


It's been a long tiring night. It's not ideal to go on a mission when he feels the way he does but he doesn't care. He needs to get out of here and start to do what he trained for. He walks over to the briefing and gathers his men. Most of his men are still badly hurt from the attack and he has his pick once more of the second and third teams.

He takes John and the rest of the men from bravo1. He also chooses Ray and Peter from bravo2.

"Okay men, we had enough of this enemy. It's time that we let them know who's the boss on this island. Who's with me?!"

They all answer as one man in agreement and they proceed to brief and start planning. They then gear up and Nick makes sure he has enough medical supplies for his leg that he patched up last night.

"Master Chief, sir!"

"Yes, lieutenant?" 

"Permission to speak freely, sir"

"You know you can always speak freely to me John. What's on your mind?���

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