
Chapter 19- Amilia



Congratulations too 'Cosmo' for being the first player to choose the Beginner's path.

Guild Affiliation: None.


Somewhere inside a dungeon.


"Guild leader, Zaros!"

"Him again…"

"Sir, don't you find it strange that this player only managed to reach level ten now? A player that managed to get the first boss kill achievement, being behind most average players in term or level seems odd, don't you thing so?."


"I don't know, but there is no reason to worry about this right now. Focus on killing the mobs in front of you. We're almost at the boss room."




With the sudden announcement of Mylo's achievement, numerous conversations where being discussed online. Some of them being mockeries of his choice, while most of them were inquiring about his reasoning. Why would he choose this path? Everyone knew how disadvantageous it was for one's growth. While people where pondering his action, Mylo was wandering within the kingdom searching for something.

"Where is it? Ah, here it is!"

-Valsea's Auction House-

Valsea's auction house, a facility whose purpose is to ease the act of purchasing and vending of assets, such as equipment's, weapons, skill books and miscellaneous items. The seller would auction the item he wishes to sell and in turn, buyers would openly bid against each other by submitting their offers. The auction would then conclude after a set amount of time, typically assigned by the seller, at which the highest bitter would win the sold asset. Not only could you sell or buy items within the auction house, you could also exchange in game currency's for real money. It was for this reason that Mylo was here.

While heading towards the main entrance of the auction house, a seductive looking lady approached him with three other burly looking man beside's her.

"Hello, there handsome."

"Hello young lady, would you kindly move aside."

"Oh my~. You know, it took me a lot of courage to come over here and initiate conversation. usually, man would make the first move."

"My apologies but my interest lies in somewhat more mature woman. Now, could you please move away from the door."

"M-Mature? *cough*."

"H-haha, I love humorous man the most. My name is Amilia. The Leader of Frost lust"

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Now if you'll excuse me."


As Mylo gave his salutation and excused himself from this unusual situation. The three young man next to her moved forth, halting Mylo's way.

"Why are you in such a rush? Haven't you learned from your parents to treat a lady with care and attention?"

The sudden mention of his parents sent a flicker of irritation, which he quickly swallowed down. Mylo was an individual that wasn't easily frustrated. For him, poor temper was a big issue. During his many years of living, he quickly learned to take control over his emotions. He truly despised being emotionally exposed.

Pinkish, shoulder-length hair tight in a bun reveals a cheerful face. Clear turquoise-blue eyes, set delicately within their sockets, watching curiously over his direction. The face was delicate and white as snow, without any scars or marks. Her plump lips had a rich pink color to it, making her vexingly erotic looking. She stood small among the tall men surrounding her.

Mylo could already tell what kind of person she was with the few interactions he had with her. Many things could be said of Amilia, she was daring and understood her standing. She was the kind of person that used her appealing appearance to manipulate weak willed men into her every beck and calls. But Mylo had enough experience in his life to handle such devious person.


Amilia slightly smirked at the silence and flicked her hair while saying.

"Don't be nervous, how about we-"



" I have no interest in spending any more time here, my answer is no!"


"Well, good day now."

Once again the three lackeys stood strong, not inching a step away from their spot.

"Don't be this way. I know that you think yourself not worthy of my time. But you are! Aren't you the first boss killer 'Cosmo'? Even though you kept your class as beginner, you must have had a reason for it. I'm curious. I love a mysterious man."


"I'm just here to invite you into my party. We're heading toward a recently discovered dungeon. The maximum party members that can go inside is five. We have one spot left. How about it?"

"I appreciate your interest in me, but I rather act alone. Please do not force my hand any further. I may be a relatively calm person but my patient unfortunately runs thin. Now goodbye."

One of the men standing next to Mylo spoke out with a high-pitched voice.


But before the man could utter anything else, the young lady next to him spoke out, breaking his flow.

"That's fine. Until next time then."


"Hopefully not. Goodbye."

Mylo headed inside the Auction House, while Amelia was still standing in the place.


"Big sister Amelia, forget about him. He must have a screw loose."


"Big sister?"






"Y-yes Big sister!"


"Welcome to Valsea Auction House. How can I be of assistance?"

Mylo was currently talking to one of the many receptionists inside the Auction house.

Before the game released the game company informed all players and businesses that the currency in game could be exchanged for real life money. But no one could tell the npc's about it, since any word regarding the game would be censored. Then how can one exchange money?

In the world of Second Chronicles, with the appearance of the cursed ones come along a giant stone, with runes imbued all round it. The leaders of the regions has revealed that the stone was special for the cursed one. The divine entity informed them that the cursed one had to donate coins to the stone in order to support their original world. The information was vague but the citizen accepted it. It was possible to exchange coins for real life money but not the other way around. Else, the power houses would monopolize every useful resource in the game.

"Hello, I would like to donate my coins."

"In order to make use of the divine stone you have to pay a fee of 10 copper coins."

"Why am I not surprised… even in another so-called world. Economy was applied to everything…" he tough to himself.

"Here you go!"

"Thank you, you may proceed."

Mylo walked toward a large boulder covered by a thick and long rope wrapped around it. Pieces of paper could be seen tied around the rope. They looked similar to the tree one could find around Japan, called Shimenawa .These ropes wrapped around the stone indicated the presence of spirits residing inside.

[How much would you like to exchange: ___?]

" 2 silver coins"

[You have exchanged 2 silver coins for 600$]

1 copper coin was equivalent to 5 dollars in real life. 60 copper equaled 1 silver.

I currently owned 2542 copper coins and 9 silver coins left. With just my silver coins alone I could get around 2,700$. A normal salary man would take around two and half month to actually make that amount of money. It shows how important this 'second' world is.

"600$ is fine for now. This will help me get a gym subscription, pay my bill and buy nutritional food."

"Log out!"

[You have logged out!]

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