
Attack on Titan?

After Kira wen't back to his room, he jumped on his bed and fell asleep, he then found himself in a familiar place once again. Kira was in the black void once again, ever since the first time he came here he has been coming back every night.

"Yo about time, i need you're help" James

"Damn no 'hi bro' or '*how was you're day bro' i feel i" Kira

"Ok you're right, hey bro how was you're day" James

"None of you're damn business, Now that that's out of the way, what's up" Kira

"Really, you know what it's not important, listen i need you to come back to my world with me" James

"Wha-what is that even possible" Kira

"It is" ???

"Oh what's up Cronus" Kira said talking to the mysterious being, since Kira has been coming here every night he and James decided to give the being a name, after a couple hour's of thinking, Kira finally came up with the name,

"Hello Kira, as i said it is possible, but you will not be able to stay for long, i can give you a week" Cronus

"A week huh, wait what about my world" Kira

"You're world will be suspended in time so nothing will change" Cronus

"Oh ok, another question, will i be able to take my system, along with my servant's" Kira

"I will allow it, so all i can say is i hope you both have fun" Cronus

"Thank's mom" Kira said in a joking tone.

"Hahaha, you're welcome little one's, now begone" Cronus said, the next moment Kira felt the familiar feeling of being pulled away from the void, but this time it felt like he was being pulled somewhere else.


Kira woke up to see an unfamiliar roof, he then proceeded to look around the room, while looking at the room around him Kira heard a voice.

'Master where are we' Ban

[Yes i am also have no recognition of where we are Senpai] Ayano

'Same here' Venom

"Don't worry were not in any danger" Kira said as he got up off the ground, the room he was in was basic, it was brown in color, it had a single bed, a wardrobe, and a desk with a simple wooden chair.

The wardrobe was slightly open, seeing this Kira decided to see what was in it, to know if he was in some random dude's room, or if today was the day he would die, by that he meant. the girl's in attack on titan ain't no push over's, and if he was caught in one of their room's then they would try and kill him.

Walking over to the wardrobe Kira opened it up, in side was as Kira feared, they was women clothes, Kira was about to run out of the room when he saw the clothing. until he saw a pair of pink pantie's, seeing them Kira felt like he was fucked for some reason. And that reason became clear as the door to the room suddenly opened up, hearing the door open Kira heart dropped, turning around Kira saw the lat female we would wan't to.

"Ah shit" Kira said, him and the girl locked eye's, the girl had black hair, along with black eye's to match, if Kira had to guess he would say she was around 5'7 in height.

"Who are you" The girl shouted pulling a blade from god know's where.

"W-wait let me expla" Kira tried to say but was cut short as the girl lunged at him. The girl swung the blade at Kira's right arm. Kira dunked under the blade and steped to the side.

'how she is really slow' Kira thought to himself. The girl then swung the knife around and tried to stab Kira again, seeing this Kira grabbed the arm that had the knife.

"Hey listen let m-" Kira was once again cut off as the girl swiped his leg's from under neath him. Kira landed on his back, right after the girl mounted Kira, but sadly it wasn't in the good way.

"Who are you, how did you get in here" The girl said

"I've been trying to tell yo-" Kira

"Mikasa what's going on" Said a man that came from nowhere, it was James, oh thank lord.

"J-" Mikasa was about to say something but was cut off this time.

"James, thank god, get this crazy bitch off me, before i do something that i won't regret" Kira said grabbing the attention of the man, seeing who it was James was shocked, he knew Kira was going to be coming to his world but, when he woke up Kira was nowhere to be seen.

"Mikasa get off of him NOW!!" James ordered, having James raise his voice at her startled her. Why would he choose some random pervert that was caught snooping through her stuff over her.

"I SAID GET OFF OF HIM" James screamed, to which Mikasa immediately jumped up off of Kira.

"I'm sorry Captain James, but i caught this man snooping through my belonging's" Mikasa

"I've been trying to tell you this was a misunderstanding" Kira

"Oh yeah, and why would you be in her room" Eren said coming in from the hallway behind James.

"He's here because i told him to be" James said grabbing everyone's attention.

"What do you mean sir" Mikasa

"I told him to wait in you're room and bring you to me, and before you say 'that gave him no right to go through my stuff'. You are correct, but i will take the blame for that, you see Kira here is a very important person, he is going to help us in the battle against the armored titan. And why he would go through you're belonging's i can only guess it's because i haven't told him anything about you so he probably thought you were a male, and he wanted to see what the soldier's uniform looked like, so please excuse him Mikasa".

After James said that everyone got quite, while Kira only had one thought.

'Holy fuck, he handled that situation like a damn pro, but wait did she say Captain' Kira thought

"Alright i understand my apologies Captain" Mikasa

"It's fine, but i'm not the one you should apologize to, you should say you're sorry to Kira over their" James

"Right please forgive my hastiness, i should have let you explain why you was in my room" Mikasa

"O-oh there's no need to be sorry, i would have probably done the same in you're shoe's, so how about we start over my name is Kira what is you're's" Kira said raising his hand to shake her's.

"My name is Mikasa" She said after hesitantly shaking Kira's hand.

"So, James can i speak to you, please, in private" Kira

"Yeah, follow me" James

"Wait sir, didn't you need me for something" Mikasa

"Oh right, gather everyone important and meet in the command center in 10" James

"Understood sir" Mikasa said, Kira could tell something was up with her but he couldn't tell, in the show she wouldn't talk that much, but know she's seem's different.

'I'll ask James' Kira thought to himself. Kira the proceeded to follow James to what he could only guess was the command center, it was a large white room that was in the form of a circle, it was actually pretty empty for it's large size, the most noticeable thing was a large circle table in the middle of the room.

"So what did you wan't to talk about" James

"O-oh i wanted to know what all have you changed from cannon" Kira

"Hhhmmmm let's think, well as you may have guessed it i am a Captain, i changed a couple thing's around, like when Eren saved Mikasa i was also there, so this set off a butterfly effect, Mikasa is in love with me, Eren and Armin are actually in a relationship. I Actually have a titan form as well as Eren is still the attack titan, Armin is the colossal titan, Mikasa is the female titan, and a lot more has changed but i'll tell you that later, so anything else" James

"That's a lot to take in, ok so you do realize that i am more than likely one of the strongest people in this universe right?" Kira

"Exactly, with you here i don't have to worry about my soldier's dying" James

"Hmm OK i can make this work, i can train here since time is going to stay still while i'm here, maybe i'll even transform into the great ape while i'm here" Kira

"Yeah you see, you can benefit while you're helping me, and if you need something just ask and i'll see what i can do" James, just as he finished speaking they both heard a knock from the door.

"You may enter" James

"Captain James, i have gathered everyone you told me to" Mikasa

"Great everyone sit down, i have someone important for all of you to meet" James


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Hollowed Saiyan/Symbiote]


[Exp: 5372/10,000

[Shop point's: 42,372]

[Stat point's: 0]

[Health: 760]

[Strength: 140]

[Agility: 100]

[Vitality: 100]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo: SS } {Ki manipulation: S } {Flying: S } {Cooking: S } {Mind of a God: SSS } {Wrath of Death: SS } {Blacksmith Skill: SSS } {Mana Burst: A} {Web slinging:A} {Spider sense:SS} {Water bending} ]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer} {Black Heart}]


Here y'all go, i kept on seeing people saying to make longer chapter's so here y'all go. Also tell me what you think about Kira going to Attack on titan.


MR_No1creators' thoughts
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