

"If it's the Zigvolt family, it might be easier to be at ease than the other nobles, because they are very direct with their intentions." Peony responded without hesitation, "Not only that, but..."


Peony was surprised by the sudden alarming tone of the king who frowned, "It would seem that your situation hasn't gotten any better."

Peony remained quiet for a while as the king sighed, "To think a poison could last in a body for this long."

In the end, she could not avoid it, after all. Even though it was clear that her father was trying to approach that topic multiple times.

"Since you brought it up," Peony sighed, "It seems that the effect has become very evident here as well."

"Has the entire world noticed it?"

Peony sighed before nodding, "The government is suppressing the severity of the situation at the moment, though. Once known, there are those who would take drastic measures just to protect themselves or keep themselves fed and the result of this will be anarchy. It will also be a while before those emergency rations will be done. As for myself... it is still unsuccessful. Fusing alchemy and medicine from both worlds is difficult. In the end, I still end up with duds. The current ones I have is only enough to suppress my relapses, not cure it."

The king thought to himself carefully in silence for a while before he sighed, "You said that you plan to leave after graduation from that human territory."

"Yes. I suppose mother brought up that topic to you again." She questioned hesitantly.

"That's correct." He grumbled, "Then, you should know she is not happy with it."

"Yes..." Peony responded bluntly but softly.

It was well known that the queen loved her new daughter dearly after setting eyes on her and even more so when learning of her frailty that came with her strengths. However, though overly concerned and doting about her, she wasn't one to neglect her duty as a queen and does a very fine job caring for her subjects alongside father. Managing the kingdom's smaller matters while caring for her new and only child must've certainly came with her struggles, especially when she treats so many spirits and fairies as her children many times. She certainly is well fit for her position as queen of her kingdom. However, being well fit into this position means there are times where she places her doting eyes on her as well.

Knowing that she also owes the queen for saving her in return that day, Peony knew not to push her family aside but also build a strong bond and understanding between themselves. However, that doesn't mean there were hardly any times when she does blow things out of proportion.

Then, there was her mother's husband, who is also her father since the day she was picked up by her mother. Cold as he was, he was still rational enough around her, probably due to the fact that he suspect her for her lineage a decade ago. They have gotten over the hurdle to a certain degree and she can trust these matters that requires rationale to him now. Not because she needs him to curb her mother as that was impossible, but that he was someone who was not only strict but also fair and trustworthy. He knew the severity of her situation and all that was left was to assure him she was not one to do harm or stab him or his wife in the back. From a human perspective, it may seem to be cold and a give and take relationship, but, between fairies who dislike and distrust humans and herself, it was close enough to being family to her. Moreover, her lifespan and abilities would have kept her from wanting to be around other humans' company, even if she did not want it which is often as she dives in book after book and training after training.

He shook his head, "And you want me to help distract her?"

Peony nodded, "Mother tends to think over those around her very often when alone. There are times when she overthinks personal matters when left alone. In the past, I was there to assure her and was fine with it as I was just a child. However, I'm no longer a child and will have to think of my own future as well. Yet, I fear that mother would overthink matters again when I'm not present. Naturally, father is best for this role to assure mother. Since father naturally understands mother just as well as I could or even better, it would be best to tell you of this matter. As in personal matters, we are all creatures living in this world as its residents. She's an ideal queen of this kingdom, but she tends to have doubts as a mother or wife. You knew of this better, right? Aqua mentioned to me when I was small that you would spends nights with her all the time after ushering me out."

"Hm... You mentioned that it was Aqua?" The king huffed with a scowled.

Peony chuckled, "Is there any use punishing one for a mistake that has already been punished, father? Or did you forget sending her to mediate the quarrel of the fire fairies a week after you found out about it?"

"Did I?"

"Father..." Peony sighed with a dry smile before taking a sip of a cup of tea before her, "You're going to scare her again, at this rate, and that would make mother start to interrogate her again."

Not to mention Aqua, he had already scared a few subjects after news of his nightly escapades to the queen's place was leaked. It never took him long to pick them out because he'd just throw all those accused and accusing out for errands that are not very pleasing to them ideally. Like the queen, the king also knew his subjects rather well...

For rather terrifying purposes.

The father finally sighed as he took a sip of tea as well, "Naturally, it's a spouse's job to care for their other half."

Here we go again...

"That said, it seems that it's time for you to go. It'll be inappropriate to the kingdom's princess to appear before them dressed as a man." He glared at her in annoyance, "I hope you have a solution for attire."

"Of course." Peony nodded with a soft sigh and placed the cup back on wooden table.

Peony took out her magic stone from her ring and used magic to change her outfit to one that made red cotton and silver embroidery. The skirt was short but it retained the length to hide her knees. It was matched with a pair of green shoes made of similar materials aside from the rubber sole bottom. Her hair was put up into a long red ponytail decorated with a silver pin decorated with small white lilies.

With one glance, the king sighed, "Beware of those people."

"Understood, father."

"Show me the soul." He stated as he sat down the tea on the table.

She took out the flame and showed it to the human size fairy. Seeing the blue fire, the king scrunched up his expression with a scowl, "Once again..."

Peony wore a dry laugh, "You knew that it would be like this, but you still want to see it?"

"Hmph..." The king looked away, "I am your father now, am I not? Naturally, I have to know what it is that my daughter stuck her nose into as well. Or has the role of a father changed for humans again?"

Seeing the small flame flicker, he could feel a cold feeling from it and frowned before shaking his head and handing her something into her other palm, "Take this warming stone and return quickly. I have some matters in a few days."

"Yes, daddy." She responded with a bright smile before returning the stone and magically disappearing from the scene.

With the girl gone, the king turned to the other cup of tea thoughtfully before reaching over and dipping a finger into the liquid. He frowned, "It's gotten much worse..."

He frowned before calling out to a fairy to take the tea away. He then turned to the glass-less window and looked up to the empty blue sky silently before he called out, "Igni..."

Suddenly a fire fairy the size of a child appeared before him quickly as the man continued, "That warming stone... Prepare a few more and send them to the fairies at the school that child attends. Have them send it to the child."


"Also, do not speak of this delivery with the queen. It will ruin her mood before the festivities." He added firmly without glancing back.

"Ruining whose mood?"

The voice nearly caused him to jump out of his skin as he turned around in bewilderment, "My queen, I didn't realize you were present."

The beautiful gold fairy folded her arms and pouted, "I am your queen and your wife. Is there a need for someone to notify you that I've arrived?"

"Of course not!" He rebutted quickly glancing over quickly to see that the tea cups were gone before he breathed inwardly a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, the queen shook her head and sighed in disappointment, "All right, all right. I was simply jesting. However, I have seen a child take away a tray of two tea cups and now you request for a warming stone sent to our child. I can already piece it all together on my own."

"We weren't really trying to speak of anything too concerning."

The queen nodded before grasping her husband's arm warmly and softly, "I know you two aren't trying to make me concerned. So, I will not speak of it further."

Hearing this, the king felt slightly guilty having to hide the truth from her while she knew the truth at the same time.

"In fact, having such a loving family makes me happy." The queen smiled, "I won't say that I'm happy that the two of you are hiding things from me since I'm not though. However, I can still make exceptions... as a wife and a mother. I'll have someone help Igni send more warming stones for our daughter. Come. I'll at least help you sort the papers the humans sent. Igni, have Aqua bring me that one of those set of gloves our Peony sewn for us."

As Igni disappeared, the king sighed and nodded, "All right, then. But do rest when you tire, dear Tatiana."

As the two swoons, the flame fairy quickly made himself scarce and slipped away out the wooden door. He sighed inwardly having seen the usual scene and delivered the message with the note of warning not to interrupt their rulers unlike in the past.

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