
Chapter 3: Beginning the grind (Edited)

*Issei Pov*

In a huge bon fire was all my porn, I told my parents about what I was doing, to say they were suprised wasn't the end of it .

Gorou:"Who are you, and what have you done with the real Issei?" said my now suprised father.

Issei:"I've been thinking, I've embarrassed you two enough!" Miki and Gorou looked at me in confusion.

Issei:"With all my talk about being harem king and what not, I've decided I should give up on it. I wouldn't be able to satisfy multiple women any way ,there's much more than just sexual satisfaction, I would need money, a stable job to keep income coming in, its just an all round childish and perverted fantasy."

Gorou and Miki looked at each other, then looked at me both with smiles on they're faces.

Miki:"We support you honey!"

Gorou:"And it's about time you finally grew up!"

Issei:"Better late than never!" They just laugh, while I took a seat and began to eat my breakfast

And that's how I'm here with all of Issei's collection even the posters, turns out he didn't even have any on his computer, how stupid can he be that's like the perfect place to hide it.

Any way I also told my parents that I'm going to be out late, I should probably start grinding 'ID Create' and 'ID Exit', but first I have those Gacha tickets, with my high luck I should get something good....hopefully

Anyway since it cost about 5 MP to use it shouldn't cost much, I would've

literally died if used this without the Mana God's legacy so thank you predecessor.

I then take out my tickets which were all random tickets, I then opened the Gacha tab and I saw a roulette, I then put all my tickets inside of it, I already completed the quest so I have about six tickets


Renewal Taekwando Manual

Random World Travel Ticket(D rank)

Gravity Band (D rank)

3×Low level Health potions

400 Gold

Bigmack with large fries and and large soda with extra cheese]

Wow this should be great for a beginner like me. But why do I have a bigmack? Oh well lunch for later I guess. I should probably check out the shop later


[Observe-(Lvl 1/100) Gravity Band-(D rank) This is a special rubber band that can put strain on the entire users body for much more efficient training. It is D rank for a reason, only able to go up 3 times the earth's gravity]

[Observe Level up]

Sweet my observe leveled up I should start spamming it, I then used Observe on the Random World Travel Ticket and the Healing potions

[Observe-(Lvl 2/100) Random World Travel Ticket-(D rank)-Allows user to travel to another world, but due to it's low rank user can only stay in the world for three months]

[Observe(Lvl 2/100)Low level healing potion-Can only restores 30 HP]

With my low HP these will be a God send oh, wait he's dead in this universe....Meh they're other gods

Issei:"ID Create" and so I've been spamming 'ID Create' and 'ID Exit' like crazy it leveled up six times even unlocked the 'Zombie ID'

Right now I'm doing push up while in a slightly higher gravity.


[Due to continue to continuos strain on body STR and DEX and VIT increased by 2]

This all I've been hearing for the past two hours, I tried learning the Renewal Taekwando but...

[Gamer need 50 STR and 50 DEX to learn this technique]

Yeah so I'm fixing that not only that with the gravity band, I don't even need to go to a Gym with this thing on. I really wasn't too into the gamer, and the war made it worse. Drawing anime and others things was one of the only escapes that I had.

But still though, I used to play rpg games, turn based were my favorite and what I understood is to get really OP, is to have the higher number stats which I will grind like crazy but still, I should be careful of the VIT stat becoming higher than my INT and WIS. If this anything like the webtoon.

And the reason why I'm only getting 2 stat points is because I turned the gravity to be slightly higher than the earth's, because if a human body was under even 1.2 times higher gravity we would be literal meat paste, well that's a normal person but still due to Gamer's Body, I don't think that would be an issue but I won't take any chances as of yet.

[Due to logical thinking INT and WIS rose by 1] Huh?! Neat.



Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor

Lvl:4/ Next Level 39%









[Stat points:25




Gamer's Mind-(MAX)-[Passive]-Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mental disorder and mental debuffs.

Gamer's Body-(MAX)-[Passive]-Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects.

World Adaptability-(MAX)-[Passive] Allows the user to adapt to whatever world they travel to, giving them the ability powers and abilities gain from said world.

Observe(Lvl w/100)-[Active]-A skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated allowing the user to quickly gather information.

ID Create(Lvl 1/100)-[Active]-Used to create instant dungeons. Stronger instant dungeons may be created according to level.

ID Exit(Lvl 1/100)-[Active]-Used for escaping an Instant dungeon or ID for short.]

Not bad I should rest a bit. I then took out the Bigmack and started to eat it .It was the most delicious burger I ever had.Plus those small healing potion got useless fast

I then took a sip from the soda and holy shit it's good, I should probably cook sometime hadn't done that in years.

Throwing trash in the garbage I then called out

Issei:"ID Create:Zombie"

All around zombies start to appear


[Observe(Lvl 2/100)Zombie:An undead type monster who was a normal person once , due to evil miasma it rose from it from it's grave]

I see then turned off the gravity band i will not risk dying ,I then drew mana from my mana core and and to augmenting my body physical abilities

[Due to special action new skill was created Mana Augmentation]

[Skill Discrpt: Mana Augmentation-(Lvl 1/100)-[Active]-Allows user to boost they're STR and DEX 10% for a limit time.Cost 5 mana per second]

I didn't have time to look at it however as I smashed the Zombie's face in, a zombie try attacking me from behind but I dodged and sent a roundhouse kick through it's skull

My arms were a bloody mess but that didn't stop me, I ran towards the nearest zombie and gave uppercut it it's head flew off

Issei:"Holy crap this is easy, have I already entered the super human range?" Guess the gravity band really helped out thank you extremely high luck, I shall grind you like no there's tomorrow when I find out how . I then hunt some more zombie to which it I leveled up three times and called it a day

Issei:"*Whew!* That took alot outta me!" Since I'm entering the super human stage I wonder if I can handle 1.2 gravity are higher


Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor

Lvl:7/ Next Level 39%









[Stat points:40





Gamer's Mind-(MAX)-[Passive]-Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mental disorder and mental debuffs.

Gamer's Body-(MAX)-[Passive]-Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects.

World Adaptability-(MAX)-[Passive] Allows the user to adapt to whatever world they travel to,giving them the ability powers and abilities gain from said world.

Observe(Lvl 3/100)-[Active]-A skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated allowing the user to quickly gather information.

ID Create(Lvl 6/100)-[Active]-Used to create instant dungeons. Stronger instant dungeons may be created according to level.

ID Exit-(Lvl 1/100)-[Active]-Used for escaping an Instant dungeon or ID for short.

Mana Augmentation-(Lvl 1/100)-[Active]-Allows user to boost they're STR and DEX 10% for a limit time.Cost 5 mana per second.]

Thanks to the auto loot feature, I was able get some cash, but why is it misspelling it as munny, is it referencing Kingdom Hearts? I guess this must be one of those questions that don't have any answer 'Like how many licks does it take to get to the centre of a Tootsie pop?' (Or foreshadowing)

Well anyways seems there's a trash bin feature this literally erases things too bad it can't be used a weapon, so no rotten flesh, teeth or bones in my inventory Yay!

I should go home and study and raise my INT and WIS, I also need to prepare for school tomorrow not only that look over my homework there's a lot of wrong answers



Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor

Lvl:7/ Next Level 39%









[Stat points:40




Gamer's Mind-(MAX)-[Passive]

Gamer's Body-(MAX)-[Passive]

World Adaptability-(MAX)-[Passive]

Observe(Lvl 3/100)-[Active]

ID Create(Lvl 6/100)-[Active]

ID Exit-(Lvl 6/100)-[Active]

Mana Augmentation-(Lvl 1/100)-[Active] ]

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