
You're Too Young

What was she thinking?! Tianshi Xue went back to her bedroom and found that she wanted to throw every breakable thing on the floor. Her arms were dotted with goosebumps.

Then in a second, it was like she was splashed with ice-cold water. She started to laugh, collapsing on the bed, holding her stomach.

Did she really just threaten the empress? THE EMPRESS?

She laughed harder.

She could not pinpoint why she found the situation funny. It could have been her defense mechanism because she knew that she was in a bad case and could probably be beheaded before lunch. But no, the empress would not be able to do that. The emperor would not let her do it.

"Ah," she sighed and sat up again. It felt so nice to know that she was a powerful person—well, Princess Yingyue was, and her brother was. She thought that she was losing touch with her own life and was getting too absorbed by Princess Yingyue's, but it turned out that they were in the same situation.

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