
~°~Chapter One-hundred & Thirty-two~°~

I gently massage his scalp with my hands an old memory passing through my thoughts, we were just five and my mom had taken me to the park for the sixth time in a row because I kept insisting that I wanted to see V - I couldn't pronounce his name so I always called him that, I never do anymore now and I wonder why.

Usually Virgil would be sitting all by himself on a marble bench, my mom was worried about him because apparently he snuck out of his house and came to the park all by himself.

I was the one that did most of the talking and the hugging, and the sharing but he gave me his full attention so I didn't get bothered at all by his quiet nature, forward people mostly terrified me.

But that day he was standing and swerving his head around like he was looking for someone, that was until he saw my mom and I.

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