

Lexine's consciousness came back to her, and the first thing she heard was someone speaking beside her. The voice was soft and feminine. "Is she really from the other realm?"

The voice paused, and another spoke up. This one was also soft but sounded like a child's voice. "The Lady must have her reasons for bringing one of her children here. She has never interfered with the matters concerning them before."

The feminine voice spoke next. "Do you not think it is odd." Lexine felt her wrist being held up by a small soft hand. Two fingers held the palm part of her wrist. "Her energy, despite her age, is in such chaos. How is she still alive?"

"This might be why the Lady decided to bring her back. She might be curious about the same thing."

"What are the two of you doing here!" A deep masculine voice spoke up this time.

"Eek! It's Eshamra. Run!" the one with the childish voice shrieked, and the presences that were around Lexine disappeared.

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