

Lexine scanned the area she had fallen in. She had landed on something that was quite comfortable, quite like a mattress. She had to shake her head a little to clear it of the dizziness she felt before her eyes were able to focus.

She had no idea where she was at the moment since just a few seconds before, she was in the desert with her housemates being kidnapped. However, she had suddenly appeared in a room and on a bed.

The room was not very big. However, the bed was just a little over the normal king sized bed. There was a mirror facing the bed, which Lexine noticed immediately she opened her hazy eyes.

The color scheme in the room was a dark red and black color. The sheets on the bed were black while the pillows were red. It was an emo looking room to say the least.

Lexine had made a move to get out of the bed, when she noticed that someone else was on the bed with her. The one on the bed stared at her, her mouth slightly agape, and her eyes wide.

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