
He is now my child!!!

"Ugh, dammit," Kira

"What's wrong?" Ban

"I messed up this painting I'm doing for Ruby! now I got to restart," Kira said as he threw his hands up in the air

"It doesn't have to be perfect, I'm sure she wouldn't mind a little mess up," Ban

"Yeah I know she wouldn't, but it needs to be perfect, it's her Christmas present after all!" Kira said as he threw the canvas he was just painting on to the side and grabbed another

"Whatever, anyway, today is the day that the first years are assigned to shadow a huntsman, so you should probably get ready to go," Ban

"Hmm, alright, ayo Venom, why have you been so quiet lately?" Kira

"Well I've actually been going through your memories, and I gotta say, your lucky you survived as long as you did, I mean when you fell off of th-" Venom

"Shh, be quiet, the readers don't like when we talk about my past," Kira

"The what?" Ban

"None of your business, fucking pleb," Kira said as he went to take a shower

After Kira had gotten out of the shower he put on his usual outfit, which was a black sleeveless hoodie, black cargo pants, and a pair of black sneakers, after Kira had finished getting dressed he left his room only to hear screaming coming from Team Rwby's room, walking over he saw that the door was open, looking in, he saw Ruby, Weiss, and Yang gathered around something, while Blake was on top of Ruby's bed hiding from whatever it was

"Omg Zwei, I've missed you!" Ruby screamed as she picked up the dog that she and the others, Excluding Blake, was surrounding,

"Damn, forgotten and alone," Kira finally alerted them to his presence, causing everyone to look at him in their doorway

"Hey, Kira! Come meet Zwei!!" Ruby shouted as she held her arms up, holding up the Black and white Corgi, walking towards her, the dog started shaking violently, trying to escape from her grasp

"Zwei! what's wrong!" Ruby said trying to keep the dog still, but it didn't matter as he quickly escaped her grasp and rushed underneath the girl's beds, causing Kira and the others to react with shock

'Da fuck?' Kira thought

[I think it sensed your Devil bloodline, dogs can usually sense that type of stuff,] Ayano

'Hmm,' Kira thought for a second, he then began to walk towards the dog who kept trying to move farther away from him, arriving in front of the bed Kira got down on his right knee and put his hand out towards the dog as he activated his {Devils Charm} Skill, he even bought a treat from the shop,

"Hey there little guy, want a treat?" Kira asked the dog who slowly started to come out from under the bed. When Zwei saw the treat as his head peered from under the bed, he started to come farther from under the bed, as he looked up at Kira he no longer felt fear, actually, he felt the exact opposite, he felt as if he wanted to love him

Zwei's tail started to wag aggressively as he 'Tackled' Kira to the ground and started to Lick Kira's face, while this was happening Kira couldn't help but feel relieved, because where he was from there was a saying, "You can usually tell that a man is good if he has a dog who loves him". So Kira wanted to make sure that Zwei liked him,

"Ok ok ok, that's enough little guy," Kira said as he picked Zwei up off of him, looking at the dog, Kira saw that the dog's tail was wagging at an unnatural speed, seeing this he smiled as he looked over towards Ruby who was standing there with the others, they all looked flabbergasted at the events that just took place, one second, Zwei ran away from Kira, the next Zwei was all over him

"So, I think it's about time to head to the auditorium, don't want to make Ms, Goodwitch mad," Kira said as he stood up and sat the dog that was in his hands down, as Kira started walking towards the door to leave he heard the sounds of footsteps, looking to his side he saw Zwei standing next to him, looking at the dog he wanted to test something, so Kira took a step to his right, and sure enough Zwei did the same, looking at Ruby Kira only smile as he said

"I now claim him as my son," Kira said as he walked out of their room with Zwei following right behind him

"Zwei," Ruby said in a depressed tone as she reached out with her right hand


Sitting inside of the auditorium Kira had Zwei on his lap as he was petting the dog, to his right side sat Team Rwby, and on his left was Team Jnpr, Ruby was sitting right next to Kira trying to get Zwei to come to her but to no avail, which caused her to feel betrayed

"Today we stand together, united. Mistral. Atlas. Vacuo. Vale. The four Kingdoms of Remnant. On this day, nearly eighty years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, of greed, and of oppression. A war that was about much more than where borders fell or who traded with whom, but about the very idea of individualism itself. We fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self-expression. And as you are well aware, that was something many could not stand for. As a result, those who opposed this tyranny began naming their children after one of the core aspects of art itself: color. It was their way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this oppression, but neither were the generations to come. And it was a trend that is held to this very day. We encourage individuality, expressionism, and unity through diversity. As I have said, today we stand together, united. But this bond cannot exist without effort." Ozpin

"Which is why today, while the rest of the world celebrates peace, Huntsmen and Huntresses will work to uphold it. As first-year students, you will be tasked with shadowing a professional Huntsman or Huntress on a mission. Some of you may be taken out of the Kingdom for several days. Others may work within the walls for the rest of the week. But no matter which path you choose, remember to be safe, remember your training, and remember to do your very best" Ozpin, when he finished everyone started to leave and head towards the electronic boards where they were supposed to pick which teacher they wanted to shadow

Kira and team Rwby walked towards one of the boards, team Rwby wanted to search through the Search and destroy category to find a teacher to shadow who was heading to the southeast, but as Ruby went to select the Search and destroyed category it said that First years weren't allowed to participate in this type of mission

"Wonderful!" Weiss

"Any other ideas?" Blake

"We mail ourselves there!" Ruby

"Well, that's one option," Ozpin said as he appeared out of nowhere

"Unfortunately, we determined that the concentration of Grimm was too extreme for first-year students. It seems that particular region is rather popular. In fact, I have the sneaking suspicion that you four will make your way there no matter which job you choose" Ozpin

"Whatever makes you say that?" Ruby said as she scratched the back of her head

"I'm still curious how you all found yourself at the docks last semester. I'm interested to know how you really learned about a hideout in the southeast. And I certainly wonder why witnesses reported seeing robots and rose petals in a dance club some time ago." Ozpin

"Um... well..." Ruby

"I doubt I'll ever find the exact answers I'm looking for. So how about this: instead of waiting for you all to break the rules, why don't we just bend them?" Ozpin selects some things on his scroll, and the hologram screen makes a noise.

"We won't let you down. Thank you, professor." Ruby

"Do not thank me for this. Teamwork and persistence have carried you far. But you must understand, the things that await you beyond the protection of the Kingdom will not care. Stay close to your Huntsman at all times, and do exactly as he says. He will be leading you on this mission, and he can have you sent back to Beacon if he finds your skills to be unsatisfactory. Good luck." Ozpin, while all of this was going on Kira was thinking of a way to convince Ozpin to let him join the girls, but it would seem that luck was on his side

"And I will also send you with them Mr. Kira, as you will be there to be extra back up for their team, because the place they want to go to will be crawling with Grimm," Ozpin

"You can count on me," Kira said as he gave a playful salute to Ozpin, to which Ozpin returned, Ozpin then began to walk off but Kira stopped him as he asked

"Oh, Mr. Ozpin, do you care if I take my dog with me?" Kira

"Hmm, sure just make sure he doesn't get you all into trouble," Ozpin said as he began to walk away

"Cool," Kira said as he turned around to see Ruby

"Your dog?" Ruby

"I did say I'm taking him as my son, did I not?" Kira

"B-but" Ruby began to say, but Kira quickly hushed her as he pulled her close and said

"You know, since I'm his father, that would make you, his mom," Kira said as he kissed her forehead,

"Yay!!" Ruby said as she hugged Kira who couldn't help but laugh

As he and the others walked out of the building heading towards the Airship that will take them to Quadrant 5, a student ran past the shouting

"Hey! Team CFVY is back!" Random student, Beacon students gather around to witness the return of Team CFVY, when team CFVY began walking Kira's and the others way, Kira noticed a Brown haired Bunny Faunus who began to run up to them

"Hey, Kira! it's good to see you again," Velvet said as her teammates were right behind her

"So, he's the one who took care of that racist asshole who was bothering you," Said the leader of there team, who was a female by the name CoCo

"Yeah," Velvet answered her leader

"Hmmm, you know, he isn't that bad looking either," Coco said causing Ruby to grab Kira by the arm and say

"Sorry but we have to get going, don't want to keep our teacher waiting," Ruby said as she dragged him away as the others soon followed

"Hahahaha, Ruby's jealous," Yang said as she was right behind us

"So what if I am, he's my boyfriend after all," Ruby said as she looked forward's, soon after we all arrived at the Airship that would take us on our 'mission' just then a man came out of nowhere and said

"Why, hello girls! Kira! Who's ready to fight for their lives?" Oobleck


"There must be something in the water

'Cause every day it's getting colder

And if only I could hold you

You'd keep my head from going under

Maybe I, maybe I'm just being blinded

By the brighter side

Of what we had because it's over

Well there must be something in the tide

I've been told, I've been told to get you off my mind

But I hope I never lose the bruises that you left behind

Oh my lord, oh my lord, I need you by my side"

One of my favorite songs, you all should check it out, its name is 'Bruises' by 'Lewis Capaldi'


Sincerely MR_No1

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