
Chapter Seventy-Three: A whole telenovela

All eyes were on Clair after watching the scene that unfolded in front of them.

Yaci, who had exited the elevator recently, had a horrified expression on her face.

Walking past her Clair sighed, "I know."

"Bloody hell." Yaci covered her mouth, still staring at the guy who was still in pain, and his friend was helping him up.

"What?" Clair furrowed her eyebrows, realizing Yaci was not referring to her.

"My ex's younger brother. I don't know why-"

As soon as 'ex' went through Clair's head, she turned around to spill the rest of the coffee on that man's face.

Yaci pursed her lips and tugged her shirt, pulling her into the elevator and keeping Clair inside until the door closed.

"It's best if we don't make a scene."

"That your ex's brother aka a piece of shit. I couldn't care less." Clair grunted in complaint.

Laughing nervously, Yaci patted her shoulder.

"It's fine, as long as he doesn't continue to seek me, I'll be fine."

Still opposing her decision, Clair didn't respond.

God, she just wanted a break.

And now an asshole comes and ruins her mood.

She should have poured the rest of the coffee the first time. She really regretted her decision.

Or maybe she should have decapitated him too.

'Hmmm, good idea. I'll save it for the next time we meet.'

Honestly, if she didn't respect Yaci's decition she would have put them 100 feet underground if possible.

With a deep breath, she walked back into her office, which already had more work waiting for her.

Yaci came back an hour later telling her the guy was trying to hold her responsible for the situation, but she simply asked her to file it in under self-defense.

Clair did not even have to waste her time on the man, he was easily named as a sexual assaulter and disrespectful trash.

The crowd who had watched had clearly seen the way he was looking at her and immediately testified to the incident.

A few said they are unsure, but Clair was the founder and CEO of star lush. What else could the 'victim' do?

"Isn't this uh.. abuse of power?" Yaci asked when she heard Clair's order to have him locked in a cell for the next 48 hours.

"Who cares? The moral of the story is: Want to act like trash? You get treated like trash." Clair responded, inputting the last sentence she needed to on the file opened in her laptop.

Saving it, she emailed it to Yaci.

"Edit and revise it, then send it to the Bald guy."

"You mean CEO Yveski."

"Yes, Yevaski whatever-" Clair shook her head, taking a sip from her new coffee.

"Whoa, you look different today." She commented.

"How so?" Clair raised a brow.

"You rarely give a shit, but now you look like you really don't give a shit." Yaci shrugged.

"Are you calling me an asshole?"

"Well…. you act like one 95 percent of the time but the remaining 5 percent you're really kind and calm."

"Yes Yaci, is there anything else you want to get off your chest?" Propping her shoulders on the desk, Clair stared at Yaci, waiting for her answers.

"I won't finish even if you give me ten years to list them all." She responded playfully before leaving the room.

Sighing, Clair banged her head against the desk.

"I want spicy chicken wings." She complained, imagining how she would use Elliot as a punching back soon.

The jerk declined all the deliveries scheduled to land on her stomach today. He completely restricted her from doing so for the entire week.

She smirked, knowing he would probably have a heart attack if he knew how much junk food she ate last night with James.

"Oooo." Clair stood up and walked towards her not-so-secret room and opened a bottle of wine.

She then emptied the paper cup of coffee after she drank it all and replaced it with the wine.

Yes, she felt like a freaking teenager sneaking in alcohol without her parent's permission.

She didn't want to drink during work, so she was shameless and did it sneakily.

Today was not a good day, right after she almost got poisoned in a palace and experienced a freaking novela [1] she walked home and got her period.

She came back to work and was completely buried alive with work; she takes ONE small break and the asshole ruins her mood.

So yes! She wanted a drink.

"Isn't red wine good for cramps?" She muttered.

Honestly, she did not know what she was talking about, but she remembered googling it once.

Sighing, she walked back to her desk and opened a new tab on her laptop.

SEARCH: Is red wine good for you during your period?

GOOGLE'S ANSWER: Menstrual cramps happen because of the low flow of blood during the time of menses. Red wine is much better than the white one, as it warms the body. After the consumption of a glass of red wine, it aids in channelizing the blood flow and acts as a prevention of scar-tissue development.

"I'll take it." Clair then closed the tab and got back to work.


Finally finishing her work, Clair headed back home.

She was inside her car and had finished parking.

She glanced at the familiar black car, and she pursed her lips.

"Is he here?" She wondered.

"Why is he here?"

"Does he not have royalty stuff to do? Is he that free? We should exchange jobs, I would love to laze around." She continued, mumbling.

Now that she thought about it she was very ignorant to royal duties.

With that thought in mind, she rolled her eyes.

"I don't know, maybe because I'm not in a position where I should care."

A sigh escaped her lips, knowing it had a lot to do with her now.

"If I could turn back time, I would have never slept with him — or even meet him."

Deciding on second thought, she shook her head.

"Maybe not the sleeping with his part, but everything after that."


Clair jumped when she heard knocking from her window.

She sighed in relief when she saw it was her brother Lukas.

Rolling the window down, she asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Who are you going to sleep with?" Lukas asked, with a smug smile.

"What are you talking about?" Clair asked.

"I read lips, remember?"

"Wow, your skills suck." Clair countered.

"Huh, excuse you, I'm actually very talented at it."

"Apparently not." Clair shrugged.

Rolling his eyes, Lukas and reminded her: "Father asked us for dinner. We're celebrating my birthday, remember? I came to pick you up."

"Your birthday? Wasn't that like two months ago?" Clair teased.

"Alright quit it, go get dressed. I'll wait outside." Lukas told her.

"Hmm." Nodding, Clair unlocked the door and took his extended hand.

She then walked towards the house to get dressed.

"By the way, I have yet to receive my birthday present!" He yelled.

"Keep waiting." She yelled back.

[1] Novela or telenovela: Is a type of limited-run television serial drama or soap opera produced primarily in Latin America.

(But you probably already knew that lol)


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New cover dedicated to Clair's red hair. Tell me what you think in the comments!

Stay safe!~

lizmorgancreators' thoughts
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