
The Jester

[4 months later, year 1946]

"Humans are fragile. No matter how much money they gather, how popular they get. The fact that they are fragile will never change."

I took a pair of scissors on my hand.

"Some might have a weak body making them physically fragile and some might have a weak heart, making them emotionally fragile." 


"You. My friend… fall into the second category." I cut off a part of his flesh with the scissors.

"*Grrr* Who are you!" He roared, interesting. Not let out a cry of pain but instead a roar? Impressive.

"Ah, how foolish of me. I forgot to give you my name." I gave a bow, with the bloody scissors still in my hand. "My name is a secret, but you can call me 'The Jester'."

There is no way for him to figure out my true identity. My scent is totally sealed and even my voice is modified.

He stared at me with nothing but hatred and rage. "Why have you brought me here? Are you related to them?!?"

"I don't know who you are referring to. But I will tell you why I brought you here." Smiling behind my mask, I answer. "It is related to your genes. More specifically, the ones responsible for your survival from the atomic bomb."

He visibly flinched at the mention of the bomb. Well, his wife was killed a few days before the bombing… So it makes sense. 

"Don't worry, it won't take long… hopefully." A chuck escaped my lips. "Don't worry, I will give you an important piece of information after this, which 'should' be enough to cure your hatred for me by a little bit."

"I don't know who you are, Bub, and neither do I care. I will rip you apart, the moment you let me free." He roared once again.

"*Tch* You are supposed to be a wolverine, a part of the Mustelidae family. And a Mustelidae doesn't roar." I shoved the scissor inside his abdomen, tearing a large chunk of meat. "This should be enough."

He let out a cry at the feeling of pain as the regeneration kicks in and closes the wound.

"Don't be such a weakling, you have been through much worse. And… we are just getting started." 

My Jester persona is completely different from my Marcellus one. This one is more psychotic while Marcellus is calm.

Why do I even need this? It's because I am pathetically weak at the moment. And if not for those chains holding James… I would have been long gone.

I cannot reveal about me being a mutant unless I have enough power… But there are some that can figure out about me being a mutant with just a glance.

"I. Will. Kill. You!" His words were dripping with venom but they didn't faze me at all.

"Hm-hm. I will ignore that comment. Now, where were we? Ah, yes! Taking samples." I went towards my toolbox and picked up a drill. "I already have your blood and flesh. Now I will need a sample of your bone marrow and brain matter." 

I look towards Howlett whose eyes were as wide as a saucer. "This will hurt… a lot."

[[Peggy Carter]]

"Peggy are you free?" Howard came running towards me... which confused me a little.

"Yeah?" Was it related to the project? If so, I should help him. I haven't been much of a help to either Howard or Hanley.

"Great! Then why don't we go to the cafe for a little chat?" Cafe for a meeting? 

"Yeah, sure." 

I should probably apologize to Hanley as well. I haven't been helpful to either of them and instead, I have been ignoring both Howard and him.

[20 minutes later]

"So, how have you been?" Howard's been surprisingly worried about me. And he is known for being insensitive. 

"Been better." I don't know what else to say. "But still… I am glad that you two haven't thrown me out of this project." 

Howard laughed. "Both Marcellus and I are focused on the technical aspects of this project. And if only the two of us were left in charge, I fear that we would have developed some sort of nuclear power station instead of a defense agency."

I chuckled. "Knowing you two… I can see that happening." 

If one overlooks Howard being a philanderer and that he spends eighty percent of his time inventing someone, he is a decent guy.

"Both of you haven't even reached your 30s yet and you are already famous around the world." This was true. Both of them have achieved a height that many don't even dream about.

Howard was born in a rich family, as his father, who was a genius innovator, had already established himself through his inventions. But Howard took the term 'genius' to another level and created things that his father couldn't even dream about.

As for Marcellus Hanley, he was even more impressive. His father passed away even before his birth and thus his mother had to work countless hours to provide him with food and education. 

I am happy that Marcellus respects the hard work his mother did and achieved heights greater than everyone else. His net-worth is growing fast and is currently at the same level as Howard. 

"Science had always been my passion and the money I made was just a bonus. Even if I was never paid, I would have still continued with my experiments." I took a sip. "I bet that Marcellus is the same."

"Maybe he is." 

"Sir, ma'am. Your order is here." The waiter said holding a tray filled with deserts. 

I didn't know that he liked desserts.

[[Marcellus Hanley]]

This guy can withstand pain, that's for sure. 

I drilled his skull and took a little bit of his brain matter yet he didn't stop glaring at me. I have enough materials to let him go. But if I did… Sabertooth will most likely kill him, which I don't want. James is needed, so I cannot have him die so early. 

"But Victor is expandable." 

Walking towards the telephone, I dial Betty's number.

[[Betty Avery]]

First mission, first success. This was without a doubt the best experience of my life. 

I would have never thought that my first mission would have been about capturing the freaking 'Wolverine.' And yet we succeeded... I succeeded. 

This will definitely boost my reputation within the association.

*Ring* *Ring*

I was at a hotel provided by Mr. Jester (funny name) and only he and Sabertooth had the number to this line, as the hotel was under Mr. Jester's supervision. So… it must be either one of those two.

"It's me... Ah, hello Mr. Jester."

"Come to my office." His voice came from the other end. 

"Should I bring Victor with me?" I asked but he rejected it.

"No, just you. I have something to discuss."  

Huh? Just me.

[An hour later]

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in." His voice came from the other side.

Walking inside the office, I find him sitting cross-legged with an envelope in his hand. 

"Welcome." He wasn't wearing his usual white mask but instead, it was a dual designed mask. The left side was of a clown with blood-red lipstick drawn in the form of a smile and the right half was part of the Guy Fawkes mask.

"Is it about another mission?" I don't like messing around when it comes to my job.

He chuckled before nodding his head. "Indeed, Miss. Betty, it's about another mission. A mission that will help you increase your reputation even further." 

This made me curious. Wolverine was a well-known name within the association and he says that this mission will help me increase my reputation even more? 

"Who is the target?" I don't want to go against someone who can kill me with a snap, even for money.

"He is someone who you know pretty well, Miss. Betty." Who is he talking about?


He laughed, not a chuckle but a loud belly laugh. 

"Miss. Betty. I want you to kill… Victor Creed." My eyes open wide at that.

'It's official. This guy is a mad lad.'


[A/N: Calm Down, Calm Down... Wolverine won't die and he won't exactly turn out to be an enemy of him either... Because the 'information' that he will give Logan after this torture session... Will be more than enough to forgive him.

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