
Chapter 28: Finally becoming a Dragon! Well half dragon

[AN/Been reading alot of Library of Heavens Path lately funniest shit I've ever read!]





Reborn:"So this is digivolution."

Issei:"Yeah it is their both now Mega level." It's been two months I have about 3 weeks and two more months in this world, my physical stats have almost reached the 7000 range and I've gotten used to fighting in with Dying Will mode Boosted Gear the balance breaker hasn't gotten any changes though except my Inferno Form.

I have completed all my elemental forms for the Boosted Gear Scail Mail. And I've updated the Aria form, as its name my main weapon in that form is Aria Grandia, I have a few magic circles which I use for mobility and fire more arrows or spears.

That and I've made another gun same size as my Golden one, which I named Golden Loyalty and the black one I'm calling it Noir Dishonesty. I have also sparred with my digimon in Spirit Digivolution form, I digivolved while training in it becoming 'Aldamon'.

Riza:"I can't wait till I digivolve!"

Meilee:"Chill out lil bro it will come in time."

Riza:"But I wanna digivolve now I WANNA I WANNA I WANNA I WAN-"


Reborn gave him a hard kick to the head.

Reborn:"Baka-Raptor you remind of the Cow no wonder you too get along."

Issei:"Let's get to school you guys stay here and try to get a grip on your new strength."


Sheng:"Fine." Reborn and I left the four of them in my empty ID and I got ready fo school.

Gokudera:"To think I could get this strong!"

Issei:"You say that every time!"

Gokudera:"Of course I can now generate shockwaves though small, with my punches!"

Issei:"Yeah Okay when I see it from your angle sure."

Tsuna:"That and Fuuta has ranked your first on looks, physical strength, grades and so on."

Issei:"Really I should probably check out the ranking star later maybe get an ability that let me breathe outer space, though that's probably where some of my fights will be in the future."

Gokudera:" You are beyond a UMA my friend."

On our way we met up with the Simon family and went to school with them. After school.

Issei:"Hey guys I was thinking why don't we have picnic."

Yamamoto:"Doesn't sound bad isn't Kaoru." The delinquent looking student couldn't help but smile.

Kaoru:"I wouldn't mind your food is best I've ever eaten Issei." Aldheid Suzuki piped in.

Suzuki:" Yes I have to agree as a cook myself, thanks for the recipes they really opened up a new world for me."

Issei:"No problem."

We went home and as we entered the house we saw a man with blond hair sleeping in the couch. I recognise him as Iemetsu Sawada Tsuna's father.

Tsuna:"Dad your here!"

Iemetsu:"Ah! Tsuna welcome home Ara! Is this the visitor from the other universe."

Issei:"Yo I'm Issei Hyoudou or Sawada Issei."

Iemetsu:"You mind telling me about your adventures."

Issei:"I don't really have much to tell except this is my first world, but I can tell you about some of the other worlds though."

Iemetsu:"Really due tell." he took a bear and I told him about some of the world's out there. After we finished I took a bath and went down for dinner. While eating Tsuna and I told everyone.

Nana:"A picnic sounds like a wonderful idea." said Tsuna's mother.

Issei:"Mama will you help me with the cooking.

Nana:"I'd love to!"

We had dinner for the day and went to bed.

-Three days later-

I was packing the food in a picnic basket along with Mama Iemetsu was drinking bear while watching us, Iemetsu has been very kind to me in these three days, though, I had to fight Hibari to convince him, everything's a fight with that guy.

Issei:"Let's not forget the cooler, Lambo will crying if we don't bring the ice cream." she nod takes it out of the fridge.

Issei:"Iemetsu-san can you call Tsuna we could really use his help carrying these." Sure I could carry them all in my inventory but I may be able to lift a continent, but I can't lift multiple things and expect some not to fall, some of the food is very delicate.

Iemetsu:"Sure I will!" Entering a car we placed all the food in the trunk and we entered as as Iemetsu drove us to Namimori park, the Simon family will be there a will be there.

Arriving at the park we saw the Simon family and Tsuna's guardians, we waved to them before they came up to us and helped us unpack the food.

Enma:"Yo Issei Tsuna!"

Lambo:"Raijuu!" the child ran up to the large teen.

Ooyama:"Yo Lambo let's play!"

Issei:"I-pin why don't you go play with Lambo and Ooyama?" the little girl blushed and latched onto me as her timer began to started. Had alot of close calls of her nearly exploding in the house, had to teleport at and undiscovered part of the planet.

Tsuna:"Oh crap!"

Issei:"Don't worry I got her!" I ran off into the park.

Nana:"What's going on!"

Reborn:"Don't worry Mama I-pin needs to pee let's eat." said the Arcabaleno in Bianchi's arm.

I came back with a sleeping I-pin to see everyone eat playing, Gokudera was shouting at Yamamoto the latter who was just laughing it off, and Kyoko trying to stop Ryohei from fighting a bear.....Not the weirdest thing I've seen. Haru was fawning over Tsuna as usual so that's normal.

Issei:"Oi you guys started without me."

Reborn:"The early birds get the worm."

Issei:"I cooked most of that!" the rest of the day was filled high jinks, playing and chaos. When it was five we went home Mama inviting over everyone else for dinner.

Issei:"Hey Chrome." The girl looked at me and blushed slightly. We were in the living room watching tv with everyone eating pizza, Mama was trying some new recipes.

Chrome:"Y-yes!" Geez I'm getting Hinata vibes from her.

Issei:"Here!" I took out a red potion.

Chrome:"What is that?"

Issei:"It's a healing potion AA rank it can regenerate your organs!" Everyone turned around shocked.

Reborn:"Issei how much did that cost." They know of the ranks equipment as I told them by observe their Vongola gear are all A rank equipment.

Issei:"About a Five billion Gold."

Reborn:"I see."

Tsuna:"That Much!"

Issei:"Of course it's a rank away from EX rank." The girl was hesitant but took it and down the entire thing.

Chrome:"Taste like strawberries."

Issei:"I try to make potions taste good. Oh yeah Iemetsu here." I gave him two small viles.

Iemetsu:"What are these?"

Issei:"The blue one is a cure for HIV or AIDS the green one is for cancer."


Gokudera:"Do you know how much did this cost!"

Tsuna:"Oi Issei you've done enough for us!"

Issei:" I know but I'm not staying here any longer I have about three more months left creating a cure is the best thing I could do." They looked a bit down.

Issei:"Don't worry though this is relatively safe world so when I gain a way to traverse the mulitverse freely, I think I'll live in this world it's nice here."

Tsuna/Enma:"Then your always welcome!" said the mafia bosses.

-Later that night-

I was laying down on a surgical table in my lab.

Ddraig:((Are you sure about this?))

Issei:"I'm sure just my heart and lungs."

Ranna:((Your really going to turn yourself into a dragon?))

Issei:"Yeah with my calculations I'm sure there's a 92% chance of success if it fails Meilee has a pheonix dawn." The cat digimon nod.

Ddraig:((Alright I'll begin.)) I close my eyes as pain starts assaulting my chest but I kept it down because Pain Resistance. A red cacoon slowly formed over me. And in a few minutes it broke open.

Walking to a mirror I saw my looks improved again but slightly but I saw I had my green reptilian eyes. Wings then sprouted from my back.

Issei:" Whoa! Guess Mana Wings are now obsolete!" Looking at my arm, I saw red scales, I easily will them away.

Issei:"Okay Status!"


Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor.V2/Digimon Tamer/Awakened Red Dragon Emperor/

Lucky Star

Lvl:236/Next Level 10%












[Stat points:150/Munny:101,234,569/Gold:100,426,623]



Dragonification-(Lvl 1)-[Active]-The power to turn your body parts into that of a dragon.

Dragon Breath-(Lvl 1)-[Active]-Breathing powerful flames from the user's mouth to decimates the user's enemy.

Dragon wings-(Lvl 1)-[Active] ]


Issei:"Damn my magic took a huge leap, and guess those skills make sense!"

Ddraig:((Amazing I've never felt such powerful magic.))

Issei:"I could definitely destroy the world I'm gonna fight Great Red the first thing when I head home."

[New Quest/ Fuck Up Him Up!-Beat the shit out of Great Red/Reward:/B-Class World Travel ticket/TBD.]

Issei:"Ah Damn!"

Meilee:"Issei you've really gotten that much stronger?"

Issei:"Well yeah I only got a plus Two thousand in my physical stats but I'm not complaining and my MP is over 100,000 range."

Issei:"Let's go test it out in the training room." Meilee nod and followed me.

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