
Dance of Stone and Fire

"Not yet." Bellona placed her index finger across the middle of his lips. "People will see us."

"A Goddess who can't seal a hall?" Aerion tilted his head, raising his hand as he questioned. All the entrances were sealed shut with hardened steel-like ice several inches thick. "I'm hearing excuses..."

"As I said, there will be a time in the future." Bellona backed away, smirking as she stood over him. "Perhaps when you marry me."

"You play too many games, witch." Aerion chuckled, closing his eyes. "What is the true reason?"

"As I said previously, you would lose yourself in pleasure. You would become a thrall... and while it would be amusing, the finest Aerion is the one who is unbent, unbowed and unbroken. The one who seeks to grasp the skies and hold them within his palm. You would lose your fire..."

"So I am too weak to have you?" Aerion looked up into her crimson eyes... frowning slightly. "Too weak-willed?"

"Currently, yes."

Aerion stood up from his throne and raised his hand. He touched the side of her face as they shared eye contact. He leaned in to her side.

"I will trust your judgement." He whispered, glancing down. "However... in the future, you might not be so safe."

The ice shattered as the Holy Valyrian Emperor descended from his towering throne. Bellona pursed her lips together as she read into his mind.

"No rest for the wicked?"

"Stay here and ensure nothing goes awry. Protect my family" Aerion glanced back, straightening his sleeve. "I have some rebellions to crush in the meantime."

"So hasty... I do pray for the unfortunate many who have to bear witness to your fury."

"Those who betray my will have no place in this world."

The wind thrusted the main hall's gate open as Aerion stepped out of the Red Keep. Wings emerged from his back, large and scaled. They were as black as the night except for distinct, glowing, 'rivers' of emerald which formed a beautiful pattern.

And so, he soared.

"What in Seven Hells..." The Soul Knight guarding the door blinked in shock. "Our Lord can fly now?"



Yin, the capital of Yi Ti.

Aerion dived down, thrusting his sword into a Soul Knight and absorbing his soul into Ambition. The two closest guards at the gate of the imperial palace couldn't believe their eyes as Aerion raised his head and stared at them.

"Do you have the courage to strike your master?" Aerion withdrew his sword, raising himself from the ground.

"We would never point our weapons at the Dragon-God Emperor... he who stands as God among Men." One of the guards replied... and they all bowed. "We welcome you with joyful souls knowing that this land could once more know peace."

"... You are wise." Aerion nodded, smiling slightly. 'It's unfortunate, I wanted more of a fight. There's little fun in fighting a dominated enemy.'

Aerion walked past them, restoring his will as he did so.

As Aerion made his way through the imperial palace, he restored his will and strengthened it on every undead until only one man remained untouched. Bu Gai, once again, sat before him on his high throne. This time, his eyes were emerald and he was in his youth.

"I welcome you to my hall, Dragon God-Emperor." Bu Gai spoke in his tongue as he descended from his throne. "I have done my finest duty to keep the peace... but, alas, the rebel forces continue to be pests that I alone cannot remove."

Aerion raised an eyebrow, tilting his head. "You remain loyal to me, Bu Gai?"

"Of course..." Bu Gai nodded. "Have any of my men attacked you?"

"No... they all acknowledged me as their God without me having the need to redo the magic that once chained them." Aerion stroked his chin. "It's rather surprising that you, most of all, remained loyal to my cause. While not powerful... you were an independent Emperor once. You've made me curious, I'll admit."

"Curious, my dear Dragon-God Emperor?" Bu Gai chuckled, shaking his head. "Do not be. Yes, I once cursed your name... but I've grown wiser and serving your cause has enlightened me. It is true that you are a God for no man can wave his hand and raise forth oceans, burn vast hordes of men into ash or even raise and command countless undead."

"If it pleases you, I will once again give away all form of independence to you." He kneeled before Aerion, taking off his crown and lowering his head. "I want to aid you in putting down the rebels. I want peace for my lands and people. I want... to wake one day and see the world acknowledge you for who you truly are."

"And what may that be?"

"A God."

"I must say, few men have sucked up to me as well as you have." Aerion chuckled. "Truly, that's very difficult to achieve considering how much I've seen over the years."

"Oh, you are more than worthy of the praise." Bu Gai smiled, lowering his head even more.

"If I were a fool, I might have believed you." Aerion nodded, drawing Ambition and using it to force his chin up until he was standing. "Who was it that allowed you to call yourself Emperor again?"

"Well..." Bu Gai lowered his gaze. "I did it to ensure better stability-"

"Stability?" Aerion frowned, his emerald eyes piercing through Bu Gai's soul. "Surely you can make up a better excuse. If you were loyal to me, why is it that your forces are gathered here but not around the lands that they are meant to be protecting?"

"I admit, I could have been more active..."

"All you're good for is preaching in the streets..." Aerion stabbed him in the heart. "Feel free to continue to do so, priest."

"Yes, My Lord."

After restoring complete control in the capital, Aerion sat upon the throne and used his Crown of Necromancy to see through the undead under his command. While many of the living people had accepted that he was the Dragon God-Emperor, ironically enough, it was the undead who stood against his reign. Many of the slain princes and warlords had risen in rebellion, reclaiming their old lands... in that aspect, the past had repeated itself.

He recalled the Night King's final words as he contemplated the situation.

"... You will realise, Aerion Targaryen. How pointless human free will truly is... I know you will."

Aerion sighed.

'If I had taken the time to gain the loyalty of those who I had slain, would this have even happened? Or perhaps... he was truly right, in a way. Once I left, why should the common pirate remain dedicated to some cause when he can live his life as he wishes?' He tilted his head, resting it upon his hand. 'Alas, conflict only stirs if men do not have someone superior lording over every last one of them. If I am to forge this world in my image... I must become this superior being. It's the only way true peace can be kept across the entire world.'

Aerion took a deep breath as an emerald aura left his body, growing rapidly.

'Your Lord calls upon you...'

The earth began to shake, the sea rose and winds howled across all of Yi Ti. The sky had turned dark with ominous emerald clouds across the entire land. Every last undead who had been summoned by him heard his call, feeling their knees began to buckle. Many once again acknowledged him as their lord, surrendering their will... but many more fought back against his initial attempt at domination. Aerion did not try again.

He simply began to laugh.

"Hahahaha.... hahahahahaha."

The Soul Knights which had gathered in the hall stood silently, the sole sound being Aerion's mad laughter for a good while.

"I give them life, strength and glory in directly serving my cause."

He rose from the throne, drawing Ambition.

"And yet... they turn away my hand, the very hand that rose them from the dead. Yes, I may have caused their deaths at first.... hahahaha... but!" Aerion raised one finger. "I gave them life afterwards and even went so far as to enlighten them to a greater purpose! Isn't a life dedicated to me the finest life a man could hope to live?"

"It is, My Lord!

All the Soul Knights in the hall agreed.

"Then... join me in slaying your ungrateful, rebellious, brothers!"

'And yet... you were only half-right. A world without free-will may as well be dead.' Aerion pondered, stepping forward. 'There should be a balance...'


'System... I have a question for you.'

Aerion, while flying around and looking for Soul Knights to crush, found something that sparked his curisoity.


'Why is it that a soul that has lost its will, a condition that seems nigh irreversible even for me, can regain it... and on such a vast scale?'

"Why, indeed?"

'... Helia I understand, but what of the others? What miracle caused them to regain their previous state of mind?'

"Corruption fades as the corruptor's strings break."

'If they are free from me, whose magic is keeping them chained to the world?'

"The magic of the world." The System replied. "The world is not the same since you first came into the world. It has changed because of your constant influence, leading to magic flowing even in the air. Traces of your magic reside in every corner of the world now... and with that, it has only led to more magical miracles which only further increases the density of magic. It is a cycle that has repeated itself for quite some time now."

'Do mages outside of my control exist?'

"Several... and countless more with the potential of magic coming to life with each year."

'How strong?'

"How strong were you when you began learning?"

'Any of whom have the potential to surpass me?'

"Who knows?"

'You do...' Aerion frowned slightly. 'But you do not like to tell me.'

"I will tell you this; one day, Seven Kings will unite against your tyranny across the world... all masters of different magics. Does that answer your question?"

Aerion's expression grew concerned. 'Is this a prophecy set in stone?'

"No, but it is one of the likeliest paths to occur."

'There's a high concentration of undead here...' Aerion observed a giant YiTish castle. With a single look, he found several beings resembling his Soul Knights but with golden eyes. 'Someone else has gained control over them? Or is there a fellow necromancer hiding somewhere?'

His eyes widened as his curiosity increased.

He landed on the walls, observing the undead guards more closely. There were over a dozen of them on the walls with plenty more on the ground. From the looks of it, all of the guards on the exterior were undead.

"Who is your master?"

"It is true... the Dragon Emperor has returned! Inform the prince at once, I will hold him." One of the guards pointed their stone spear at him.

'Spears made of Geomancy.' Aerion thought, smiling slightly. 'There's a mage here.'

"Hold me... best of fortune to you, my friend."

The guard charged him but he flapped his wings, dashing to the side and kicking the undead guard right off the battlements. He collapsed to the ground, split in two due to the sheer force behind Aerion's magic enhancement. Aerion turned his attention to the rest of the guards.

'Who has greater power, I wonder?'

His eyes shined turquoise as he channelled his necromancy to the highest extent, trying to gain control over the undead. After some effort, he had gained their absolute loyalty... watching as they kneeled.

'Suppose not.' Aerion tilted his head. "Lead me to your previous masters."

Aerion had cut a swathe through the rest of the undead, gaining full control over them... until he found himself in the main hall. There, he met an interesting party. There were two young men dressed in black luxurious clothing inlaid with golden dragon patterns who looked like brothers, a seemingly blind withered old man and a rather charming black-haired lady among them.

"You're... the Dragon Emperor." One of the young men stepped forward, forming a stone spear from magic as he spoke in Valyrian. There was a deep fire in his eyes. "The man who killed my father and laid waste to all that he and his ancestors worked to accomplish."

"You speak my tongue? That alone garners some respect considering that you were born here." Aerion couldn't help but smile. "Though, as I recall, Yi Ti was at its most peaceful and prosperous times under me. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong and tell me of how great your Empire was before me. Hundreds of individual rulers running about like a pack of dogs, scrummaging for scraps while the Emperor did nothing but sit in his high seat. That is what I saw... what did you see?"

"What did I see? I saw a dreadful man with never ending ambition putting all my people to heel, making them believe that he was a God. Burning cities to the ground, killing thousands upon thousands and then expecting to be seen as a great man. This talk of peace and prosperity... is that what you tell yourself in the mirror? Laughable. You're no saint... you're the devil and I will be the one to put an end to you!"

"He has gained control over our undead... and I cannot override that." The old man whispered to him, though Aerion's increased senses heard his voice loud and clear.

'He's the necromancer?' Aerion's eyes widened. 'Are all four mages?'

"Brother... don't-" The other young man grabbed his arm. "You can't defeat him."

"I challenge you to single combat, Aerion of the House Targaryen!" The young man pointed his spear at him. "No magic tricks, no flying around, no undead to aid you. Just you and me... man to man, weapon to weapon! You keep flaunting how you are the greatest warrior to live so why don't you prove it here and now?"

"Why would I have to prove it to someone like you?" Aerion raised an eyebrow, chuckling. "Who even are you?"

"I am the Seventh Prince of the Golden Empire of Yi Ti, Bu Wu... and the man who will slaughter you today! I've passed countless trials, growing in power with each day while you did nothing but feast in your grand halls and enjoy the company of your women. I've defeated so many of your undead by now that I've lost count... and now, you, their King will fall too."

"Trials?" Aerion stroked his chin, nodding. "I admire your confidence, I truly do. And so, I will reward you with a dance against a true dragon. I sincerely hope you're not talking out of your ass."

He drew Ambition while his dragon wings diminished back into nothing.

"..." Bu Wu grinned, stepping forward. "Then... prepare to die!"

He began with several poking thrusts, although Aerion managed to deflect and dodge each of them with some difficulty. His eyes widened slightly as he silently acknowledged Bu Wu's skill for his age. His attack was relentless as he kept breaking into Aerion's defence... pierce after pierce, choosing to slash at his leg at the perfect opportunity.

"You're good." Aerion remarked, stepping back. "Each attack was done with purpose-"


He charged him, an aura of a dragon behind him. Aerion slipped to the side and drew Instinct... stabbing it into his back.


The prince's knees buckled as he swiftly withdrew the dagger from his back. Just as Aerion was about to kick him in the back, the prince used his spear and went straight for his head. Aerion moved his head out of the way... and slowly observed it cut a strand of his long hair as the world seemed to slow down.

He felt his heart begin to beat faster...

"The true thrill of battle... I feel it again." Aerion stepped forward, raising Ambition and pointing it towards Bu Wu. "Its been far too long-"

Clang. Clang. Clang.

Aerion switched his stance to that of the Braavosi, beginning to fence. His footwork was elegant as he deflected each and every one of Bu Wu's wild attacks with clear ease. Though, he couldn't find much ground in regards to attacking back.

"You have great vigour..."

They continued to duel uninterrupted for several minutes... and soon enough, Bu Wu's body began to fail him as the wound in his back continued to bleed. In a last ditch effort, he threw his spear right for Aerion's heart. The spear roared at the speed of lightning... enhanced with magic. Aerion managed to edge to the side, taking the blow head on. Meanwhile, Bu Wu grabbed Instinct off the ground and charged him.

He aimed the dagger straight for his head, slashing down as the black Instinct glowed golden with magic.


It was like the hit of a wooden sword, bouncing off his head.

Aerion's eyes glowed crimson red as he smirked.

"..." Bu Wu's eyes widened in shock.


Aerion kicked him into the wall, enhancing the impact with Aeromancy.

"No magic tricks..." Aerion coughed up his own blood, drawing the spear out of his chest and breaking it in two. "Hahaha... in desperation, even a great warrior like you can forsaken honour. However, I do understand it. There is honour in being the victor. There is even greater honour in being the man to slay me. If you had done so... who would care about the means that you used?"

Bu Wu lowered his head as his eyes grew dark. The kick alone had shattered most of his ribs and incapacitated him.

"It's amusing that you thought that you could use my own dagger against me." Aerion picked Instinct off the ground and observed it with a smile. "You fought valiantly, Bu Wu. For that, I will reward you with a greater purpose."

As Aerion approached, the younger brother stormed forward with a blade of stone.


Aerion raised an eyebrow, stepping to the side. As he blinked, his surroundings grew dark. Stone had risen form the ground and strapped him inside. More and more spikes began to emerge on the inside of the structure, pushing deeper and piercing Aerion from all sides. Aerion chuckled as fire emerged from his body and melted the stone. Along with that, all of his wounds were healed.

"You want to dance too?" Aerion glanced to the side, watching as the dark-haired lady joined Bu Wu's side and unleashed a bright white light onto his body. 'Light magic... what a party of exceptional individuals. I'm almost jealous.'

"I won't allow you to corrupt my brother... not over my dead body!" The young man created a stone shield to guard Bu Wu and the lady healing him.

"Shu'er... please... don't." Bu Wu's voice echoed from the stone shield. "Dragon Emperor, you may take my life and very soul... but allow my brother to live. I beg of you, do not kill my foolish little brother. He still... has so much to live for."

"I am ever so slightly touched." Aerion paused, nodding. "Brotherly love is a beautiful thing."

"..." Bu Shu frowned.

"Sadly, I am not foolish enough to allow troublemakers like you to run about my world." Aerion stepped forward. "In the end, I only have two propositions; live in my new world... or die in the old one!"

The old man took a deep breath...

Aerion threw Instinct and the dagger went straight through his head.

'I hear and sense all those little things...'

"Seemed like he was about to do something." Aerion remarked, chuckling. "So, prince, are you as talented a fighter as your brother?"

"Old man..." Bu Shu frowned deeply. "I'll kill you!"

"I've heard that so many times, believe me." Aerion rolled his eyes.

The two danced and, unlike his brother, Bu Shu used his Geomancy as much as he could. From weapons appearing all around the hall with the intention of cutting Aerion to shields preventing him from harming the prince.

'It's almost like fighting a less thunderous Jocelyn.' Aerion remarked, flying around and dodging everything. "You're talented in your own way, Bu Shu."

"Shut up... I don't need your praise!"

"Oh, you're breaking my heart." Aerion grinned as fire gathered in his palm. From that one fireball, dozens flew out and melted all of Bu Shu's stone creations.

Before he knew it, Bu Wu had emerged from his stone shield... fully healed.

Aerion's eyes narrowed as he glanced at the dark-haired girl. He smirked a little as they exchanged looks.

"How brilliant you are, my lady." Aerion spoke in the native YiTish tongue. "You ought to heal me next time."

"I'd never heal a devil like you." She frowned.

"Let's take him together... it's the only way we have a slither of a chance." Bu Wu created a new spear, taking his brother's side.

"You should've ran." Bu Shu frowned deeply. "Now we're both going to die."

"I'm not running away while my little brother is throwing his life away. If you want to run, then run!" Bu Wu stepped ahead of him. "But I... will do my duty and protect you regardless of which you choose for I am the eldest!"

Aerion lowered Ambition. "You two are so sweet, you know. Looking for an even older brother?"


Suddenly, the earth and sky shook under a thunderous roar.

Aerion's mouth opened slightly as his now lilac eyes lit up with joy. "My boy..."

He channelled Aeromancy and threw them all into the air, right out of the castle. His dragon wings sprouted as he soared right through the gate and up to the sky. Vermithor turned in the air, its three heads taking a moment to breathe before unleashing a devastating wave of dark emerald fire onto the three mages.

In the last moment, Aerion had formed a barrier to protect all three of them.

Vermithor descended onto the ground and Aerion smiled as he saw the rider... floating right next to her.

"Dany... look at you, a dragonrider!" Aerion spoke with great pride as he couldn't hide his smile. "You've tamed my Vermithor, no less."

"Aerion..." Her eyes widened as her violet eyes lit up before her expression turned more mature along with her tone. "So you returned, dear husband."

"You've changed a little." Aerion remarked, grinning slightly. "I like it-"


Bu Wu's eyes widened as Bu Shu focused all of his magic vitality to shred the couple along with Vermithor. Aerion glanced back with a disgusted expression.

"Who allowed you to interrupt my reunion, you worm?"

Aerion's magic vitality surged forth, forming a massive barrier and rejecting everything that Bu Shu had thrown at him. Afterwards, this barrier turned into a sphere of flame and extended out... scorching all of Bu Shu's stone creations.

"Why did you protect them?" Daenerys frowned, glancing at him with a disapproving look. "They would've died under Vermithor's flames."

"A mistake, it seems..."

Aerion's eyes turned cold as a magical crown of ice appeared above his head.

Ice emerged instantly, trapping Bu Shu in the same manner he had trapped Aerion before. Although, this time... there was no escaping the deathtrap. Within an instant, every part of him was pierced by frozen steel-like spikes. When the ice cracked, it revealed a dead Bu Shu.

"No... brother..." Bu Wu's eyes darkened as tears began to stream down. He kneeled down, dropping his spear as he held his brother in his arm. "Little brother... you can't..."

"He's dead." Aerion remarked indifferently. "Would you like to join him?"

"You bastard..." Bu Wu's expression slowly transitioned from sorrow to utter fury. "You've killed my father... my royal advisor... taken my lands... my royal title... turned my own people against me and killed so many... and now you've went so far as to kill my own little brother!"

Aerion frowned slightly as his own, youthful, figure flashed in the stead of Bu Shu. He saw himself...


"Shh." Aerion glanced at Daenerys. "Let him have his moment. Anger... that is a great driving force for growth in magic."

"Why would you want your enemy to be stronger?" Daenerys frowned.

"Who said he is destined to be my enemy?" Aerion glanced back, chuckling. "I want this man in my Kingsguard."


A golden dragon aura appeared behind him as a collosal stone dragon surged from his spear, soaring straight for Aerion. He flapped his wings and dashed to the side... but the dragon followed at an even greater pace, smashing straight into him. It opened its jaws and attempted to take a bite... but Aerion froze the dragon whole, shattering it with his kick.

He noticed a lack of sunlight.... glancing up at a massive meteor.

"Oh my... how exciting!"

He turned to face it, raising Ambition and lighting it afire. A colossal wave of flame lit up the sword as Aerion soared up and carved a flaming path right across it. After reaching the high heavens, he observed as the meteor broke in two.

He spread open his arms and a great storm of fire surrounded the entire meteor... turning it into a flaming rock. Then, a crown of air appeared on his head as he forced it to move in the direction of Bu Wu.

"Dodge this, my prince!"

Bu Wu's eyes shined golden as he created stone from the ground and used its momentum to slide across the field, grabbing the dark-haired girl and slipping right past the flaming meteors in the process. Aerion nodded in acknowledgement.

'This boy is truly something.'

Aerion descended upon him.

Bu Wu raised his spear and charged Aerion... but collapsed before he could touch him.

"You went far beyond your limit." Aerion observed, sighing as he observed the fallen prince. "You're likely to die if I don't do anything about it, aren't you?"

As Aerion blinked, Bu Shu grasped his spear once again and tried to strike him... but Aerion placed his foot on Bu Wu's hand and crushed it. After that, Bu Wu truly lost consciousness. Aerion then glanced at the dark-haired girl.

She took out a knife and tried to stab herself but Aerion grabbed her hand.

"Why would you end your life like that, sweet one?" Aerion caressed the side of her face with his free hand. "You're a living light mage... that makes you beyond precious to me."

"I refuse to serve someone like you in any way." She looked away.

"I'm not as terrible as your princes paint me..." Aerion used his soul gauntlet and disrupted her soul, causing the girl to fall unconscious. He peeked inside and chuckled. 'The 'priestess of life'... huh. I suppose it would be foolish to believe that I am the only one capable of undertaking a trial. If anything... this Bu Wu walked a similar path. Though, he could only use a single element, he used it exceptionally well. Same with his brother.'

Aerion cut his cheek and gathered the blood on Instinct's blade, leading it to drip down into Bu Wu's mouth with the intent of turning him into a vampire.

"Live... and serve."

As for Bu Shu, he collected his soul.

"You love living on the edge of life... as always." Daenerys sighed shaking her head as Vermithor descended. "What if the prince had killed you?"

"Then I would simply rise again as undead... and immortal." Aerion replied simply. "Regardless, it is over now. The main resistance to my rule has fallen and the rest will follow. More importantly... we have a lot to catch up on, my dear wife."

Daenerys smiled slightly. "That... we do. I am still a woman, after all."

"I know precisely how to please my dragon queen." Aerion glanced at the YiTish castle. "You ever wonder how their beds feel?"

Daenerys dismounted and went straight for a kiss.

"Let's find out."


After quite a few hours of dancing in the night, Aerion watched as Daenerys peacefully drifted off into sleep while he remained full of vigour. He kissed her on the cheek before standing up and dressing up.

'It seems that I have two dragon queens now.'

He went outside and casted the Supreme Soul Summoning... this time, well-prepared to give away valuable souls. He knew the cost for Jaime Lannister would be beyond astronomical, likely priceless. However, if he could not have his Knight of the Realm, he could at the very least have his vengeance.

'How much for that treacherous whore?'

"What about the souls you gained from your recent excursion in the past except for the Targaryens and their dragons. Along with that, Bu Shu."

'That includes Orys?'

"Yes." The System replied.

'Take them.' Aerion reached out into his chest and dragged them all out of him. He released the souls into the portal... and, in turn, it opened to let out a glamorous emerald soul. As Aerion grabbed hold of it and saw what it entailed, his violet eyes burned with the fire of vengeance.

He couldn't hide his sadistic grin as he stabbed his sword into the ground and watched her take the form of a Soul Knight.

Her eyes widened the moment she saw him.

"Greetings, Helia Malitheos." Aerion tilted his head. "Its been quite a while."

"Impossible... how could you have summoned me?" She stepped back. "My soul would have long since dispersed since you-"

"Don't ask how."

Aerion stepped forward, his violet eyes staring right into her soul.

Even an undead Helia Malitheos sensed his overflowing malicious intent... and with it, fear.

"Ask what I will be doing to you."

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