
Skeletons in the closet

It's Wednesday the middle of the week. Alone in an office sat Yukariko Chiyo. She has nothing to do today. You see she is one of those people that if got nothing to do they don't know what to do. She could go do some research on energy based quirks if she wants to. She made many contributions to the understanding of energy based quirks due to studying Kaguya's chakra quirk since it can change into many types of energy. It's a blank piece of paper just waiting to be written based on Dr.Chiyo's words on how she describes chakra.

Currently, she is looking at her notes on Kaguya's Byakugan which is a mutation of her mother's quirk Boostsight. Boostsight which as the name describes boosts the sight times 5 can go up to 10 or higher but causes strain on the eyes once it goes past 10 times. Kaguya's family the Otsutsuki clan has had eye related quirks since quirks started popping up.

Then she looked at the notes on chakra and wondered what quirk did Kaguya's father has that mutated into chakra cause if chakra is that strong that implies whatever quirk that Kaguya's father has is energy based, has similarities to chakra, and shouldn't lag too far behind chakra.

Dr.Chiyo wanted to find out who Kaguya's father is but there is nothing in the system about Kaguya's father so she looked for people that had quirks similar to chakra but only 10 people showed up half are missing while the other half is deceased.

"Trail ends cold here huh *sigh*"

Dr.Chiyo thought back to yesterday when Kaguya said she wanted to be a hero. She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes.

'All that time and lies I made to protect you is about to come crashing down huh. Well, I guess all good things must come to an end' she thought.

Suddenly the buzzer to her office went off letting her know someone wants to speak with her. She checks the cam to the door to see who it. Once she saw who it is Dr.Chiyo frowned upon seeing the person outside. Yui Tsunibe the secretary of the current head chairman of the Japanese hero association.

Unlocking the door Yui came into the office and walked to Dr.Chiyo's desk. Yui seeing Dr.Chiyo's expression returned it with a bored expression like she has better things to do than be here. Dr.Chiyo decided to speak first since she knows this woman would just stare her down forever if she doesn't speak.

"What are you doing here Yui?" Dr.Chiyo said with a cold tone.

"Hmph...well someone is in a foul mood today" said Yui sarcastically

Glaring Yuki response is "I was fine till I saw you"

"You sure you want to go there?" said Yui annoyed by Dr.Chiyo's remark.

"That's something you should be asking yourself cause healing can become poison. You experienced that first hand remember?" Dr.Chiyo smirked while saying.

Sitting her bottom lip Yui calmed down a little to do what she came here to do.

"The chairman wants to see you at his office" said Yui while glaring daggers at Dr.Chiyo.

"Tell him that I don't want to come today and I sent him the information on all the kids that have promising quirks" replied Dr.Chiyo while turning her attention back to her computer.

"He is not asking he is ordering you" replied Yui.

There is a downcast on Dr.Chiyo but she got up and walked out of her office with Yui following her.

The driver that is waiting for Yui's return is standing by the car. He noticed two females coming in his direction so he went to open the back door till he felt the oppressive aura of the two. He broke into a cold sweat but he didn't falter.

When Dr.Chiyo and Yui got to the car the driver hurriedly opened the back door gesturing to come inside but he walked up to Dr.Chiyo and said "Miss would you like to sit in the front seat?"

"I would love to" Dr.Chiyo answered.

He opened the front door for Dr.Chiyo and went to close the back door for Yui. Went back to close the door for Dr.Chiyo but she already closed the door.

'No way in hell I'm gonna let these two sit beside each other!' thought the driver in fear of being caught in the crossfire.

The car took off for the Japanese hero association.

'How did I even get in this situation' Dr.Chiyo thought while riding in the car.

(7 years ago)

The day is like any other day Dr.Chiyo is with a patient that has been brought in due to him accidentally harming himself with his quirk. The child's name is Jin a 9 year old that hurt himself accidentally with his fire type quirk.

"Your quirk is extremely dangerous to those around you and yourself so I suggest till you get older don't use your quirk much" Dr.Chiyo told the boy

"Ok!" replied the boy with a radiant smile.

Two hours later Dr.Chiyo let the boy go and continued her work on her research on energy based quirks till a new patient comes in. A man comes where Dr.Chiyo is and walks up to her. Dr.Chiyo notices the man and is wondering who he is since she saw some people showing the utmost respect to the man.

"How may I help you sir?" asks Dr.Chiyo.

"Doctor Yukariko Chiyo correct?" the man asks.

"Yes that's me" Dr.Chiyo replies

"Ah good. I am the chairman of the Japanese hero association and I wish to make you an offer" said the chairman.

Dr.Chiyo is shocked the head chairman of the Japanese hero association wants to see her let alone make a deal with her.

The chairman continued speaking "You see in the future we are going to need stronger heroes since ever generation people with stronger quirks than the last generation. I want you to work by my side so that I can help nurture the next pillars of our society"

"What do you mean? I'm still a bit shocked here since the chairman of the Japanese hero association is here" said Dr.Chiyo.

"Basically I want to know the kids that powerful quirks so that we the hero association can nurture them. With their parent's permission of course" the chairman replied.

"We have to get multiple permissions but I think this can be a good program to get to the children at a young. Plus if they don't want to be a hero we can at least make sure they don't become villains" said Dr.Chiyo cheerfully.

(couple months later)

The chairman got the permissions and Dr.Chiyo sent him the information on promising kids all except Kaguya since her quirks would most likely put her in a lab somewhere.

Dr.Chiyo has visited the Japanese hero association and seen some kids in the program but there was one time she accidentally bumped into a familiar looking boy with a black mask covering his face one week ago in which she found strange. She ignored it and carried on with her tasks.

For a week she has been getting information that some of the children in the program have gone missing. One of them is Jin and she thought back to that boy in the mask and realized that was him. Dr.Chiyo rushed to the hero association to confront the chairman cause there is no way he wouldn't investigate the missing children in his program unless he knew where they are.

When she got there security tried to stop her since she is there announced but she easily knocked them out with a simple touch of her hand. Having a quirk that can transform your body fluid into any medicine is convenient.

(A/N: Dr.Chiyo's quirk is called [dosage]. The reason why she is stopped is because the main building of the association isn't open to the public unless you have a meeting or appointment due to villains could infiltrate it)

There were heroes in the building but none then could come in contact with Dr.Chiyo due to her quirk. It's simply a bad matchup for the heroes there at the time but none of them made a move since the chairman just ordered them to let her through.

She used the stairs instead of the elevator cause there was a high chance they can trap her on it. After 10 mins of slowly climbing the stairs to make sure there are no surprises, Dr.Chiyo made it to the top floor with Yui waiting for her at the top floor.

"Get out my way Ms.Tsunibe" said Dr.Chiyo in a demanding tone.

"Or what? You defeat me fat chance I was personally trained by the chairman" Yui scoffed.

"Don't blame me for what happens next" Dr.Chiyo responded.

Yui made a water whip appear with her quirk [water manipulation].

Dr.Chiyo rushes at Yui and tries to grab an exposed part of her body but Yui isn't letting her touch her plus Yui put on some gloves. No matter what Dr.Chiyo did she couldn't lay a finger on Yui. Yui on the other hand has laid multiple hits on Dr.Chiyo.

"Is this all you got? Did you really expect crappy self defense classes to help you in this situation? Ha, don't make me laugh!" shouted Yui.

Yui went in to punch Dr.Chiyo in the stomach but suddenly Dr.Chiyo redirected her attack. Yui is shocked at this development.

'It doesn't matter cause she can't last much longer' thought Yui.

Dr.Chiyo tried to uppercut Yui but she caught her arm. Yui smirked and let out a laugh while putting a vice like grip on Dr.Chiyo's arm.

"Again did you actua-" Yui was caught off by something spraying on her face when Dr.Chiyo did a gesture like a certain hero that has spider powers.

Yui let go of Dr.Chiyo's arm and dashed away from the Doctor. Yui then used her [water manipulation] to draw off liquid off her face.

"You should already know that we are a bad matchup so why would you spray liquid on me?" said Yui before she rushed Dr.Chiyo but she was way slower than what she was before. She tried to end the fight quickly but she was getting more sluggish to the point Dr.Chiyo can easily evade her attacks.

After 5 minutes Yui finally drops to the floor like a sack of potatoes. The whole time Yui's thoughts were how did she poison her since she took the liquid off her face.

"Finally took long enough you got endurance and strength I give you that but you miscalculated when you actually thought I wouldn't cover the weaknesses of my quirk. You can't manipulate something you inhale"

Yui's vision is now blurry and she can no longer feel anything around her body but she could still hear barely. What she heard made the hope she had of the poison will wear off disappear.

"If I don't come back within 10 mins lights out forever" said Dr.Chiyo.

Dr.Chiyo opened the door to the chairman's office and went inside. What she is met with is him watching a t.v that's showing the live footage of the security cameras outside his office with an amused look on his face.

"You know Dr.Chiyo I've never expected you to come here yourself if you found out what I did" said the chairman still amused.

"So you admit to taking those children from their families!" shouted Dr.Chiyo with anger.

"Calm Yourself. Remember where you are right now. Plus You have already committed multiple crimes just to get to this room." said the Chairman before he got up and started looking out the window.

"Think about all the things you got to lose because you will never win in court even if you get evidence. Even if this conversation is being recorded right now I can just say someone with a quirk that changes their voice said all of this" explained the Chairman.

Dr.Chiyo knew he is right. Everything she has done was out of anger. No amount of evidence can put him away for his crimes. All she can do is bite her bottom lip till it bleeds out of frustration.

"The only reason I'm forgiving you is because you are a valuable asset but don't go thinking you can't be replaced so don't say a word about this once you leave. Oh yeah, go cure Yui of that poison she's about to die over there. I'll punish her later when I feel like it" said the Chairman with a lazy tone.

Yui has been passed out, foaming by the mouth, and doesn't even have 3 minutes till she dies.

Dr.Chiyo reluctantly obeyed the Chairman's words as she neutralized the poison in Yui bringing back the color to her face at a visible pace then left the building more upset than what she ever been in her life. Plus if she's gone she's not sure the next doctor for Kaguya will hide her abilities.


Dr.Chiyo now in the elevator in the main building of the hero association making her way to the top floor

Once Dr.Chiyo and Yui are out of the elevator she went inside the Chairman's office. Yui is standing behind Dr.Chiyo. The chairman is just sitting there looking at a tablet till he sat it down and slid it to the other side of his desk where Dr.Chiyo is standing.

"Have a look Dr.Chiyo" said the Chairman.

Dr.Chiyo picked up the tablet and began to read what's on the screen. When she realized that this is all of the information on Kaguya she went into shock.

"How did you-" Dr.Chiyo is cut off by the Chairman. "No, I want you to explain why did you hide this from me. Nevermind from what I read you were hiding Kaguya's abilities before I even started my program" said the Chairman while thinking.

"Do you think that she'll as easy to get as others. She can wipe you off the face of the earth as soon as you try" said Dr.Chiyo.

"Yes that's indeed true but there are multiple ways I can have her. The 4 four mains ones are her mother, aunt, uncle, and Shoto Todoroki. Even then her teleportation ability will make it very hard since at any sight of trouble she can just teleport them and no one can stop her.

(A/N: Kaguya never showed anyone the shadow clone jutsu)

All these abilities come from one quirk that is unheard of. She most likely beat Allmight right now with her eyes shut. Speaking of Allmight pretty soon he gonna retire and I'm gonna have to find a new symbol of peace. The whole reason I even made the program is to have a new one as that happens but when I read the information on Kaguya Otsutsuki all the hard work this past 7 were all for nothing since she's that strong. Think about it we'll no longer lag behind America. A single mention of her name can defuse situations no matter who it is" said the Chairman

"She wants to live her life as she sees fit. Kaguya doesn't want to be a simple tool for power for men like you" said Dr.Chiyo.

The Chairman knows it ain't going to be easy to acquire Kaguya but that isn't going to stop him. Just the thought of having such power for disposal is enough for any world power to go to war with Japan just to get her. The chairman however isn't going to let the same situation as Allmight when he had to go to America for some time. He wants Kaguya all to himself and no one else can have her.

"You're free to go now, Dr.Chiyo. Till I close down my program you're a valuable asset. Plus You understand the most about Kaguya's abilities but this is your second strike or else" the Chairman told Dr.Chiyo.

"Or else what?" Dr.Chiyo responded.

"How's your father doing?"

A murderous aura came out of Dr.Chiyo. No one has ever done anything to cause this reaction.

"Touch a single hair on him and you'll be dead before you even know what happened. That's not a threat it's a promise" said Dr.Chiyo that's ready to kill the Chairman right now.

"It must really be a kick in the balls to have a father that has a poison, not even you can cure. I feel sorry for the villain who did that to him if you ever see him" said the Chairman with a smile.

Dr.Chiyo wants to tear his head off right here and now but if she's not around to keep the poison in her father at bay he can die at any given time. So she just turned around and leave before she loses all restraint.

As she is leaving the elevator door opens and it's Allmight. Allmight notices Dr.Chiyo and before he can say excuse me or pardon me Dr.Chiyo simply says "Move" with her murderous aura not even caring that the number one hero is in front of her. She gets in it and pressed the button for the ground floor to leave.

As soon she leaves Allmight spoke with a cold sweat "What's her problem?".

" Nothing she's just leaving" responded the Chairman.

In the elevator, Dr.Chiyo calmed down some and is in deep thought. 'I can protect my dad but Kaguya you are on your own on this I'm sorry. I hope you erase his existence'. The door opens and Dr.Chiyo leaves the building hoping never to come back here ever again.

(End of chapter)

(A/N: Sorry for the late chapter. I've been playing cyberpunk and I'm loving it. I'll have a new chapter out by Tuesday till next time

P.s. Oc character info in auxiliary )

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