
Surprise Haru Face

(A/N: I have decided that Haru now looks like Gintama)





Looking at the time Haru sees it's about time to go to work. He tries to get up but his wife Yuki is holding on to him.

"Just five... more... minutes... your arm is comfortable..." said a sleepy Yuki.

"Yuki... five minutes can turn into ten minutes, ten minutes into thirty minutes, and thirty minutes into an hour" said Haru.

"Fiiiiiiiine... you can go but I expect-"


"A kiss?" Haru said after he cut off Yuki with a kiss.

"You know me too well Haru" said Yuki

"You are the woman I love and dedicated my life to so, of course, I would know you" responded Haru.

"Ok go wash up so you can go to work" said a very happy Yuki.

Getting released Haru got up and took a shower and put on his work clothes. Before leaving the room he gave his loving wife another kiss.

"Love you, see ya when I get back home" said Haru

"Love you too darling"

He left the room and before he could get down the stairs he hears his niece talking to him.

"Have a good day at work uncle Haru" said Kaguya.

"You have a good day as well" responded Haru.

Walking to his car Haru got in and went to work. He works at the main site of the hero association but not the main building. He worked at the other building that is nearby. The main hero association for Japan used to be in Tokyo but it kept getting attacked since it was right in the middle of the city. Even when they visibly beefed up security they still got attacked by villains. The final nail in the coffin was when the last Chairman of the Japanese Hero Association died. The detectives that investigated the previous Chairman's death were really confused by his death. It was like he took a sniper round to the heart point blank.

The look of shock on his face when he died meant it had to have been someone he trusted but the problem with that is the previous Chairman was a very outgoing person so they had stacks of papers with suspect names. Then when checking the security footage. They found someone put certain cameras on loop on his death. This really let the police know this was an inside job but even if they knew who did it there was no evidence to prosecute them with. Even those with quirks that were specifically trained to find evidence at crimes scenes didn't find anything.

The ones who did find something... Let's just say the only reason people knew they found something is cause they died of a sniper wound to the heart same as the previous Chairman only this time it wasn't point blank. That was 15 years ago when that happened. There is a prime suspect but she disappeared after a villain attack 15 years ago. Just after her disappearance, the villain Reactor made his first appearance at a villain attack, got into a fight with the number 1 hero All Might, and fought to a draw. Some say he could be a hero in disguise and is the one who killed the previous Chairman plus investigators that found something.

Most of those accusations were debunked by the police themselves. Saying that Reactor leaves energy residue behind when he fights or uses his abilities. Since that fight Reactor disappeared without a trace as well.

The current headquarters of the Japanese Hero Association is located 10 miles or 16 kilometers outside of Musutafu. They cleared every tree that's in a 5 mile radius around the headquarters then flattened the land. So there is no hiding spot for 5 miles. Even then they have hidden cameras all around. There are sensors underground so you can't dig your way to the headquarters either. You have to go through a series of checkpoints to get in or through the land strip that's heavily guarded.

Haru is currently going through the last checkpoint. Since he has been on the job for the last 12 years he is known by most of the checkpoint guards.

"How's it going Sagutsa" said a guard.

"Nothing much same old, same old" responded Haru.

" I heard the Chairman's secretary is coming to your building today" said the guard as he is done scanning Haru's I.D.

"For real? Why is she coming to my building?" asked Haru?

'Maybe I can get Kaguya a recommendation letter to U.A.?' thought Haru.

"I still remember the time that women came here a few years ago when I guarded the main building. Poisoned the Chairman's secretary and got to the Chairman's office. We could have easily stopped her but the Chairman ordered us to just let her through" said the guard.

"Can't believe she got away with no repercussions" said Haru.

"Doesn't matter to me. Cause of her we installed these checkpoints and I was appointed Guard Captain of the outside sector cause they needed some with experience to fill the role. Did I mention the position came with a juicy raise?" said the guard.

"Yeah... A Lot..." said Haru.

Haru drove off to his work building where they make and improve hero costumes. Haru gets to meet heroes all the time. He is one of the few people who doesn't put heroes on a pedestal cause at the end of the day they are the same as normal people. Plus he is friends with some of the heroes too.

Checking in Haru goes to his office then signed on to his computer. He immediately say that the Chairman's secretary request that some certain documents be handed over to be reviewed.

'That's a bit odd? This has never happened before...' thought Haru.

Then he checked who he will be working with today. 6 Heroes that are not that known and much to his displeasure the number 2 hero Endeavour.

"Just my shitty luck..." said Haru.

After waiting 1 hour the number 2 hero finally showed up. He is just wearing a black t-shirt with jeans and boots. Haru moved to the work area to meet him.

"I need repairs to my costume. It got damaged after I dealt with a bank robbery" said Endeavour.

'I hope you burn in a fire but that doesn't work so I hope you drown for threatening my niece' thought Haru with a smile on his face.

"Right away sir we'll make it better than new" said Haru.

"Hmph it better" said Endeavour before he walked off somewhere.

'I wish I could coat the inside your costume with a chemical that would make you itch and scratch till you draw blood' thought Haru with a smile on his face.

Haru would do it but he doesn't want to lose his job and position that he worked his ass off for the past 12 years just for in his opinion sweet retribution. He is in the head manager position on his floor.

(Couple hours later)

Haru and some of the other managers are on break. Haru is standing in the middle of them with them standing around him.

"I shall teach you all on how to transform into a super sayain!

First, you must spread your legs apart then slightly bend over.

Second, you must clench your butt cheeks as if you're trying to hold in taking a dump on yourself..." says Haru.

The wind started to flow around Haru as his hair started to defy gravity.

"Third, scream to the top of your lungs as if you're taking a shit after being constipated for a year!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!"

The wind blew savagely from Haru that all of them had to shield their faces.

"Is he really about to transform!?" said one manager.

"When did he acquire such power!?" said another manager.

"Guys! Secretary Tsunibe is coming!" said a manager who just burst through the door.

Haru was the first to react. He stopped midway through his transformation before anyone could blink he's sitting in his chair pretending to be productive.

"How did he do that so fast?" said an employee.

"It comes with the experience of being a married man and not wanting your wife to see the stupid stuff you do.

" Teach us this skill" said one person.

"I'm afraid this skill can only be learned by being a married stupid man" said Haru as if he were some thousand year old sage.

Standing in the door is Yui with a perplexed facial expression

'What kind of weirdo am I about to deal with?' she thought.

Yui then walked into the room. Some noticed her and immediately went somewhere else. The people standing in front of Haru didn't.

"Excuse me I have business with Mr.Sagutsa" said Yui.

The managers and employees that are in front of Haru tensed up. They turned around and moved away.

"Sorry, we were in the way, ma'am..." they all said in unison before walking away.

"Mr.Sugutsa I have come for the documents I requested" said Yui.

"Here you are" said Haru as he gave her a folder with some papers in it.

Yui was about to say something else but Haru unknowingly cut her off before she could make a sound.

"Excuse me Ms.Yui is it possible for a normal student to get a letter of recommendation for U.A.?" asked Haru.

"Yes, it is possible..." said Yui caught off guard.

"I have a very talented niece that wants to go to U.A. She is quite intelligent and has a quirk that would make her great for being a hero" explained Haru.

"What is your niece's name?" asked Yui still a bit taken aback.

"Kaguya Otsutsuki" responded Haru.

"I will see what I can do" said Yui before walking back to the main building.

'Well, that made my job of coming here a lot easier. I even made up a story on how we noticed Kaguya's talents and would like for her to join U.A.' thought Yui.

(Couple of hours later)

Haru is just about to get off from work and go back to his loving wife and niece. He thought back on his request to get a recommendation letter for Kaguya.

'Maybe I should have said more to make Kaguya look better. Who am I kidding I'm just a normal guy? Most likely rich families are at the top of this list to get a letter of recommendation for U.A. Plus why did I even try I know Kaguya is guaranteed to get in' thought Haru.

A moment later his door opened and it's Yui. He is quite shocked to see her so fast.

'I didn't know you can get turned down so fast...' thought Haru.

"Mr.Sugutsa I have forward your request to the chairman and your request has been approved" said Yui

Yui handed him the letter of recommendation that he thought he wasn't going to get.


(End Of Chapter)

(This is what updates would of been like if I wasn't lazy)

gimme power stones

ZJAY_1creators' thoughts
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