
Smells like smoked ham around here

The city of Manila is a sprawling metropolis of close to twenty million people. Flanked on the north, northeast, and the east direction by the Manara Mountains, and is bordered in the northwest to the southwest directions by the long Ilaya River. These two natural barriers made Manila a thriving bastion of humanity, a melting pot of culture, and a bustling destination for travel, business, and trade. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it also houses one of the biggest bases of the Alliance of Wanderers, the organization in charge of most of the world's remaining settlements, and also the biggest and greatest Superhuman organization on the planet.

The Alliance's influence over the lives of the people in the present day is ever increasing. They were in the minds of the people whose daily survival is partly relying on them. They are in the hearts of them, with those spectacular shows of guns, steel, arcane, and destruction. They are everywhere— from billboards, consumer goods, the news, television, heck, they even broadcast their ranking tournaments!

But today, the Wanderers are experiencing a one of a kind breach.

The Wanderers' Manila branch has received multiple reports of a Metahuman causing a ruckus downtown. The reports varied. Some say the Super is faster than a car. Some say it might even be an Ascender. Some are skeptical, saying it's just a deranged human that is so spiked he is crazy fast. But one fact is consistent in all the reports…

He's foul-smelling!

Upon further inspection though, the Wanderers felt traces of a burst of power signature similar to a Super in the vicinity, but to their astonishment, the smell that should follow, does not exist, leaving its trail almost impossible to pinpoint.

Power signatures of a Metahuman are usually determined by the smell of it, like an aura. It is unlike the power signatures of ordinary humans, which are odorless. The smell is always unique, making it a defining characteristic of any Superhuman. How every single one of them has a unique smell for their aura remains a mystery.

But what's this? They actually are smelling something that reeks…

"It's not a power signature… yet why the fuck is this smell so bad! How did it get stuck here?!" After just one inhale of this toxic gas like smell, an Alliance detective quickly wore a gas mask.

"Yes… this toxic smell isn't even the aura… I wonder why this fugitive does not have a unique smell in him… besides this natural bad smell…" the second one fared a little better, lasting a couple of breaths before running ten meters away.

"Let's just report this. Maybe the higher ups might have an idea who this guy is."

But even before any of the two could make a move, a massive man close to seven feet tall landed in front of them.

The normal police, and the Wanderers present all raised their hands in salute with the snappiness of a fresh-faced new soldier.

This man is the Transcender (Grade A) Metahuman Hong Yuanhe, the Branch Director of this huge Wanderers Manila base. He's one of the most powerful Metahumans of this time. Many point to his face that is permanently scarred on the right side as a testament to his brutal berserk style of fighting. Many think of him as just a crazy strong beast of a man, but would not realize that he's more reliant on his head than he is on his boundless strength.

Alongside him is the Branch Associate Director, Peter Reyes, another Transcender. He gained fame with his repeated successful defense missions on the outskirts of the city. He's basically a guy that loves to get hit. Born and raised in Manila, he's grown to become known as Manila's Last Line, because of his crazy shield abilities.

These two lead one of the biggest bases of the Alliance.

Scratching his always itchy facial scars, Director Hong pondered, "It is a Metahuman, no doubt about it. The thing is, why can't we find a smell?"

"Well Director, you should be smelling some putrid non-auric smell here…" his Associate Peter disinterestedly joked.

"You really have the time of the day to fool around with me?"

"Haha, just kidding boss, just kidding…" his voice trailed off as he suddenly seemed to scribble something in the air.

"Quit it with your immaturity, Peter! You know we can't put Manila on lockdown for long without any progress!" Director Hong really is burning with irritation right now, since his tea time was cut short by this nobody making a scene.

Peter sighed, as if realizing that this is a prelude to something annoying. "That man must have an odorless aura…"

The Director's eyes dangerously lit up, and suddenly the toxic scent is gone, replaced by the bewitching aroma of smoked ham.


Our MC did not manage to watch the anime. The only thing he managed was to use his electric bill as toilet paper. That did not dampen his spirit much though, so he still tried to motivate himself into figuring out what other things he did wrong today.

"What could I have done wrong… hmm… oh yeah, I actually skipped taking a bath today!"

Yes, but actually no. You did not take a bath, but it did not contribute to your nagging feeling.

"No… if it is, then I should be feeling this everyday."

Yuck. Moving on.

"Then it must be that one where the Boss said, 'you're fired.'"

Something like that actually happened? Then why are you so giddy earlier? You actually got fired? That actually counts as something wrong! Have you already sold your brain to the black market?

"Hmm… no way that's it… Boss even gave me two months worth of pay after that. What a great man."

You have to be joking with me, right? That's separation pay!

"Hmm… so it must be that one after I got out of work…" All of a sudden, he gulped down all the soda in the can he was holding. His eyes also narrowed, as loud footsteps like boots clacking arrived at the front of his door.

"Hmm… that must be the case… I have been utterly careless."

You don't say!

"So one of those in the crowd must have taken pictures, eh? Damn those old bats up top! Maybe they also cut my electricity off!" His first conclusion was right, but the latter is just him blaming someone else. Him not paying is the only reason his electricity was cut off.

"But there should be no way they know it was me. All I need to do is get the fuck out of this city." His voice was as soft as a whisper, his senses were instantly at its peak state. His mind churned, trying to figure out how many escape routes he actually has.

With a quick sniff, he deduced that there are at least two Superhumans waiting for him on the other side of the door.

He moved without any sound close to his door, and grabbed a wooden stick beside the door frame.

Three knocks were heard from the outside.

Then two loud strikes.

Before... I just lurk and comment on some of the novels I like. Now... I'm making one! They say your personality may ooze into your novel. What does that make me? Does that make me an ugly gorilla MC that also uses bills as toilet paper? If you guys have some stones of power to spare, I'll accept it.

Konkey_Dongcreators' thoughts
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