
Don't Die a Slave!

The Tribe's Dearest Saman had a different temperament, only the people in the tribe's knew how terrible it could get.

She's moody and coquettish with a bit of naughtiness crafted in the way she stood.

In short, like a bitch in temperament.

She seemed to be slightly irritated as she spoke in a harsh tone.

"Do I need to tell you why I am here?"

The harsh tone with a glint of cold piercing gaze was felt by this guard he became pissed but he can only swallow his pride and take back what he just said.

"Of course not, my dearest Saman..."

Hearing what the guard answer ina meekly tone, she found it pleasing.

A burly man enough to knock her down acting submissive made her feel quite good.

"Since when did I become your Saman?!"

The guard clenched his fists, unable to calm himself.

He stopped speaking at this point.

He just stared at the ground, averting his eyes at the angry Saman.

The guards witnessing this scene felt confused about what they should say.

The guard who welcomed the Saman recalled back what he just said and regretted welcoming this troublesome Saman.

"No! Saman! Not even in my wildest dreams. ...Saman, please forgive this fool!"

The Saman was agitated by this, but she proceeded without minding him.

For her, they are all nothing but beneath her and she is their Saman.

"Saman! This is the place where the Alipins are held captive"

Looking at the unsightly view, this place looks like what she heard from his father's stories.

This is the first time this Saman have visited this place.

After six to eight breaths the presumptuous guard beside the Saman broke the silence, one could say that he is truly a hero that saved his fellow guards.

"Hmmm errr... OUR Dearest..." Emphasizing OUR instead of MY He can't help but to slur his words as he continued to speak "Can we finally ask why you came here?"

The Saman shifted her gaze, even with that cold imposing aura that she exhibits—the guards beside him were not fazed.

They just thought that since the Saman is here, at least they get to receive the Saman's grace by being present.

"I came here to get some personal servant and I already thought who it shall be."

The saman smiled wickedly after that.

The robust guards exchanged glances with each other looking like fools who barely understood what this Saman was talking about.

They all thought: 'Don't she already has her own servants?'

After quite some time, nobody still moved.

And this did displease the Saman.

"You, stupid mongrels! What are you still standing there for? Escort me to that Alipin who is a former Ranoan! I want him as my Alipin!"

After hearing what the Saman had just said, the guards panicked like hearing a clap of thunder, which furiously descended from the clouds as they were struck by the Saman's harsh voice.

They all immediately escorted her.


Meanwhile, inside of one of the Tents at the Alipin's Grounds, two people were silently talking with each other.

"How many times would I tell you that you should not sneak here. What if you got caught?"

A figure of a skinny middle-aged man's voice echoed.

The man had thick brows and dark eyes with white long, braided hair.

He had an ex mark tattoo on his right thin shoulder that signifies him as an Alipin.

"It is different this time, I have some urgent thing to ask." And with a pause, he swallowed his saliva, afraid that he had spoken too loud.

Then continued...

"Father! You know what? If we can somehow manage to become free, what is the first thing you would do?"

A kid around 15 years old, who seems to be a boy is frantically speaking.

His dark shiny hair gleamed-naturally, swaying from side to side of his shoulders, lit by the torchlight inside of a dimly lit tent.

Frail with bruises all over his body, wearing tattered clothes he did not seem to mind the insects that were biting him while sitting comfortably in the stack of hay.

"Oh! You are at that age eh? Freedom... Of that Toto, becoming free never crossed my mind. Same as you, I was born as an Alipin, my parents were also an Alipin, and getting out from this hell never crossed my mind, I could only wish that in my dreams."

"But... Father If I were to tell you that we can be freed, what would you do?"

The kid sitting inside the tent is actually Toto, Argus's friend.

Beside him, is an old man that is dark and seems to be too weak to even stand was stroking his beard envisioning a future where they are free.

He thought: 'That would be nice and probably even nicer if I can tend to a few sheep.'

The old man smiled.

But suddenly, his throat felt tingly as if phlegm was stacked.

He started to cough and blood swelled out from his mouth.

"Father! Your condition seems to worsen! Are you alright?"

"I'm alright, come over here"

Toto obediently followed he showed a worried expression from his eyes and a closely knitted brows as he tried to stand up to get closer to his Father.

The old man smiled at Toto, he looked directly into Toto's greyish eyes.

It was an eye different from the typically dark eyes of everyone on the grounds.

"My kid, even though we don't have a name, that we are only a lowly Alipin, you must never forget to still hold your own principles.

If such a wonderful day ever to come, that we are to be freed from this hell, the first thing I would do is to make amendments and a proper burial ceremony to your mother.

Even if her body were long been trashed, I would still want to give her at least that, to compensate for the things I couldn't give her, back when she was still alive"

And another series of coughs escaped from Toto's Father's mouth.

Hearing what his Father had told him, Toto can't help but get emotional as he remembered his mother who died while giving birth to his sister.

Remembering the past where Toto's mother had suffered a lot from this so-called slavery, the endless cycle of working nonstop day by day got to her.

She was even forced to work during her pregnancy and his father couldn't do anything about it.

His heart burned with conviction and confidence, he exclaimed and gazed compassionately to his father

"Stay strong! Father, I met this little kid, the same age as mine. Although our backgrounds were different, he treated me with kindness."

"He is the first kid to ever treat me like that. Recently he told me that we can be freed from being called an Alipin! Father, he is not the same as us he is not a born slave!"

"He clearly knows some ways of Tribe, he is the kid who had just recently become a slave who came from another tribe. He might be able to free us from slavery!"

Looking helpless, this old man smiled wryly as he patted Toto's shoulders, laughing bitterly,

"Oh! Ho Ho Ho! Do you really think he can save us from this hell?"

Toto resolutely replied, "I believe in him, Father!"

The old man smiled faintly while nodding slightly, but a cold hint of sadness came from his weary eyes

"Then promise me this, protect your sister if ever that day were to come, I am now old, I now have no use to the Lumin Tribe I'm afraid that sooner or later they might kill me."

"This is the end of the line for us, Alipins who served them for years and got old in doing so. I can't do anything about it, this is my fate. If what you are saying is really a possibility then I could only pray for that day to come"

Toto gazed at his Father and slightly nodded.

Toto could not help but ask "Why are you speaking in that way? It's as if a farewell..."

When he found that the old man did not answer Toto screamed,

"Don't leave me, Father... Don't die a slave!"

Not yet sleepy so I decided to write a new chapter.

Hopefully, you liked it!

I had planned on making a discord server for this novel and my future novels.

If you are interested in joining and being my moderator please message me.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Comments, Reviews, Donations are highly appreciated!

Of course, I should deserve it right?

Kindly, patiently wait for the Next Chapters.

To Be Continued...

Suezarocreators' thoughts
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