

It's been a week since Kira and the others exited the dungeon, and ever since then he has regretted his life decisions, Salem (G) has yet to leave his side, and even Normal Salem has had enough of her, but, Kira didn't care, as today, he'd finally be introducing Ruby to his brother, yep, Kira would be taking Ruby to meet James

"Alright, do you have everything you may need? I plan to be gone for some time," Kira

"Yep!!" Ruby

"Alright, well, I guess this is goodbye for now," Kira said as he turned and looked at the others

"By the time you return master, we will all be brand new people!!" Jaune

"Hahahaha, you better be," Kira

"Goodbye!" Ruby said as she waved to everyone, Kira grabbed her by the hand as they were suddenly covered in a blue and black mist


"So, the plan I------" James was speaking but suddenly stopped as he looked to the side, where he saw a blue and black cloud quickly appear then disappear, revealing two people in its wake

"Kira!" James

"James," Kira walked over and hugged his brother

"what's going on? are things going done?" James

"No, I'm here to introduce you to someone," Kira said as he stepped to the side as waved Ruby over

"This is Ruby, Ruby, this is my brother James," Kira

"Hello," Ruby

"Well well well!!! I've heard a lot about you from my brother, it's good to finally meet you!!" James

"So, what brings you two here? I'm sure that you didn't want to only introduce us," James

"Hehehe, yeah you're right, you see, I'm going to go off and train, so I was thinking it would be best if I brought the two of you with me, so I know you two can handle yourselves a little better," Kira

"Ah, hmm, well I would go, but, something happened," James

"Hmm?" Kira

"Were going to war, the people of Marley, are declaring war on us, so I need to be here to make sure my men have the best chance they can," James

"...Are you going to kill them?" Kira

"it's war, so yes, it's going to happen," James

".....alright, I'll be back," Kira said as he disappeared leaving James and Ruby there

"....Is he going to?" Ruby

"I think so yes, I guess he really wants me to go, hehehe, I mean I understand, it is a serious matter," James said as Kira appeared back in front of them

"there, you won't have to worry about them anymore, so, will you come?" Kira

"Well, you just ended the war, what choice do I have?" James

"I will alert everyone that I'm leaving, and tell them that the war is over, give me ten minutes," James said as he walked out of the room leaving Kira and Ruby there, after around eight minutes James walked into the room with a duffle bag in his hand

"Alright, I'm ready, so, what's the plan?" James

"We're gonna go to the place where its easiest to get stronger," Kira said as he grabbed Ruby's hand and James's shoulder as they were covered in the mist again


"Lord Beerus wanna spar a little!!" Goku said as he was bouncing around

"No, if you want to spar, go get Vegeta," Beerus

"But Whis is having him help him with something!!" Goku

"Well that isn-" Beerus was interrupted as he heard someone talk

"Wow, this place is so pretty!!" Ruby said causing Beerus and Goku to look over, only to see Ruby, James, and Kira, who caused them to tense up

"K-KIRA?!?!?!" Goku said with a hint of fear in his voice, as he remembers what happened at the T.O.P like it was yesterday

"Hmm? Oh, Goku!! It's been a while," Kira said as he walked towards them leading Ruby and James to follow

"W-what brings you back here?" Goku

"Hmm? I'm here to train, so I came to the place with the strongest people, also, I have a couple of people i need Whis to train as much as he can before I leave," Kira

"What were you yelling for?" Vegeta walked up from behind Goku with Whis next to him, but seeing Kira, they froze

"Whis!! Just the guy I wanted to see!!" Kira

"Kira....how can I help you?" Whis

"I need you to train these two here and a couple of others, they're weak and need to get stronger fast," Kira

"Damn," James

"Hello!" Ruby

"i...can try my best, where are the others?" Whis asked as suddenly all of Kira's servants appeared

"Here they are," Kira

"Sup," ban

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Itachi

"....." Yami

"You still won't talk huh?" Erza said to Yami, who only looked at her

"Well, this is quite a few people, when do you need me to start?" Whis

"The sooner the better, the multiverse depends on it," Kira

"What do you mean?" Goku

"An evil god yada yada, whats to take over yada yada, you know how it goes, so, I need to get stronger, as well as do they," Kira

"....should I summon the other angels as well as my father to help?" Whis

"If you could that would be lovely," Kira said as Whis nodded and started talking into his staff

"So, are we going to be staying here for the time being?" James

"More than likely, also, I want you all to know, once I start training, do not try to interrupt me, cause I cant promise your safety," Kira

"Alright, you're still going to be taking breaks though right?" Ruby

"yeah, don't worry, I'm not going to be pushing myself to the point where I'm not going to take a break," Kira

"Alright, they will all be here shortly, as well as the gods of destructions," Whis

"Why?" Kira

"Under the orders of Grand Preist Sama, they will all join in your training," Whis

"Alright, so I'm more than likely going to be fighting them all at the same time, including you Beerus," Kira said causing Beerus to spit up

"Wh-wh-what?!" Beerus

"it's true, Grand Preist Sama told me to tell you to prepare yourself lord Beerus," Whis

".....'Sigh' alright," Beerus

"So, while we wait for them to arrive, how about you see where they all stand," Kira said as he pointed at the others

"Right," Whis

"Oh right, if anything happens to these two, I won't hesitate to rip this universe apart," Kira said as he pointed to Ruby and James

"I understand, it is a pleasure to meet you two, my name is Whis," Whis

"My name is Ruby, it's nice to meet you," Ruby

"My name is James, I look forward to your training," James, seeing this, Kira couldn't help but smile as he thought about the future


MR_No1 here

sorry if the chapter feels rushed, I just wanted to get into it

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