
Well, shit did not expect this

"That would be because of me" HK

"What the, where are you, show yourself" Kira screamed out only to get a laughed at in return.

"Hey dum b ass, no matter how hard you look you're not going to find me" HK

"What do you mean stop playing around and come out" Kira

"As you wish, Master" HK said, and then a bright light appeared out of nowhere, blinding Kira. when Kira was able to regain his senses he opened his eye's and what he saw stunned him.

It was HK and he was kneeling to Kira? Kira was absolutely stunned by this as he stepped back, but what was even weirder was that he didn't sense any negative emotion's from HK.

"W-why are you kneeling to me?" Kira

"Wow you really are dumb, ugh when you defeated me i was supposed to die but it seemed that i was brought back and it seem's that you are now my master, which i didn't have a say in, but hey that doesn't matter know does it" HK

"W-what the fu... you know what never mind that, you said you know what the skill does?" Kira

"yup i'll tell you what it does" HK


{Wrath of Death} This allow's you to summon anyone or anything you've killed, and no matter how strong they are they will all way's see you as the king.


Kira was stunned when he saw description of the skill he was given, this skill is completely over powered.

"Hahahaha well this should make thing's a bit more interesting, so what should i call you" Kira

"I dont know i am nothing but a hollow of you my lord" Hk

"Hmmm ok well, OK i got it i'm gonna name you Banzan, or Ban for short so what do you think" Kira

"Banzan, heha yeah that should do well" Ban (A/N HK will now be known as ban/ Banzan)

"Great, now i won't have to train alone anymore, but i will summon you out tomorrow be cause it's getting late" Kira

"Of course my lord" Ban

Kira then proceeded to walk in his cave and go to sleep, when he woke up he summoned Ban and the spared, With the out come being Kira's win of course.

With thing's continuing like this for of couple month's. Kira then decided it would be a good idea to go search the city of vale where the show started off, so Kira did exactly that he went and walked through the city, While he walked around exploring he made ban go around gathering info for him.

While Kira was walking around he happened to stumble across a shop, more specifically it was a dust shop, know as dust till dawn. When he saw this he was so happy he screamed "YES" and when doing so people stopped what they was doing just to stare at him, but he managed to play it off.

Upon walking in kira then took in a good look of the store, he then wondered around the store until he found something that really shocked him. It was her Ruby Rose, she was standing reading a magazine with head phone's on, Kira was so in shock that he just stood there with his mouth agape.

Kira the decided to try and strike up a conversation with her. so after building up some courage he walked up to her and tried to talk to her. he grabbed another copy of the magazine she was reading and stood there acting like he was reading it trying to think of a way to strike up a chat, that's when it hit him ..... Weapon's. So he tapped on her shoulder and she turned around to see who it was.

Ruby turned around to see a very attractive man with tattoo's on his face, she slowly took of her head phone's to see what he wanted.

"Y-yes can i help you" Ruby

"Oh yeah i'm sorry to bother you but i couldn't help but notice you're reading the magazine as me, and i was wondering if you knew if this place had a dust guide for beginner's. You see i'm currently trying to find a way to infuse my scythe with dust so wouldn't happen to know where i could find something like that would you?" Kira

"Oh yeah you go down that isl-" Ruby then stopped because she realized what the man in front of her said. when Kira saw this he knew he got his conversation.

"Did you just say you wield a scythe as well" Ruby

"Yea why" Kira

"Because i also wield a scythe" Ruby

"Oh really, you wouldn't happen to have it on you, would you?" Kira

"Yeah here she is, Crescent Rose" Ruby said happily pulling out her scythe. Kira leaned in to expect it, it was even better in person.

"Wow that's really a beauty you have there" Kira

"Here you showed me you're's now let me show you mine" Kira said, he the proceeded to pull out his scythe. Ruby couldn't help but blush at this comment, but her eye's widen as she looked at the amazing craftsmanship the scythe had, every little detail was perfect on it, the way the gold coiled on the blade it was a masterpiece.

"Wow this is amazing, it's so pretty, what's it's name" Ruby

"Oh well um, i named it the Sky Killer, because when i was finished making it i killed a Nevermore grimm" Kira said lying about why he gave his scyth such a chuuni name.

"Wow that's amazing,... Wait did you say you made that" Ruby said in utter shock, the scythe was a master piece so she was impressed to learn that he made it himself.

"Yea oh and by the way my name is Kira, what's you're's" Kira

"OH right my name is Ruby Rose, it' nice to meet you Kira" Ruby

"Like wise hey since we both seem to enjoy scythe's how about we become friend's" Kira

"R-really Yeah that will be awesome" Ruby said

To be honest Kira was a little surprised that plan actually worked, but now that he though about it Ruby didn't have that many friend's in the show, so he though that right now she must of had no friend's whatsoever. kira then spent some more time talking to ruby before leaving. he returned back home and went back to his daily routine with the exception of going to the shop every Sunday to talk and hangout with Ruby. This continued for a little under a year and a half until the came.

Here ya go, next will start the beginning of the show.


MR_No1creators' thoughts
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