
Noble Families

"Noble families are divided into three tiers. The primary tier is members who are the core of the family. They also enjoy the most benefits but also have the least freedom. They are to work for the good and future of the family.

Below the primary tier is the second tier. Members of this tier still get benefits from the family but they are much less. On the other hand, they are much freer in their decision-making.

Finally, the last tier is the tertiäry tier. They are basically at the fringe of the family and can only barely be counted as family members. They don't receive any benefits from the family but are also not limited in their freedom."

Ivan easily understood this structure. He also found it reasonable that an increase in benefits came with less freedom.

"Besides these tiers, there are also servant tiers, that can be located between these tiers.", Carl explained while drawing grey boxes between the three tiers. Then he added boxes beside each of the tiers. "These are the honorary members of the primary, secondary, or tertiäry tier. And this is also where you will be located.", he said while pointing to the box besides the primary tier.

"Honorary members are outside the normal hierarchy of the family. So a primary tier family member can order around a secondary tier family member but not an honorary family member of any tier."

"Then can an honorary member order around an honorary member of a lower-tier?"

"A good question. And yes this is possible. But the range of orders is much less than that for real family members. Honorary members also can't order around any real family members of a lower tier."

Ivan nodded. It seemed like honorary members really had a hierarchy that was outside the normal family hierarchy.

Seeing that he had understood, Carl drew a triangle on top of the column of real as well as honorary tiers. "This is the main family, consisting of the family head and his wives as well as his children."

"So the heads family is above all family members?", Ivan asked.

"Yes. But the control over honorary members is extremely limited, so you don't have to worry about it. You also don't really have to care about how tiers can be changed, since that can't happen to you."

"Now that you have a basic understanding of how the family is structured, let me explain your benefits as well as your duties. If you have any other questions you can find the info on the families intranet."

Since it now came to the stuff that truly mattered to him, Ivan made sure to listen carefully.

"Let me start with the benefits. The first and most important is that you will have the right to train in the Lex Training Manual, simplified edition. This is also the edition that is available for primary tier family members."

"Is it true that this manual can improve mental energy?", Ivan asked eagerly.

"Not only that. Improving mental energy is only a part of it. It will also improve your strength and agility. It can be seen as an all-around improvement of your body and mind. Of course, the effect depends on your base talent and your effort."

If it had been before the advent of the dungeons and the system, Ivan might have doubted his claims but now there was no way he would doubt that something like this existed.

"Besides the manual, you will also get access to the Lex Merrit Trading Site, where you can get anything the family or members of the family offer, and let me tell you, this is just about anything. You only need to do quests to earn some merits and you are good to go."

"This sounds a lot like how those sects work in novels.", Ivan couldn't help but comment.

To his surprise, Carl understood the reference and nodded, "You are right. It works just like this. After all, it is a great way for a family or clan to distribute work and rewards. I'd recommend you try to earn as many merit points as you can since you can get things with them that money can't buy."

"And finally there is the family health care system, although not many realize its worth, it's still an important aspect. After all, nothing is more important than one's health. Our family's system will take care of all kinds of health problems, including transplants and such."

Ivan nodded in agreement. His family had always been quite poor, so he understood how difficult it was to get good health care. Although there was public health care, it wouldn't cover many smaller things, which weren't deemed important enough. And private health care was expensive and would always try not to pay. So having the family pay for everything was a real plus in his mind.

"Ok, now let me tell you about your duties for the family.", Carl continued while making a serious expression. "First, and most important. You are not allowed to share the training manual. Second, you are not allowed to willingly and knowingly against the family. Thirdly, you will have to agree to donate blood for the health care system."

Ivan waited for something else to be mentioned, but to his surprise, Carl just smiled at him, "That's it?"

"Yeah. After all, you are an honorary member, so there aren't many things. If you were a regular family member, there would be more."

"Now you just have to sign and we will be done."

He then pushed over the contract to Ivan.

Ivan took the contract and carefully read through it. It wasn't long so he was done fast, and seeing that it only mentioned the things Carl had explained to him, he didn't hesitate to put his signature on it.

"Great. Now I welcome you as a new member of the Lex family.", Carl said while offering his hand for a handshake.

Just after they had shaken hands, a knock on the door interrupted the congratulations.

"That should be someone with the contract for your deal with young Miss.", Carl guessed. "I'll leave you then, after you are finished please get the blood check since you are already at the hospital. Just go to the counter and tell them. Goodbye."

Seeing that his work was done, he then strode towards the door after saying his goodbye.

Only after he had left the room did Ivan remember something, Carl hadn't told him how to get the manual yet. Before he could run after him and ask, a mature woman in a business suit walked into the room.

"Mr. King.", she respectfully greeted, while slightly bowing.

She then put the case she was carrying on the table. "My name is Jenny, and I will be your personal assistant from now on."

Not waiting for him to respond, she then opened the case and took out some things, including a thin booklet with the title "Lex Training Manual, simplified edition", thus answering Ivans question on how to get the things.

"Hello, Jenny.", Ivan greeted her. Since she had only told him her first name, it was clear that this was how he was supposed to call her. Although, where did this personal assistant come from?

As if reading his mind, her next sentence answered this question, "I'm working for the new company, you and the young Miss. own. At least you will own it after you singed these papers."

She then pushed a set of papers, much thicker than the contract he had just signed, towards him.

The title of the contract was "LexKing Dungeon Supplies founding contract".

"Is there a problem if I take the contract home and carefully check it first?", he asked. He didn't want to sign such a thick contract without checking it out first. And with his knowledge of the law, it would take a while to do so.

"Of course, you can also have an independent lawyer check it.", she answered without the slightest change in expression, as if his question was expected.

"But even if you haven't signed the contract yet, there are still some things you will gain. If you reject the contract you will just have to return some of them."

Ivan guessed that this was about her being his personal assistant. She had introduced herself as his assistant before he even signed the contract after all.

"This booklet contains the training manual, so store it away carefully.", she pointed at the booklet, before picking up a card with a set of numbers as well as a link on it. "This is your access to the intranet of the Lex family. Just download the app from this link and log in with the password."

She then carefully took another card, which seemed to be made out of black metal, and holding it with both hands displayed it to him.

He wondered why she handled this card, which seemed so much more sturdy than the other things with so much more care.

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