

After the awkward greetings were over, and the blonde-haired woman had begun to lead them to the hall, Quira took a few steps forward. Just like Kivuli had done, she glued herself to Lexine's side. Before they had left the house, she had grabbed the flute that Lexine had gifted her.

This instrument was now strapped to her waist. She glanced at Lexine every few seconds, hoping the latter would notice it. After they left for their side of the gate, she had wallowed in self-deprecating thoughts. Once more, she had failed to protect the one she had sworn to protect. She was weak, heartbreakingly weak.

Although she was not searching for it, she had felt that the woman who had offered to lead them to the hall was leaps and bounds stronger than she was. Therefore, she was just but a weak little thing in front of her.

Just the thought made Quira's hands clench into fists. Lexine looked to her side, having noticed the girl who had walked to match her pace.

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