

Genesis's POV

"Two cinnamon rolls and a yoghurt, please." I said to the cafeteria assistant.

"Sweetened or sugar-free?"

"Sweetened." I smiled guiltily at her. "I've got an...uncontrollable sweet tooth." I confessed, feeling the need to explain.

She smiled kindly, showing a set of neatly structured white teeth. "So do my son. I constantly have to caution him on the amount of chocolate he eats daily. Too much of everything is sickening. Diabetes is real, my dear and I've got not the money for its treatment."

"Oh, I'm sure it isn't that serious. He would surely outgrow it with time. How old is he?"

Her smile was bright. "He would be three in a week."

"Oh, that's wonderful." I beamed.

Then it dimmed.

"I want to get him a nice chocolate cake but my paycheck wouldn't be here till a month's time." She admitted sadly.

"I could help." Her brows furrowed at my supposed implication. "I mean I...I know how to bake really nice cakes?"

"I don't think that could work honey. I don't have the money to pay."

I reached out and closed my hands over hers. "That wouldn't be a problem Mrs. Havick. Infact, you shouldn't worry about the money. I would handle the cost. I've got some money stached up in my safe." I smiled to reassure her.

"Isn't it meant for something of your business?" She quizzed, eyebrows climbing her head.

"I've got no need for it now. Besides, I'm not going to use all of it."

Tears brimmed in her eyes. "You're such a sweet girl Genesis. May God bless the man that will be lucky enough to make you his wife. I hope he treats you well lest he loses a good woman."

"Water. Distilled."

The hairs on the nape of my neck bristled and my heart jolted on hearing his husky voice behind me and feeling his warm breath so close to my ears.

"Do you need a straw?" Mrs. Havick asked.

"Yeah. Thanks."

I craned my head to look at him and in that moment, our eyes connected. Two crooked lines appeared in the vacant space between his eyebrows. His lips parted and he stared at me with an odd expression. I smiled up at him and he looked away instantly.

"Didn't know you would be here." He started, darting his head left and right and everywhere else, obviously avoiding looking at me.

"I didn't know I will find you here either. I haven't spotted you in a long while." I tensed slightly when I felt his front brush against the small of my back.

"Yeah." He took the water from her and gave her his card. "Been working."

"Oh." I rocked the heels of my feet.

"Thank you." He gave Mrs. Havick a curt nod and turned to leave but then stopped and paused a beat then came back to me.

"I don't know...maybe you would..." He bopped a shoulder. "...prolly want to hang out?" He gulped. "Say tonight?"

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"Uh, I..." I searched for the right words to say. "I don't...I've got a research topic I need to complete tonight and submit first thing tomorrow morning."

He stared long at me and began to nod. Then he turned and left without another word.

"Be careful with that one there." I fidgetted. I had totally forgotten Mrs. Havick was still close by. "He's got some very deep issues you might be unable to handle."

I rushed out of the cafeteria and into my dorm with my mind running wild.


"How many more minutes to go?" Lana whined behind me while I tried in concentrating on why witchcraft and satanism existed and their correlation and impact.

"An hour more." I replied and turned the next page.

"Hey! You said five more minutes two seconds ago. Girl, I'm starving."

I rolled my eyes at her level of laziness. "You didn't eat at that...party of yours?"

"I was trying not to get drunk."

I cringed and stopped writing for a moment. "How does that make you...well, I still have to give you some credit though. No late night keeping today and..." I swivelled in my chair to face her. "...you didn't stumble in drunk out of your mind. What went wrong? You didn't find a good enough guy to take care of your needs?"

"Nope." She looked away. "None looked like my ex. Believe it or not Genesis, I'm trying to be a better person."

I smiled sweetly. "Oh, you are a good person Lana. Just really unbelievable at times. Like now. You know you could go get it yourself, right? I'm quite busy and would definitely need to eat after I'm done. This is heavy work."

"I'm exhausted." From the mirror reflection, I caught her lean back on the bed and stretch her limbs, making a tired groan. Still, I envied her in that moment. What I would give for some good body massage and a long rest in a queen sized bed after a warm bubbly bath in which the tub is surrounded with roses and petals and a glass of champagne in my hands. I sighed heavily and quitted daydreaming.

Back to reality, Genesis.

"So why did you two break up? What was it all about?"

She yawned and simply shared. "We had our own differences."

"How did you two meet?"

"Through Keegan." My stomach sank at the mention of his name but I ignored it.

"What is he like?"

I saw her smile through the mirror and slip into a smitten daze which made me realize how much she must have loved him.

"Hot." She chuckled. "Definitely hot. With lots of tattoos and piercings. Like the badboy type. Though he barely had any when we met for the first time. He used to be this thin and bony kid. How he buffed up is still a huge wonder to me but I guess that's it with guys when they hit that age or something genetic. He is a computer geek. Quiet. A beast when pissed but too quiet. Barely says more than two words except when spoken to. Even then, he would give a one-worded answer. Isolated himself a lot and didn't care to get to know anyone. Got a huge temper too which I got to see after he knocked out a guy in high school for shit-talking his dead mum."

My pen fell out of my hands and I bent to pick it up. "You two known each other that long?"

"Yeah. Eight years now."

"Wow, eight years is such a long time. I don't think I've known someone for that long."

She laughed. "I was the one who hit on him. I asked him to prom and I didn't stop until he said yes. We wouldn't have dated if I didn't make the first move and I don't regret it."

I smiled. "Aww, was he the shy type?"

She laughed again which made me stop writing for a moment and then I continued. "My ex is anything but shy. Reserved? Yeah. Shy? No way. He is pretty mature for his age. It's literally just a thing of knowing what you want and stopping at nothing to get it."

"What drew you to him?"

She heaved her shoulders. "First off, he was and still is deliciouly good-looking. But his confidence is on a sky level, you know. His charisma and mentality. The way he carries himself, like this unbeatable, impenetrable alpha male. Macho man. His intelligence. Fucking smart. I'm all for brains and muscles. His fearlessness and love for adventure. His deep knowledge about the real world. He is the guy you would want to be stuck with if you ever find yourself in a tacky situation. Damn, his dick and mouth are what I love the most. Thick, fat, long, excellent at finding hidden places. God." She squealed. I grimaced. "He is the best at sex. Hands down. He could do unimaginable, sexy things with his mouth. Totally miss that."

I turned around and faced her squarely, smiling. "And you...my friend are still in love with him."


She hummed in response and sprawled out on the bed in an ungainly way.

"And I'm taking that as a yes. What's his name?"

"Okay, I think I have shared a bit too much. Don't you think?"

"Oh, but I..."

"What's your take on DiCaprio winning the Oscars this year?"

"Uh, if he deserves it, he should be awarded it." I shrugged uninterestingly and turned back around.

I saw her shoot off the bed and march towards me.

"You're kidding, right? Please, tell me you are. Are you serious? Pitt deserves it more. Oh my God, I can't believe you just said that. I mean yeah, I used to like him then but now, damn, he irks me as an actor. I couldn't understand why at first but then I finally got it. You know how he never shows himself in a vulnerable way..." I had no idea what she was talking about. "...He just never shows his weakness. I want to see him play a genuinely weaker character. A character with sincere vulnerability. A sensitive character. He just sees himself as Hollywood's alpha male and I'm totally clueless as to what all the fandom is about him and if you are about to tell me you're a fan, I'm kicking you out in the next second."

"I think he's a great actor. I do love Titanic."

"Ha! That movie was beyond terrible. So awkwardly paced. It plays fast and loose with the historical facts and it's filled with two dimensional main characters and one-dimensional supporting characters who do or try to do life-changing things within five seconds thought and no apparent motivation other than 'because I want to'. All that and it's wrapped up in a pulverizingly sentimental ballad sung by Celine Dion in full "emotion turned up to eleven" mode. That's some shit right there."

"Well, it was quite good. Titanic is one of the greatest movies of all time. It's actually my favorite movie."

"And his die-hard fan spills crap again."

"And I'm not even saying it because of Leo."

She snorted.

"I'm done."

"Praise the Lord Jesus."

I stood up and stretched too and my bones and joints chided me for not doing that earlier.

"So you stepping out for food?"

I glanced at the time on the clock. 9:56pm.

"It's pretty late Lana. I didn't get to finish the cinnamon and the yoghurt is still in the fridge. You can have them."

She complained. "That isn't going to fill me up."

"Are you pregnant?"

She scowled. I laughed.

"It ain't funny."

"I know. I know. Alright, I'll go." I grabbed my coat and threw it on.

"Get the margarita. And chicken sauce. With the chicken wings popping out of it. "Take Timber Rd while going and on your way back. It's shorter."

I chuckled and saluted. "Got it."


City lights makes it impossible to appreciate the amazing combination of snow and moonlight which makes spending time outside on a very cold winter night less tempting. I walked as fast as I could while breathing through my woolen mitten so that air entered my lungs. After a while, I started to feel breathing through my nose had been difficult-as if air had been extremely dry, almost solid and hard to inhale through an opening so meager.

I opened my mouth and started to draw breath frantically through my throat, my nose almost benumbed. I was rubbing my palms vigorously against the other when I heard the deep rumble of a motorbike not far off the road. The street was clear. Not a single soul seen around. I whipped my head to the sound of the engine and immediately squinted my eyes at the bright, white lights blinding my eyesight. Immediately, I noticed the all-black regalia the biker was cladded in and didn't miss the way the moon threw its rays upon his deep shades of dark ink and shone sharply on his gold-colored ring by the side of his lower lip.

I saw him fish out a wad of cash from the side of his jeans and he began counting the notes.

"Hey!" I waved.

He looked up immediately, surprise etching his features then tipped his head at me. I started to close the distance separating us.

I joked. "What are you doing around here? You're planning on moving into the dorm? You're very much welcome."

A mild smile graced his lips. He killed the engine of his bike and climbed down. "No. Was working."

"Oh. You work around here?"

"Sort of."

He darted his head left and right and glanced at his watch. "It's too late. You shouldn't be out alone."

"Stepped out to get dinner for Lana and I. They were already closed when I got there."

"Come. I'll walk you back."

"My dorm is just around the corner."

"I know."

"What about your bike?"

"Would come back for it."

I waited for him to lean his bike against the tree. Then he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"I..." Our arms brushed. "...didn't get to apologize for the way I walked out on you the other time."

I blinked, "When?"

"The last time we spoke. Before today."

"Oh. I made you uncomfortable with my silly questions. I'm sorry about that."

The wind made my hair sway around my face. I pushed a lock behind my ear.

"What do you do?"

He turned his head. "Hmm?"

"What do you do? You said you were working?"

He smiled a bit and averted his eyes to the concrete, "Why do you wanna know?"

I shrugged, "Because we are friends." Then I craned my neck to look at him as if opting for a confirmation. "We are friends right?"

He glanced at me and nodded his head causing the locks of midnight hair resting on his brow to stir graciously. "Yeah. We are friends."

We walked along the road in silence for a bit. Then I heard him whisper above me. "I'll show you sometime."

The air felt so crisp. The tree branches were like some insane lacework against the infinite sky. The night sky, the stars, so many stars.

"Your mama taught you to bake?" He asked.

"Yes." I laughed. "She owns a bakery. How did you know?"

"It felt natural and made more sense."

"I could have taught myself."

"But you didn't."

"Did you like the doughnuts?"

"Yeah, they were cool. Thanks again."

"What did you mean by they still taste the same?"

"Did I say that?"

"Yes you did."

"Why can't I remember?"

I chuckled, "Because you are choosing to lie about it?"

"What's the point of lying?"

"I don't know. You tell me. I could bake you a cake?"



"I don't...fancy cakes?"

I laughed. "Who doesn't?"

"I. I guess."

"You're lying again."

"And how do you know that?"

"You rubbed your eyes with your right hand the first time and you just did it again."

He cocked his head back and an enormous rumble of laughter escaped him and rang through the silent, cold night. It was deep and contagious and soon, I found myself laughing along.

"Okay." He chortled, loosening up. "Okay."

"So I'm baking you a cake." I concluded, beaming.

He smiled and looked down. "You not baking me a cake Genesis."

"One solid reason why I shouldn't?"

"I'm on a Holy Ghost diet."

That made me stop walking and I bent over and guffawed. Hard.

"When is your birthday Dario?" I asked, still splitting my sides.

He stilled. Then responded. "14th of August."

"So you see...wait, are you serious?"

He shrugged.

"Seriously? Lord, that's like...we share the same date. I am August 14th as well." I squealed in pure excitement and clapped. "This is so cool. Now I'm totally baking you that cake. No, I'm baking us a cake. God, I never ever met a mate before. This is so very cool."

I shivered in my coat.

"Lana and I were having a bit of an argument an hour ago. We were arguing about the movie Titanic. According to her, it is crap and I said it isn't. What do you say?"

"I haven't seen it."


"I ain't big on movies."

"It is my favorite movie."

The cold seeped into my coat and skin and attacked my bones and I shuddered. Almost instantly, I felt something warm drape over my shoulders. I turned to find him missing his leather jacket. He was staring straight ahead, like he hadn't just lent me his jacket in the cold and wintry night.

"What about you?"

"You need it more than I do." Warmth spread through my entire being.

"Thank you."

We came around my room. I made to turn the knob but then stopped.

"Thanks for tonight. Accompanying me and all. Even though you didn't have to." I smiled up at him.

He stared down and bopped his head, not saying a word.

"I better go in now." I chuckled. "Lana might be hiding in there to hit me with a bat over my head for showing up so late." I twisted the door handle.

"Hey. Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?"

"Uh, I've got something I need to..."

Immediately his expression closed up and began to transition into one I knew so well. He turned to leave and I quickly called after him.

"I was kidding this time." He hesitated. I slowly sauntered towards him. "I would love to hang out with you tomorrow Dario."

His muscles tensed under his hood and his fingers twitched. He didn't spill a word and walked away the next minute.

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