

It's Wednesday, and that means tutor day! Mr. Till is coming over soon to tutor me on biology and any other classes I struggle with. I finished the lab with savannah a day early. She is really smart so there won't be much bio unless he is going to reteach the lesson, which I hope he doesn't. It's currently 2:30. He will arrive around three.

I'm on my bed laying down to get much Vampire Diaries in before he arrives. It sometimes takes me a while to finish shows. The screen time I use it mostly goes to Netflix and homework.

I get an incoming call from my mom.

"Hey, mom, what's up?"

"Lucas will be there soon. Make sure the door is unlocked."

"Okie Doke."

"I love you and I will see you around dinner time."

"Bye, love you," I say, hanging up.

Lucas comes in with his leather bag around his neck. "Howdy."

"Hola," I say, getting up from the couch.

"Ready for the amazing biology lesson."

"Always," I say sarcastically.

He gets situated as I watch him. I'm not ready for more biology. An hour was enough torture.

"So today we will be covering the rest of the cells. I will give you words, and you will define them."

"Bring it on."

"Let's start easy. What is a cell?"


He gives me a remote look.

"I'm kidding. A cell is a structural function for an organism."

"You had me worried there." He says, chuckling. "What are cells made of?"

"Oh! Um... organelles and..."

"Proteins." He says, filling in for me.

I rub my head. "Yeah, proteins."

"Next one. What do red blood cells carry?"

"Oxygen!" I say, proudly.


We continue this for thirty minutes.

I cross my arms and set my head on the kitchen table. "I think I'm done."

"It's only been about thirty minutes."

"Yes to long."

"Fill out this diagram, and then the lesson can end early."

"Hmm. Okay." I say, sliding the paper of the diagram over to me. I slide it back. "Good?"

"Yes, ma'am. Do you have any other classes that I can assist in?"

"Nope, I'm all caught up."

"Amazing work!"

"Thanks. I was wondering when is the test going to be?"

"This Friday."

"Geez. That's in two more days. "How many questions?"

"Well, since the test is to wrap up the unit, I would say about 30 to 40 questions."

"I'm going to fail."

"I will make you a deal. If you can pass the test, I'll take you out for ice cream, and we won't tell your mom because I know how she will get mad."

"I better study extra harder."

"Okay, I'm leaving you up to that because I'm really looking forward to that ice cream."

"Me too!"

"Wanna hear a joke?" He says, out of nowhere.


"Do you know any jokes about sodium?"

I raise my eyebrow in concern.

"Na me neither." He says, dying of laughter.

I sit there with a plain face. "Was I supposed to laugh?"

"Don't you get it? Na equals sodium."

"Oh! Ha...ha..."

"You need a sense of humor."

"Nah, I like my dark humor better."

"Wow, you went dark. What happened to you."

"High school."

"That's a way to put it."

It's 4:30. It's time for Lucas to leave.

"Before I go, I made note cards for you to study." He says, handing them to me from his bag.

"I certainly will look over them."



It's 9 pm, and I'm about ready to head to bed. I get a text from an unknown number.

L: "Here is the link to the Quizlet I made. It should help you better than the note cards. - Lucas"

B: "So did you get my phone number from the school records too? 😂"

L: "Very funny. Your mom sent me it just for professional purposes."

B: "Well, thanks, mom."

L: "Is there something wrong?"

B: "I don't want you to send any more bad science jokes 😬"

L: "Can't keep my promises ;)"

B: "-_-"

L: "You know what I should do when you don't laugh at my science jokes."

B: "Huh?"

L: "Keep trying until you get a reaction."

B: "Okay, okay good one 😂"

L: "I will now check that off my checklist."

B: "Aw, you made a checklist of me. So sweet. I should make one of you."

L: "Go to bed, silly."

B: "No, you go to sleep."

L: "I have to grade papers, including that small diagram of yours."

B: "Ooo tell me what I got."

L: "2/10"

B: "Really :( Welp there goes that ice cream."

L: "Kidding! 7/10"

B: "You made me mad. I'm going to bed."

L: "No, don't be like that."

B: "Didn't you just tell me to go to bed? Lol"

L: "You're right. Goodnight."

B: "Lmao okay, Mr. Till."

L: "Lucas*"

B: "Hehe goodnight MR. TILL."


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