
Ch.8-Mina...what’s happening with you

Sana POV:

I've been dreaming about Tzuyu through the past 5 lessons. Call me a bad student, an anthomaniac , I don't care. What did he mean? Is he courting me now? Is he serious?? Arggggg this is so frustrating... I looked down. tzuyu was sitting one row lower than me. He was copying notes seriously. Ugh how can he just act like nothing happened after he said those embarrassing words??!!! Tzuyu seem to feel my gaze, he turned back and I quickly dropped my head, pretending that I'm writing notes as well. I SWEAR I HEARD HIM SMIRK!!! That boy!!! A note landed on my table. I looked ups and saw Tzuyu winking at me. I blushed and opened the note. 

"Stop staring, I might melt." this was wrote in beautiful cursive handwriting. I can't believe a boy can write so well!!! His handwriting is so pretty!! Another note landed by. 

"Stop thinking about me, the teacher will see you. Yes,I like you. yes, I am courting you. What I mean is that I like you and would like to court you. Does these answer your questions? if yes, pretend you're writing notes. NOW!" I frowned but I did what it said. The teacher walked passed after a couple of seconds and nodded at me, seeing I'm taking notes.

Another note landed again. "No need to thank me. If you really want to, meet me at the back gate of school after school ends. I'm taking you out. The front gate Is too crowded, It'll take ages to clear the crowd of girls in front of me." I pouted. So there's been a Crowd of girls waiting for him at the front gate??? does that mean I'm competing with a CROWD of girls for Tzuyu??That's scary...I'll have to think twice before doing things with him...scary.

(dahmo finally!!!!!)

Momo pov:

this is library lesson (or whatever you call it, I don't actually remember. I only remember the name of my dance class. Level A dance class. Simple right?)

"Psttt Momo noona." A voice called. I turned around and saw Dahyun smiling at me. "Noona, I think I like you." He whispered into my ear. I immediately turned red as a tomato and carefully looked up to him. He showed a gummy smile and blushing slightly as well. How cute...

"You wanna go out together later?" he asked, blinking his eyes twice. I nodded and patted his head. His facial expressions were so 'full', I could totally get why he was happy even if I were a stranger. 

"noona, are we together now?" he asked. I thought for a moment, and he was nervous as hell! I leaned into his ear. "Yes." he smiled widely and kissed my cheek. UwU My Dahyunie is so cute!!!!

Back to Satzu:

tzuyu POV:

"Buzz" My phone buzzed.It was from Jeongyeon. How strange, Jeongyeon hyung usually just talks to me telepathically as long as he's in the school. I opened the text.


tzu, she might have or might not have started suspecting me.

I'm sure the 'she' is referring to Nayeon noona. that's not a good situation...we have to make sure the girls are on our side before they find out.


Where are you, I'm coming.


3rd floor last classroom.



I left the classroom and teleported to the 3rd floor the second I closed the door. No one was in the hallway. I rushed to the classroom and...Nayeon noona was sitting on Jeongyeon???How did he text me then?They were kissing and ew i'm not going to describe their scene of kissing. 

"What the heck bro?" I asked Jeongyeon telepathically. He froze and replied. "Sorry, she's suspecting I'm hiding something and she's been 'making' me to spill it." I sighed and pretended to walk pass the classroom. 

"Jeong? Nayeon noona? What are you guys doing?" I 'walked passed' the classroom right after the pulled away.

Nayeon noona blushed and got off Jeongyeon hyung. "Mission accomplished." I thought. 

"Tzuyu yah, tell noona. Are you guys hiding something from us?" nayeon noona asked.

I nodded sincerely. Nayeon noona seemed satisfied while Jeongyeon panicked. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TZU!!!DIDN'T YOU TELL US TO WAIT???"

I snorted. "Shut up stupid. Watch and learn." I replied to him.

"The what are you hiding Tzuyu yah?" nayeon noona asked. 

"I'm sorry noona. I can't tell you yet. We're not ready yet..."I fiddled with my fingers which earned a sigh from Nayeon noona. I knew my plan worked.

"It's okay Tzuyu yah, tell us when you guys are ready." Nayeon noona smiled and patted my head."Thank you noona." I smiled widely at her. She smiled motherly and turned back to Jeongyeon. "Can't you be more polite and sincere and cute like this kid?" nayeon noona rolled her eyes and left us alone.

"Thanks." Jeongyeon muttered and went after Nayeon noona, still not understanding why he's being treated differently to me.

Sana POV:

Tzuyu stood up and left the classroom. I wanted to know where he was going so I followed up. When I stood up to leave, I couldn't see him through the window, I quickly went out but Tzuyu was nowhere to be seen. Like he's vanished into thin air. That's strange...if you run, it'll take you more that 3 seconds to reach the stairs, where did he go? I dialed him but no one picked up. 

I sighed and gave up, and went to the bathroom before going back into the classroom. TO my surprise, Mina was in there as well. When I was about to greet her, I froze in my spot. 

Mi-Mi-Mina...she has purple eyes???? A-and it's changing colors??!!!I-it's changing back to black??? I'm 100% sure it's not contact lens.

no one POV:

Mina saw Sana in the mirror, but she couldn't move now. One word and she's gonna fail. Yes, Mina is now going through the burst of her power. If she couldn't concentrate, the power would even hurt her. Thank goodness, she successfully calmed the energy in her, and she had became even powerful now. She turned around and thought of how to deal with Sana. After loads of evil ideas on how to deal with Sana, mina sighed. She wouldn't even dare to touch a bit of Sana not knowing what Tzuyu would do to her. "Don't tell anyone about anything you saw just now. Please." mina stared into Sana's eyes. She still hasn't empowered the power of brainwashing, which could be learnt after 20 years of training, Of course, tzuyu learnt it already. 

"Mina-" Sana wanted to ask.

Mina looked at her deeply. "I don't want to hurt you sana.Please. just don't. I'm not bad." mina said seriously.

Sana bit her lip, then finally nodded.

Mina showed her her gummy smile. "Good, let's get back to class." And dragged Sana.

Sana decided to trust Mina for once. According to her instincts, Mina won't hurt her, or else she would have killed her already. 

Mina...what's happening with you...


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acc: shiba_7321

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