

Lark shook his head and said, "Wait... where am I?" He was sitting in front of a campfire with other wolves sitting around it. Nearby was Milo's body with wolves guarding it. One of the wolves complained, "Kole should be done by now! I want Lark back in his own body." Another wolf said, "Agreed." Then the white wolf, Pandora, walked up to them and said, "We need to be patient. It might be tough work."

Lark immediately stood up and said, "P-Pandora!" She immediately turned around and said, "Bl- no... he doesn't know my name! Guys! Lark is back!" Everyone cheered and surrounded Lark. "Welcome back!" "I'm glad you're safe!" "Welcome home!" Shouts of joy made Lark tear up and say, "Thank you guys!" Milo woke up and said, "What... happened?"

One of the wolves turned around and said, "Ah! Kole must've switched your souls back. That's good." Milo shouted, "No it's not! Kole, Blaze and Ice are in danger!" The second Lark heard Milo's cry, he shouted, "Crap, that's right! Pandora! Everyone! We need your help!" A wolf said, "With what? Is it our chief!?" Lark said, "That's only part of the problem! Our friends are in danger!"

Some wolves were hesitant, and some didn't even want to go. Until Pandora shouted, "We have to! They're still fighting for us! For our chief!" That gave the doubting wolves courage, and Pandora said, "Lead the way Lark!" Milo said, "We have to hurry. I think Kole won't be able to move in the state he's in, and the wound might get infected."

Lark said, "Right! Let's go!"

Blaze was running back up the stairs with Bootstrap close behind. Blaze threw another fireball at Bootstrap, and it burned his ear off. Despite that, Bootstrap still ran after him with bloodlust filled eyes. Blaze ran back to the third floor, and quickly opened the door. He rushed into the room and slammed the door shut.

He heard loud pawsteps, but they slowly went away. Blaze sighed, but jumped when he heard an elderly voice say, "Who are you? Are you one of Bootstrap's goons?" Blaze turned around and gasped. He asked, "Are you the water clan chief?" The wolf slowly nodded, and Blaze said, "We're here to save you!" The wolf chief's eyes started to brighten up again when he exclaimed, "Really? Oh thank you kind sir!"

Blaze huffed and said, "Lark was the one who pushed us to save you." The chief's eyes widened and he said, "Lark? A wolf with blue fur? The magic master of water?" Blaze said, "Uh... yes?" The chief sighed in relief and said, "Good. I thought I was being saved by inexperienced children." Blaze was close to burning him alive, but he held himself back.

The chief stood up and said, "Lead the way." Blaze said, "It's too dangerous. Bootstrap is upstairs and only god knows what's going on downstairs." The chief gave Blaze a look of disappointment, and Blaze said, "That's it. I'm not taking your judgment anymore old man."

Lark and Milo were approaching the building, and most of the clearing was covered in ice. A wolf shouted, "Wait, what's that!?" Milo said, "This isn't good!" Lark shouted, "Everyone stop!" Everyone stopped and Pandora asked, "Lark? What's wrong?" Lark said, "That ice will freeze you almost instantly. It's very dangerous."

A wolf said, "Look! It's spreading!" The ice seemed like it was spreading faster than before. Lark said, "This is worse than when we were inside. We have have someone fly over." Some of the wolves became confused. "Fly? Can we fly?" One wolf said, "It's not common, but some animals can gain the ability to fly." Milo said, "I would, but I'm too weak at the moment."

Pandora said, "I'll go! I've been practicing and I thing I got the hang of it!" Lark said, "But... what if you fall?" Pandora said, "Geez have some faith in me. I'm not weak anymore!" Lark stayed silent, so Pandora said, "Alright! Here I go!" She ran towards the building and started floating up in the air. She couldn't fly very high, but it seemed like she could keep off the ground pretty easily.

She floated over the ice, and started making her way to the entrance.

"My criticism? Really!? Gee I wonder why! You can't even stop Bootstrap!" The chief shouted. Blaze shouted, "Oh yeah!? You're the one who got captured by him! I'd say that's worse!" The chief shouted, "Shut up! I was protecting my clan!" Suddenly, the door got busted down, and a familiar voice said, "There you are ya little maggot."

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