
Show me that beautiful smile of yours

After getting dressed, Damien and Ina decided to have lunch in a restaurant, And after that drive her back to the beauty spa.

"What do you want to eat?" Damien asked as he read the food menu.

Ina looked at the delicious meals name's, Not knowing what she should choose.

"You choose." Ina said closing the menu.

Damien nodded his head smiling at her, He liked this habit of hers when let him chose the food for her whenever they were eating out, It made him feel that she trust him.

after they finished eating their lunch, They didn't leave immediately, They stayed chatting together as they eat their dessert.

"Does your company have a branch in London?" Ina asked.

She had wanted to ask him this question before but she had forgotten with all the event that happened recently.

"Yes, Actually, We have an event that will be hosted in London three months from now." Damien replied as he put down his wine cup and interlinked their hands together on the table.

Hearing this Ina's eyes light up and she asked.

"And what is this event."

Damien noticed how here eyes turned bright when she heard his answer, It made happy to know that she is eager to meet him again.

"It's an event for businessmen. I think your father company will be present at the event." Damien replied and noticed that the smile on her face dropped.

Ina tugged her hair behind her ear and pouted her lips, If her father is there he will definitely bring her mother with him.

"Don't worry we will find a way to meet by that time, Plus we can always video chat whenever you are free, Now stop pouting and show me that beautiful smile of yours." Damien said tilting his head.`

Ina smiled feeling her cheeks turning red, Though they had done many shameless things together, He still can make her blush under his intense gaze.

Smiling back at her, He brought her hand that he was holding to his lips kissing her knuckles.

"I will miss you." He dropped his voice to a whisper.

Hearing this, Ina felt sad, In these two days, she had got used to waking up in his arms.

Before she always would wake up in the middle of the night having nightmares about the day she was kidnapped but it always was blurry that she can't remember them.

But when she was with him, These nightmares disappeared and she was able to sleep soundly.

"I will miss you too." Ina said in a soft voice as the tears rose up to the surface of her eyes and tried to prevent them from falling.

Suddenly Ina phone vibrated receiving a message.

"I should go back now." Ina said as she checked the message, It was from Mia telling her to back before her mother finds out.

Nodding his head, Damien paid the bill before he offered his hand to her which she took it and walked out of the restaurant.

As they were about to reach the car, Ina started to feel light-headed and the difficulty to move and before she could process what is happening with here everything turned pitch black.

"INA-" Damien who held the unconsciousness girl in his arms, Shock her body trying to wake her up.

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