
Chapter Eighty-Six: Thirty-five lives

Chains, golden buttons, and badges surrounded James's attire. He was in his official uniform as crown prince. The colors of his country: black, blue, and golden, displayed in every part of what he wore.

He had removed his suit jacket because of how suffocating it always felt on him and settled for his dress shirt. Golden thread design a pattern of their crest on his chest area, meanwhile buttons and cufflinks surrounded his sleeves and collar. He lowered his head, holding a blank expression as the detective before him, exposed all the drugs found around this area of the forest.

"This is only one-third of what we found. They escaped from us at the docks and headed here. They shouldn't be too far away; we already have men surrounding every exit of the forest. If they get out alive, we'll capture them." He explained.

"What about the weapons you mentioned and the hostages?"

"We found ten children and two pregnant women hidden near the river; they were abandoned so that their captors could escape. Then we found guns and explosives. It seems they dropped everything and left. We believe they only kept enough weapons to fight us."

"Keep me posted. Make sure the woman and children are taken care of and identified. Do checkups and check their bodies for drugs as well. Once the procedures are done, inform their families if they have them. Close all entry to civilians into the forest and send two teams to search. I want the suspects found before nightfall." He ordered.

"Yes, your highness." Pulling a fist to his heart, the detective bowed and signaled his men to do the same as they all got back to their investigations.

As he watched them leave, James clenched his jaw as possibilities filled up his thoughts.

Moments later,

"Your highness!" He snapped his head to one of the detective's men who were supposed to be closing off all entry to civilians at the moment and closing all camping sites.

"There are two camping sites being occupied at the moment. They were last-minute entries, we suspect they are involved though we are yet to know for sure."

"What makes you think that?"

"They are the only ones in the forest at the moment. And the suspect's headed towards that area, they could-"

"I see. Continue with what I ordered." James replied and turned to Dagon, and he nodded firmly.

Dagon turned to three of the assigned royal guards and ordered them to follow.

Meanwhile, James was left with 5 other royal guards.

Ten more at the main entrance of the forest and police force surrounding every corner or exit, according to the text he had just received.

He looked up at the sky, or what the trees allowed him to see of it. He heard three helicopters start their scanning for the suspects around the forest.

Despite being the smallest forest of their country, it was still huge and dense, very dense.

"Stay." He ordered and walked down a narrow path leading towards bushes where more drugs were found.

He knelt and picked up a stick, unwrapping and revealing the white powder. Inspecting it, he frowned.

A curse left his mouth when he heard the faint sound of a timer.

"Call off all transport of the substances! Throw the packages far from our reach! NOW!" He yelled.

But it was too late. From far off he heard screams and explosives going off.

He heard shouts from the direction Dagon had headed, shots were fired and a confrontation had started.

The cold, harsh realization hit him.

This was not an attempt from criminals, this was from the anti-royal faction. Their attacks would not stop, but this was not an attempt at his life, it was a threat. They were bluntly putting up a challenge, waiting to see what decisions he would take.

Walking towards the royal guards, in their uniforms already putting a wall around him, he searched for a weapon, and with lines of men behind him; they headed towards Dagon.

When they reached, they left only two men standing. Dagon and another guard.

Yes, these were definitely not common criminals or members of a gang. They were prepared enough to kill royal guards. To kill his soldiers, the best of the best.

"Attend his injury, we'll head towards the campsite mentioned. Surround them and bring them in for investigations."

Dagon nodded, and the injured guard was taken away.

"Three groups of police officers are down," Dagon informed him.

"Bring reinforcements, not one should leave a single exit open," James responded as he quickened his steps towards the said campsite.

Dagon nodded and picked up his radio, passing the message.

"We captured one suspect. They were heading towards the active campsite. He killed himself before we could question him, but it seems more will head in the same direction."

"For hiding?" Dagon asked.

"No. To attack." The detective answered.

A shiver ran down his spine.

"How many civilians?" James asked, his tone turning colder.

"Thirty-five. Seven in area B and the rest in Area A."

"Which one is closer?"

"Area B!" Dagon shouted.

"You take them to Area A." James shouted, their voices sounded by more explosives going off from many directions. It seemed the suspects had planted them everywhere, to create chaos, fear, and confusion.

'Thirty-five lives' A voice repeated within him.


'Thirty-five. Women, men, and possibly even children. Thirty-five of them.'

Picking up a machete, he made a path where there were none. Following his instinct, he decided not to follow the already made path. That would mean more time for the suspects to kill thirty-five people.

James needed to get there as fast as he could.

They reported only a small group of people at the beginning; it seemed the suspects had always known there were thrifty five. This plan could have been going on for weeks before.

'Thirty-five.' He repeated.

Men following him behind helping clear up the path, they finally reached. Music had come to a halt. Everything fell silent and not a single sign of a present person appeared.

Fire put out, drinks on the ground, and footprints left behind.

It seemed the seven people had fled when they heard the explosives going off. James narrowed his eyes and signaled the men behind him to be quiet.

He closed his eyes and took in the slightest sounds.

He heard the crush of a leaf and removed the safety to his gun, launching forward he grabbed the man hiding in a bush and slammed him against a tree.

A kick to his stomach and then an attempt to punch him. The men did not stop until he spotted his gun.


James stiffened at the familiar voice.


Relief washed over Damon's face and he patted James's shoulder, taking a step back.

James exhaled and turned around, watching his men pointing guns at 4 women.

"Family trip. What's happening?" Damon did not ask the woman behind him to lower their weapons, and neither did James to his men.

"Suspects headed this way, I thought you were civilians." His tone told Damon James was not here for the usual investigations.

"You should have informed me first." He added.

"We have an agreement to business not babysitting, I did not feel the need to tell you about my family trip." Damon shrugged and shared a glance with his wife.

"Family trip," James repeated with a snort.

Family trip huh?

More like a little reunion of members in the underworld. Members, he should be capturing and questioning.

"Who is he?" Anna walked forward.

Damon and James stared at each other in silence.

A second later, Damon lowered his head in respect. "Your highness." He greeted in a polite tone, deciding it was best not to continue his informality.

"We'll retreat and not bother your mission." He added, glancing at his wife who signaled the woman to retreat.

James nodded and his men did the same.

"No time. All exits of the forest are closed. Stay put and alive." James ordered, turning his back only to face a familiar figure.

His fingers curled into a fist, suspicion, and shock.

Why the hell is she here with these people?

'Clair.' He repeated the name in his mind.

Their eyes met.


lizmorgancreators' thoughts
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