asked the younger in confusion.

"He's a good person," Gaara simply said "As for the Clan Restoration Act, although I don't approve. I understand Senju-san situation and know he would not agree to such a ruling unless he had no other choice in the matter."

Once he had finished the red headed Genin took his book out again and began to walk away from his sensei and his siblings, leaving them just as confused as before. But before he could leave Kankuro suddenly spoke up.

"Gaara, I don't get it, I remember you saying you would kill the guy the next time you saw him. But when we left Konoha, you acted like you were friends, I thought you hated him?"

For a minute or two, Gaara did not respond to his elder brother's question and continued to read his book. But eventually he spoke without looking from it.

"I did at the beginning, but during my imprisonment in Konoha he came to visit me every day to talk."

"What did you talk about?" Baki asked with some concern, fearing that Gaara may have said something that would put their village in danger.

"We talked about many things; we talked about our pasts, our villages, what we had in common and what he did not have in common. We talk about what we liked and what we disliked, we spent hours just talking about anything that came to mind."

"And that's all you did, he didn't ask about any of our secrets or weakness?" the boy's sensei asked.

"No" Gaara replied in a dead tone, "He was not interested in anything like that, he said he only wanted to get to know me and to understand why I had so much hatred for others."

"That's all he did just talk to you about different stuff and why you acted the way you did?" asked Temari in disbelief.

"Yes, He opened my eyes and made me realise how foolish I was being, he showed me where true strength comes from. He even gave me this book as a gift to read, saying that it inspired him in many ways, I owe him a great debt" Gaara answered. As he did indeed feel that he owed Naruto greatly, not only for making him see that he did not need to be a monster. But also for being the first person to truly be willing to try and understand him and to just talk and listen to him as a person. He was even the first person to give him a gift and to say that he wanted to be his friend, something Gaara had always believed he could never have…until recently at least.

"Did you talk about anything else?" Baki asked.

"Yes, although what he told me was given in confidence and I will not betray his trust" Gaara replied, after which he excused himself from everyone and left the chambers to read his book in peace.

When Gaara left, his teacher and siblings were left even more bewildered than they were before, as they weren't sure how to make of all this. They simply couldn't believe that by just talking and listening to Gaara, Naruto had somehow helped Gaara regain his humanity.

As Baki and Kankuro digested all this, both of them couldn't help but wonder, just who the hell Senju Naruto was.

While at the same time, the blonde haired Kunoichi near them thought, "Maybe you aren't as bad I thought Senju..."


Well that it for another instalment for Hope of the Senju Clan, I hope you enjoyed it, especially now that you know the type of pairing is. Now before any of you ask, who will be in Naruto's harem, don't bother, since simply telling you will spoil the development of the story, so you'll just have to wait and see.

Now as for the next Chapter, that will have an interesting development, where Naruto will finally be made Chunin along with two other people, who you'll just have to guess, (where if you are right, I will tell you).

There will also be a little surprise for him from the Fire Daimyo and a new arrival, who will help Naruto come to terms with what happened after his battle with Itachi and knock a little sense into him.

Also given recent events in the Naruto story I have changed a few things in the previous Chapter and in Chapter three. Now nothing has really changed in the story and the plot remains the same, I just done some modifications

Just to note again, the summon polls has been closed now before anyone asks me which polls won, I will tell you now that will not be reveal which summons won until Chapter forty, which is why I will I tell everyone now, not to bother asking me, since I will not tell. The only thing I will give you that the summons will be slightly different from what people guess, but will still be of the same species that won the poll.

As always please read and review as I like to hear all your opinions on the Chapter or on the story in general. Please note that I will answer all your reviews since I believe that authors should reply to their reviewers. Also note that any suggestions for the story are welcome and will be listen to and I will tell you what I think of them.

Now in regards of my grammar and spelling mistakes, although they may be a problem for people, I'm afraid they cannot be helped and I'm doing the best I can with what I got.

Another thing to note is that flames are not welcome here, as I force no-one to read my stories and if you don't like them then don't read them. Also please note that all flames will be ignored, deleted or the flamers will be flamed back.

Author's Note:

(1) Although it is not confirmed, it's very possible, given how the Sandaime Tsuchikage and Kitsuchi's look alike and neither have the lava bloodline limit. This of course leads me to believe that Kurotsuchi received her Bloodline limit from her mother.

(2) This means that if Kankuro believed that Naruto was hurting Temari, he would kill Naruto and turn him into a Human puppet.


"Damn you Hashirama-jiji, I so hope that Mito-obaasan and Ise-obaasan kick your ass for this!" Naruto thought angrily.

-In the Afterlife-

Currently in the otherworld, one Senju Hashirama found himself hogtied to the ground, with his wrists and ankles tied behind his back and a ball gag covering his mouth.

Before the former Hokage could even begin to wonder how he ended up like this, a pair of black leather boots appeared in front of him.

When he looked up he saw that the boots belonged to his beloved wife Mito, who had her hair down and was wearing a rather revealing dominatrix-style outfit, made entirely out of leather.

The boots were long, and went all the way up to her thighs and were linked to a garter belt, which hung just above a pair of tight black tongs. She wore a pair of leather arm warmers on each arm, which travelled up past her elbows and carried long brown whip in one hand and a large black bag in the other.

Her top consisted of a black leather corset that was spilt open and held together by a small metal ring and some string, barely covering his wife's rather ample cleavage. The corset stopped short above her midriff and was held up by leather straps, which was linked to a choker around her neck. (Author's Note: Please go to my profile and onto the Hope of the Senju Clan section for a link to the picture of what this outfit looks like).

Now under most circumstances Hashirama would be rather turned on by his wife's current attire. But given the evil glint he saw in her eyes, any conjugal thoughts were almost immediately replaced with fear.

"Hello Hashirama-kun…" greeted a smiling Mito, as she looked down at her husband, who struggling against his binds and trying to speak through his gag. "Now I'm sure I don't have to explain to you why we are here like this, given what you did to poor Naruto-kun?"

Gulping audibly, Hashirama slowly shook his head and eyed the whip in his wife's hand with fear.

Seeing her husband eyeing the whip in her hand, a menacing grin slowly formed on Mito's face, "Oh don't worry, I'm not going to use this on you" said Mito as she held up the whip, causing Hashirama to sigh with relief, which quickly fell when she finished with "…that's for later."

"Right now, we're going to have a little fun with some toys that I brought with me" continued the domineering woman as she opened the bag up, revealing an assortment of dangerous look instruments.

Eyeing the instruments nervously, the founder of Konoha could only shudder as he imagined what his wife would do to him with her new "toys."

"Now, what do you say to starting things off with this?" asked Mito as she held up a pair of metal clips, causing her husband to shake his head furiously, as he already had several ideas as to where his wife planned to clip them onto.

"Hhhhmmm…you might be right, these simply wouldn't do" hummed the red haired woman, as she placed the clips back down, and heard her husband's muffled sighs of relief.

"I think instead, we'll start off with this!" said Mito as she took out a large yellow pineapple from her bag and showed it to Hashirama, who was now sweating profusely.

"Yes, I think this will do nicely…" said Mito as she smiled down at her now petrified husband, "And I'll give you a little clue as to where this goes…it is a place where the sun never shines."

No sooner had she said this, Mito saw her husband's eyes widen in horror, when he realized what she planned to do.

Seeing Hashirama struggle vainly against his binds, Mito smiled evilly at the former Hokage as he begged mercy, and moved around the man.

Hearing her husband's muffled screams of panic and pleas for mercy was of course music to Mito's ears, where once she was behind him, she ripped off his pants in one quick fluid motion.

After ripping of the Shodai's pants, Mito grinned evilly, "Don't worry Hashirama-kun… this will hurt you a "lot" more than it will hurt me," right before she rammed the fruit into her target, where the muffled cries of the Shodai Hokage could be heard throughout the void, along with his wife's manic laughter.

Chapitre suivant