

Timaeus stood to the side, without saying anything. If he spoke a word, he was sure that he would also break down in tears as well. After all, he was the closest to Adrianna after she ran away from the family.

He smiled, pushing his tears back, and looked to the females who were still hugging. After a few minutes, they let go of each other. Lexine looked at the long haired woman who was holding her in her arms.

Although she had long hair which, when tied up, fell to below her knees, the face she had was completely similar to her mother's. Just looking at the face made her tears pool in her eyes once more. However, she pulled herself together and looked at the woman who sat next to her.

Now that she had cried, she shook herself away from the woman, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to mess up your clothes." She looked around her, letting the woman pull herself together as well. It was then that she noticed the man who was standing a few feet away from them.

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