
Chapter 66

In a certain bar somewhere in Tokyo, Yuki and his Game Developer Friend, Satoshi, are currently sitting side by side while drinking some beer.

Right now, Satoshi has an exhausted and crumpled expression while talking to Yuki.

"... You just don't take a break do you?"

Well, anyone who has been in the same situation before would probably understand Satoshi's expression.

Having a conversation with Yuki just feels like a job sometimes, it's tiring but you can't help but continue. At least, that's what everyone thought. Everyone that talked to Yuki with the same manner that is.

Going back to the reason why Satoshi is this stressed... Just a moment ago, Yuki made a request to Satoshi to create custom items for him inside the YGGDRASIL.

Obviously, Satoshi immediately refused. Well, understandably so because first of all...

They are not allowed to do that. It is highly specified within their rules. He knows that he made "favors" for Yuki throughout these past years he played, but nothing of that came close to his current request.


Doing that will be nothing but stressful. He's already pretty stressed now with his overall situation, more jobs to do is the last thing he would want.

Last but definitely not least...

In a couple of weeks, their game YGGDRASIL is going to literally shut down already. So why the hell would he create an Item for Yuki now? This is literally the worst idea ever.

At least, that's what Satoshi thought to himself.

Well, any person would probably accept this, thinking of it as nothing but a quick cash grab. Even he knows that Yuki himself probably wants him to have that kind of mentality as well but that's not the point.

Yuki, as cringeworthy as it is, is his bestfriend. They've known each other for almost 12 years now. He might not admit it openly but he's quite worried about Yuki.

Well, anyone would be so, especially when Yuki offered him an astonishing amount of money just to make him agree to his request.

"Dude! Are you hearing yourself right now!? You are just wasting your money! YGGDRASIL is already over why are you still doing this!? Stop already man, there's no going back anymore!" Satoshi said in a very strong tone as he pounded the table in front of him.

He just can't help it. He's that worried for his friend.

He's thinking that Yuki can't probably let go of the game. That he became too attached to it. He also can't help but feel somewhat responsible, given that he did a lot of favors for Yuki in the past, leading him to their current situation.

Overall, he just can't help but be anxious about what will happen to Yuki once the game truly ends.

A pure devastation.

Well, no one can probably blame him for having that kind of thought since it's the most reasonable one... and anyone would probably think the same given Yuki's current actions.

To make it all simple, what he wants is for Yuki to wake up and face reality. With the amount of money he possesses, instead of wasting it on a bunch of nonsense like this, he should just use it to make the most of his life.

As sad of an idea as it is, no matter how much money Yuki pumps in the game, the same old YGGDRASIL will just never come back. At this point, that kind of thing is near impossible already.

All of that is Satoshi's perspective in this whole ordeal.

However, no matter how noble his thoughts are, in the end, Yuki still manages to convince him nonetheless.

Well... Yuki is a sly dog, and he is that for a reason.

Because throughout their whole conversation, Yuki is pretty much aware of Satoshi's concern. He knows how worried he is for him and what kind of misunderstanding he is causing.

So, instead of appreciating such concern and correcting the misunderstanding... he decided to take advantage of it instead and scheme his way through.

Like what a good friend would do. 

And he decided to do all that step by step like a snake slowly wrapping his victim's neck.

So, for the first step, in order to do everything as smoothly as possible, he first needs to set the mood in a pretty emotional one. Making it seem like he sympathizes with Satoshi...

And as expected of a semi-professional scammer, he did it with no fail. So much so that there are even some moments when he looked like he was about to literally tear up. Even Yuki himself was surprised by how surreal his acting was. It looks so legit.

Wasting no time though, Yuki immediately made a move for the next step.

"... I know your concerns, but trust me, I'm completely aware of it. I know what I'm doing." Yuki said in a calm tone with a smile. He looks like he's so touched that his friend is so concerned about him.

Now with this attack, Yuki dealt a pretty good blow, resulting to a small crack on Satoshi's first line of defense. Though at this moment, Satoshi is still a pretty stubborn man. That's why inside of those defenses, a bunch of guards immediately came out to stop Yuki's advances.

"... That's good. But a no is a no. I'm still not doing it."

Now, seeing the overwhelming guards that suddenly stood in his way, surprisingly enough, Yuki didn't falter at all. Not even a bit. Instead, a confident smile appeared on his face as he fearlessly rushed forward and started launching another attack.

"You see, at the end of this month, I'm going abroad. And..." Yuki paused for a moment and looked outside, looking a bit emotional. "*sigh~*... I might not come back. I don't know, I'm not quite sure."

... And this time, Yuki's attack is quite lethal as Satoshi's guards received devastating damage. Lessening the number of guards to a minuscule amount.

And with no remorse for any of them, Yuki finishes the rest, as brutally as he can.

"So don't misunderstand. I'm not doing this because I can't get over on the game. It is purely because I want to enjoy my last moments with the game that I enjoyed playing throughout these years."

"The game where I met my best friends,"

"I enjoyed playing YGGDRASIL, but that joy never felt complete because I wanted to do something more. But the system just restricts me from doing that. So before the game ends, I want to achieve and do those things at least. That's why I'm making this request..."

"My last request."

"Look, It isn't a waste of money, just like what you want me to do, I'm making myself happy."

"I'm truly trying to live the most of my life, it's just that, this is my way of doing that..."




BLOW after BLOW, each and every attack just keeps hitting Satoshi's defenses in the right spot!

The defenses that Satoshi had, started crumbling down, unable to take Raizel's lethal attacks. The guards who were stationed there to prevent Yuki's advances had been rendered useless as they all fell to the ground, not being able to withstand Yuki's hits.

So, seeing the last wall in front of him, Yuki gathered up all his remaining energy to make the last and final attack. Making Satoshi's last defense, shivered in fear.

Now, without feeling a single remorse in what he's about to do, Yuki... unleashed it.

"That way, I will have no regrets." Yuki paused again as he looked back at Satoshi's face with a gentle smile on his face. "... before I leave everything completely."

With that, BOOM! The last defense fell. It didn't even manage to withstand Yuki's final attack.

And now, with the defenses gone, Satoshi became vulnerable to Yuki's corruption.

It didn't take that long before Satoshi, finally stopped resisting, and ultimately agreed to Yuki's requests.

Immediately after that, as if the scene that just happened didn't happen at all, the talk about the creation of the Custom Item, quickly began.


If wanna read ahead then better check out my Pa-treon to unlock the advanced chapters.


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