
~°~Chapter One-hundred & Eleven~°~

I wake up alone and although it's late summer and I'm tucked in I can't help but feel cold.

I drag myself out of bed although it's pretty early, I couldn't fall asleep again and I check my phone out of reflex.

I didn't have many friends and that was fine but it gave me something to do other than miss Virgil, there's a text from him saying that he might be gone all day but he'll be by for dinner, most likely a result of my mom chewing him out.

Dale says he'll come by this morning and I perk up, going to brush my teeth and wash my face before hurrying to go bother Shana.

Her room is quiet which is unsurprising, there's no way she would be up this early and I'm feeling particularly happy this morning which by the way has no connection to making up with Virgil, or so I tell myself.

I quietly push open her door after giggling to myself in front of the closed door, I would hop on her then push her off the bed.

I'm the perfect alarm clock.

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