

In 12 hours is a new year. I wanted Dalton to come over with his dad, but they are away. I will be up in my room until the ball on the tv drops. My mom is a social butterfly and enjoys her social events, so she is inviting her friends over. They will be drinking, so I don't see the point of me being downstairs with them. My dad is bringing his close pals over. He has that group of people that always hang and drink.

E: "Yo it's Eli from the Halloween party."

B: "Oh hey what's up?"

E: "I'm hosting a new years party and I wanted to see if you would like to come."

B: "Sure, why not. I'm not doing anything special. Is Emily coming to?"

E: "No, she isn't. I talked to her earlier, and she isn't feeling well."

B: "Gotcha. Can you pick me up? I don't feel like driving tonight. "

E: "Of course. Looks like you don't want to drive because tonight you will turn into a party animal with me ;)"

B: "Not quite... lol."

E: "You will be drinking, right?"

B: "Not sure."

E: "Please drink with me. We will sit on the roof of my house and just talk."

B: "Hmm... maybe."

E: "Alright, c u @10 and send me your address again."

I get up from my bed to go downstairs where my parents are. I forgot to ask if I can even go to Eli's party. I hope she says yes, so I don't have to tell Eli I can't.

"Hey, mom, I need to talk to you."

"What's on your mind, Hunny."

"Can I go to a friend's party?"

"Which friend?" She questions.

"Uh... One of Emily's friends."

"Is Emily going to be there?"

"Her friend told me that she isn't feeling well, so I don't think so."

"Is there going to be alcohol?" My dad walks in with an empty bowl.

"Uh... I don't know?"

"I don't want you to go if there is going to be liquor."

"If there is, I won't drink it. I don't like booze anyway." I say with an innocent face knowing that might be a lie.

"Frank, I don't see why she can't. I trust her to be a young responsible adult."

"You call me if there is any trouble." My dad says, setting his bowl in the dishwasher.

"I will, dad."

"What time does it start?" My mom askes me.


"Okay, do you need me to drive you, or are you driving yourself?" My mom says.

"He will pick me up."

"Oh, it's a he now." My dad says interrupting the conversation.

"Dad! It's not what you are thinking."

"Glad to see where your mind is set." He says, crossing his arms.

I roll my eyes and sigh.

He smirks. "I can't wait to meet him."

"You really don't have to."

"I need to know who my daughter is hanging out with. I don't want him to hurt my little princess." He says.

"Ew, cringe stop."

"Is there a problem with meeting him?" My dad wonders.

The problems of my dad meeting Eli roam around my head. "Nope!"

"Then it's settled."

I go back to my room and lay on my bed. I need to inform Eli on what's going on.

B: "Hey so... you kinda have to meet my parents now."

E: "I knew this was coming lol."

B: "Okay, step one is lying about your age. My parents know that you are friends with Emily, so say you are 18 or 19. My parents won't let me go off with a 21-year-old. "

E: "Go it."

B: "Uh... there really isn't much you can do so I guess act a little young and don't mention alcohol."

E: "What alcohol? There is going to be soda and water."

B: "Haha perfect."

E: "Do you want to come early before the party starts?"

B: "Sure!"

E: "It's 8 good?"

B: "Yes."

I look at my dad shaking Elis's hand. It's a firm grip. I can see it. 

"Nice to meet you, Eli. I am Bell's father."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Campbell."

"Tell me what are your intentions to Bell?" My dad says, asking Eli.

"Dad..." I say to him.

"I really haven't thought about that..." Eli responds.

"Will there be any substance of drugs or alcohol?"

"No, I don't drink nor do drugs. My mother doesn't allow it."

"And what time does the party end?" My dad wonders.

"Uh, considering the ball drops at 12, I will have her home at 1."

He turns to me. "You wouldn't be going out if it wasn't for new years. You have fun, but not too much fun."

"Aw, thanks, dad!" I say, hugging him, looking like a total child in front of Eli.

"Call me if there is any trouble."

"I will," I say, walking Eli out.

We get into his car.


"All good. Let's head to the store. I need to stock up on some stuff."

I helped Eli get ready for his party. His guests are here and dressed up in 2021 wear. I'm sitting on the sofa drinking water.

"Get up party girl."

I get up and he hands me a drink. "What is this?"


"Huh," I say, taking a sip.

"Is it bad?"

"No, it's okay. I'm going to go get some food." I say, smiling.

"Let me come with. I need to refill my plate."

I get a plate of pizza, shrimp, and chips. A weird combination, I know. I sit at the counter, eating my food, and scrolling through Instagram. Eli fills my cup for a second round. He versed me in beer pong, and he won. I hate that game because it gives you pressure and everyone is watching. It's almost 11 o'clock. One more hour until the next year.

"Hey, we are gathering up for a game you coming?" Eli says, walking up to me.

"Sure. What game is it?"

"7 minutes in heaven."

"Is that the closet thing?"

"Haha, yes."

Eli's friend tells us the rules. If we don't proceed to go in the closet with the other player, we drink a full cup of beer. There are six of us in the circle. It's going to be easy for me to be chosen. I hope I get Eli. I don't want to kiss a random person though it would be an adventure. The first bottle lands on two of his friends. They go in. When they came out the girl's lipstick was smudge. It's been a few rounds, and I haven't gone yet. Eli spins, and it lands in the middle between his friends. He takes the bottle and moves it to me.

"Looks like it's you and me, Chica."

He stands up and grabs my hand and leads me into his closet where his coats are stored.

I laugh. "It's really dark in here."

"Let me get a light." He says, pulling out his phone.

"That's better." I smile. "Is there a timer?"

He sets his phone in the hood of a coat and it lights the room up. "They have one out there."

I stand awkwardly against the wall with him in front of me. "Gotcha."

"You look nervous."

"A-a little..."

"We have done this before, so let's do it better this time." He says, taking his hands to my face.

Our lips connect. My back is against the wall. A few minutes later, he moves his hand under my shirt. I try stopping the kiss, but he pushes his lips against mine harder. He slides his hands into my pants.

"S-stop," I say, trying to get a word out.

He gets tense and begins to get aggressive.

"Eli!" I say, pushing him off with all my strength. I open the door and rush out.

"You still have 3 minutes!" One of his friends shout. "Where are you going!"

"I n-need to go," I respond.

"The ball is about to drop soon!" Eli shouts.

"What happened?" Eli's friend asks him.

"Uh... she got sick," Eli responds to his friend.

I run outside and ran away from the house. I feel nauseous. I throw up in someone's bushes. I can taste the leftover shrimp. I get out my phone to call Lucas.

"Please pick up..." I say to myself.

"Bell? What's up?"

"C-can you come and get me?"

"Uh... Yeah. Where are you?"

I look around the dark street with the one street light on. "I don't know, but I think there is an option where I can send you my location."

"Okay, I'm getting into my car now."

I sit under the street light on the sidewalk. Lucas rolls up. He gets out of the car and helps me in the passenger seat. He drives me back to his place. We sit in his driveway.

"Sorry I ruined your night... I couldn't call my dad. I told him I wasn't going to drink."

"You are fine Bell. I was just hanging out with some friends at the bar."

"Oh, my bad..."

"It's okay I was getting tired anyway." He says, smiling.

I look at the time on his radio. "Happy New Year."

He kisses me on the lips. "Happy New Year, baby." He laughs. "Nice shrimpy lips."

I smack him. "Shush," I say, laughing. I stop laughing."Pull your seat back all the way. I want to cuddle."

He puts his seat back and I climb over on top of him and lay on my stomach, wrapping my arms around him. He puts his arms around me.

"When do you have to get home?" He askes me.

"Before 1"

"We have an hour."

"Let's make it count," I say, giving him a tight squeeze.

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