

Timaeus cringed visibly from the name that he had been addressed as. He stared at the alpha's dyed hair. When had he even gotten the time to dye it another crazy color? He hadn't seen him for less than twenty four hours! Just how much did he have to endure for his sister? He mentally smacked his head on a wall to retain his sanity.

Nevertheless, he turned to Alpha Verancy with a small but strained smile on his face. "I have to introduce you three first." He gestured at the two males. "The one who looks like a walking painting is called Klaus Anders. He is the lone wolf I told you of. This," he gestured at Nathaniel, "Is Nathaniel Kross. He is a member of one of our side families."

Nathaniel bowed after his name was mentioned. "Thanking Alpha Verancy for allowing us to stay in the pack during this time."

Klaus on the other hand waved his hand at her, giving her a cheeky grin. "A pleasure to meet someone as strong as you."

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