
Chapter 17: Not Water

In which Sara had way to much cake.

The next day Sara stood in front of the mirror examining her reflection. There were more freckles dotted across her face then she remembered. Her face had slimed slightly and the color in her cheeks was healthy and pink. The most noticeable change, however, was her hair. Her hair once again matched her eyebrows, a deep rich dark brown. Apparently the small bottle of soap she had found in the small bathroom connected to a new room was stronger than she had expected. Not a single strand of blue remained, but Sara found the change did not matter as much to her. For the past few weeks there had been no mirrors to look in and it was a bit odd now to spend so much time in front of the mirror and it made her feel slightly vain to study her reflection once again. She had pulled the top half of her hair back into an inside out french braid, Fili and Kili having been helping her improve braiding skills, and she had also put two small braids just behind her ears and left the rest of her hair flowing freely over her shoulders. She noted that the length had also increased and her hair now swung almost to her shoulder blades.

Fili and Kili had come to the infirmary that morning to help Sara and Bofur relocate to where the rest of the company was as they followed the elf maid across the villa. Despite the dwarves being offered their own rooms many of the company had chosen to stay together, so Elrond had suggested they be given the eight rooms that resided in a hall near the back of the villa. The four rooms on the right were given to Thorin, second to Fili and KIli, third to Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur, and forth on the right to Oin and Gloin. The rooms on the left were filled with Balin and Dwalin across from Thorin, Sara, then Bilbo, and last of all Dori, Nori, and Ori. Gandalf must have taken a room in another part of Elrond's large home, and quite an expansive house it was, for it took ten minutes for them to reach her new room from the infirmary. As Sara saw more and more of the beautiful vila she thought that it resembled a very airy cross between a cathedral and a castle. The other end of their little hall lead to a small veranda that backed right up to the towering rock cliffs that reached high above the back of the villa. Small trickles of water ran down the cracks feeding the clinging flowers that spread over the rock and eventually these small trickles joined the larger flow of water that poured over the great falls that surrounded Elrond's beautiful home.

The maid who had taken Sara to her new accommodations had shown her a small chest at the end of her bed that held several dresses the elf girl had said came from a tailor in Bree. When Sara asked why Elrond had human dresses, the maid had told her that there were several humans who lived in the Hidden Valley, but also that Lord Elrond was always prepared to be the perfect host, including clothing should his guests require it. Sara had rummaged through the small chest and found a dress that she felt comfortable in. The main body of the dress was a deep blue as was the lace up bodice. Loose flowing sleeves came down almost to her elbows and the hem of the dress brushed the backs of her calves. There were small stars or snowflakes, for she could not tell, embroidered across the bodice, near the hems, and along the edge of the square neckline. Sara had tried on the shoes that were meant to go with a dress but they were too large, so she opted to go barefoot rather than galumph around in her boots. Besides one hardly required shoes in Elrond's halls and gardens so well tended were the house and grounds. There was a knock on her door and when she called Fili and Kili entered arguing about something or other.

"Sara," called Kili, when he didn't spot her right away.

"I'm right here," she said coming around the corner and into the main room. Since her conversation with Bofur the day before, Sara had been waiting for a chance to speak to the two about the heart sister situation, but thus far she had not found a quiet moment with them. Kili was sitting on her bed fiddling with the zipper on her pack and Fili was looking out the window. She thought that perhaps now would be a good time to speak to them.

"Fili, Kili can we talk?" she asked.

"Sure sis, what did you…." Kili turned to look at her. "Wow, what happened to your hair?" Fili pulled his attention away from the window and looked at her his eyes popping. "What happened? Where's all the blue gone?" asked Kili.

"I guess the elvin shampoo stripped the color out," she said reaching to pull at the small braids self consciously. 'It doesn't look bad does it?"

Kili jumped off the bed and came to examine her hair with his fingers. "It really is the same color as mine," he said tugging playfully on her braids. "And you're getting better with the braids." Fili approached and walked around her looking her up and down.

"It's so weird for it not to be blue," said Fili, stopping finally to look over her face. "But it does look better on you. Your natural hair color makes your eyes stand out more. Kili" he sighed. "We shall simply have to keep her here, she's far too pretty for her own good. We will be chasing the males away from her all night if we let her leave this room." Her face began to heat up with all the attention and she slugged Fili playfully in the arm. He smiled and pulled her into a hug. "You look beautiful sister."

"Look," she said trying to change the subject. "I think it's time we talked about what me being your heart sister means." Fili looked a bit taken aback but stood a bit straighter and nodded to Kili who dropped her hair and came to stand beside him. "Well the first thing you should know about…" but there was another knock at the door.

"Are you guys coming to dinner or what?" called Bofur's voice through the door. "I've been eating bland food for four days now and I want something with some flavor, even if those prissy elves don't eat meat. Anything is bound to be better than bitter greens and mush."

Sara looked at Fili and Kili who were snickering with each other. "What's he talking about?" she asked. "Of course the elves eat meat. Bilbo told me all the roast duck he had for dinner last night, it made me rather jealous," she admitted. "Whoever told him the elves are vegetarians?" but she suspected she knew the answer before Kili spoke.

"Bofur has always insisted that the elves don't eat meat," he said.

"He's kind of a pain about it actually," said Fili.

"Anyway," continued Kili, "When we got here and they served meat we ask Gandalf about it. He said that while some elves choose to be vegetarians most do not."

"So," interjected Fili, "We decided to play a prank on Bofur and got the rest of the company to play along. You see for the first day your meals were basically the same, but on the second day Bofur was cleared to resume eating normal foods, but we got Oin to convince the kitchens that it would be much better for him to continue with the prescribed diet from Elrond. We have been feeding Bofur stories of all the food that the elves have been feeding us and complained to him about the lack of meat. So he still believes the Elves to be vegetations."

"I can't wait to see his face at dinner," grinned Kili.

"You two are terrible," she said shoving them playfully, but she had to admit that the hatted dwarf deserved it after what he had done yesterday.

"Are you guys coming to dinner or what?" came Bofur's voice again. "The rest of the company are leaving, and I'm starving." Sara opened the door Fili and Kili coming to stand behind her.

"You don't have to wait for us you know." she said. Bofur was craning his neck to the side looking after the rest of the disappearing company but then turned back to look at her.

"Why lass! What has happened to your hair?"

"Elvin shampoo," she said simply, resigned to the fact that she would have to answer this question several times tonight.

"Shall we head to dinner?" said Fili closing the door once they were in the hall. "After all tonight is supposed to be a feast." But Bofur didn't move as Fili and Kili made their way down the hall. His eyes were too busy roving up and down Sara appreciatively.

"I should have snagged that kiss yesterday while I had the chance," he said with a small pout. "I guess I will just have to beat you at Poker again some time." Sara shook her head at him and laughed jogging to catch up with Fili and Kili the toymaker chasing after her.

Sara sat between Bifur and Kili, waiting anxiously for the food to arrive as her stomach growled. Most of the company were seated around a long table that Sara could tell had been set very nicely… had being the keyword. Sufficeth to say that the dwarves showed about as much decorum here at Elrond's table as they had a Bilbo's. The food was not even here yet and the table was a mess. Beside her Fili and Kili had gathered all the dishes from the settings they could reach and were stacking them into a rather precarious tower that swayed to and fro. Bilbo who sat across from the table from Sara squeaked and squaked with each new addition to Fili and Kili's version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, while Bofur egged them on to even more during heights and placements. Dwalin who was to the other side of Bilbo sat with his arms crossed, carefully watching the table that Thorin, Gandalf and Lord Elrond occupied, his face set in a perpetual scowl. Bombur was talking quietly in dwarvish to Bifur who was cutting up the flowers that he had wrested from the large vases that had been placed up and down the table. Sara looked down on the table to see Dori and Ori were talking to each other animatedly while Nori quickly secreted a silver spoon into his jacket. He looked up just in time to see Sara watching him and grinned to holding a finger to his lips conspiratorially. Oin and Gloin who were at the other end of the table to Sara's right sat quietly whispering to each other, occasionally adding to Bombur and Bifur's conversation. Sara looked to the table where Thorin sat a small distance away. The wizard and elf chatted amiably enough, and Sara watched as Gandalf handed the Lord Elrond his sword from the troll hoard. Thorin sat rather stiffly in his seat looking none too comfortable as he also handed his sword to the elf lord and Sara watched their conversation for a few minutes.

Just when Sara was sure the tower of dishes could go no higher, for at this point Fili stood on his chair to reach the top, a long line of elves entered the room carrying great platters and bowls of food and large jugs of what Sara guessed was wine. Quickly she turned her glass upside down missing the disappointed look on Fili and Kili's faces. Much of the food was unfamiliar to Sara and she vowed to try it all, save the drink. The princes quickly redistributed the tower to its rightful place and eagerly took seats. Sara felt as though she had walked into an all-you-can-eat buffet and gave up trying to name all the good things to eat as a whole roast pig was placed on the table between her and Bilbo. Bofur who sat next next to the hobbit looked at the pig in confusion as Fili, Kili and most of the company began to laugh at the hatted dwarf.

"What's all this?" asked Bofur eyeing all the food on the table and picking up a chicken leg. "I thought you said the elves were vegetarians?" Bifur began to speak to him into dwarvish and as as he listened understanding dawned on the toymaker's face. "Oy! You two!" He yelled pointing at the princes who were now clutching each other in an attempt not to fall out of there chairs. "I'll get ya back just ya wait," Bofur threatened. Sara smiled wishing she understood what Bifur had said as he continued what he was doing, now twisting and braiding the long stem flowers together. She had forgotten how poor the table manners of most of the company including herself were as such things mattered little when you were hunched over a bowl in the woods. As she began to eat she was reminded of the scene in Bag End but soon enough she gave it up as a bad job and simply determined to enjoy the food and hope that Elrond's patience ran as deep as his age.

"Here Sara," said Kili handing her a small plate. "Try this it's really good." She looked down and saw what looked like as best she could describe a slice of cake that was saturated in a red sauce with whipped cream and berries piled on top. She took a bite and a robust and very sweet flavor filled her mouth.

"Oh my gosh!" she said around a mouthful. "This is so delicious." So engrossed in the sweet cake was she that she missed Fili and Kili shared whispers.

"What are you two whispering about?" asked Bofur still suspicious of the princes. Fili glanced to see Sara was enjoying the pastry and shot a few quick hand signals to the toymaker whos smile spread wide. Sara was now staring forlornly at the small empty plate in front of her wishing there had been more.

"Here lass," called Bofur handing her another of the sweet pastry. "Take this one if ya like it so much." She make short work of the cake and in a few minutes was looking around for more.

"Want another asked Fili from across his brother holding another small plate. Sara took it slowly but instead of eating it right away she set it to the side and began to fill her plate with small amounts of whatever she could reach. Bifur tapped her elbow and held up his crown of flowers.

"It's beautiful," she said taking it from him and examining the beautifully placed white and blue flowers. When she made to give it back to him he shook his head gesturing that she should wear it. "For me?" she asked. He nodded and took it from her and she bent her head as he placed it on her. He wrapped several strands of hair strategically around it to keep it from slipping and when he had finished she looked up at him. He nodded approvingly. "Thank you Bifur," she said squeezing his large rough hand.

The meal was a slow and lazy affair, if not a very rowdy one. Gandalf, Thorin, and Elrond had retired early and Bilbo not long after them. The rest of the dwarves enjoyed the food and companionship as many a songs broke out merrily around the table. Sara even recognised one of the songs Bofur sang as Hey Brother Pour the Wine, form her Dean Martin music album on her phone. As more and more time passed, Sara began to feel quite warm and content in the company of her dwarves, despite the chaos. The wine flowed freely around the table and to the right of Sara's elbow sat five small empty plates as she held a sixth to her mouth, licking off the last of the red sauce. Her dinner plate sat mostly forgotten. She leaned over to Kili.

"Kili I'm thirsty," she whined. "Can I have a drink?" He looked very pleased with himself as he handed her a glass of red liquid and she drank long and deep from it. "Thank you Kiwi," she said wiping her mouth on her hand and settings glass down a little unsteadily. At the sound of the strange nickname Bifur looked to the disoriented girl and reached over and dip his finger in some of the red sauce remaining on one of the plates and brought it to his mouth, unsurprised with what he tasted. He barked something at Bofur are in dwarvish watching Sara tetter in her chair.

"It wasn't my idea," defended Bofur. "Blame them, they started it."

"Started what?" asked Dwalin who had moved over to sit in Bilbo's empty chair. Bifur made a few hand gestures and pointed at Sara who is sat staring forlornly at her empty cup. Kili had a jug and was poised to refill her glass.

"Kili, Fili," snapped Dwalin causing Sara to jump and drop her glass. "What have you been doing?" Sara frowned and ducked under the table to retrieve the glass, bumping her head on the way back up. When she had sat up again it was to see Dwalin shouting at a pair of rather chastised looking princes.

Sara frowned. "Dwalin, don't pick on my fuzzy kiwi, it's not his fault he can't grow a beard." The table fell quiet and then the dwarves all but Kili burst into rocus laughter, even Sara laughed along though she was not quite sure why. Kili sat back in his chair arms folded tightly crosses chest, a deep scowl on his face.

"Oh come now Kiwi," teased Fili, "Your beard will grow in someday." Kili punched him but Fili went down laughing all the harder.

"Kiwi!" shouted Sara. "Don't hit Philly, you will mess up his pretty blonde mane." This of course sent the dwarves into fits of greater hysterics and Fili scowling along with his brother. Dwalin was slapping his hands on the table, and Bofur who had fallen off the chair was clutching his stomach.

"Now there is some poetic justice if ever I saw it," said Balin from his place beside his brother. "Kiwi the beardless, and Philly of the pretty blond mane. Yer sure to go down in dwarvish history lads."

The laughing only increased and Sarah stared around the table a slightly confused look on her face.

"What say we have ourselves a drinking contest," called Bofur as the laughter died down slowly and he found his way to his chair again. "I say I can outdrink the lot of ya."

"Aye," said Gloin from the end of the table. "Count me in."

"Two gold say I can outlast you toymaker," challenged Nori raising his glass of Elvish wine.

"And I'll beat the both of ya," bet Dwalin slapping two gold coins down on the table.

"I'm in" called Kili.

"Me too," chimed Fili reaching for his glass and pushing his plate away.

"How about you lass?" asked Bofur. "Will ya drink with us?"

"Oh no," said Sara sipping at the wine in her hands. "I never drink." The table was silent again

"Lass," said Dwalin smiling fondly at her. "Yer drunk now."

"Oh no," she said, shaking her head and splashing a bit of wine on the table. "I don't drunk how would I be drink?"

"Lass," said Dwalin chuckling a bit at her. "That's not exactly water ya are your sippin at, and those six cakes ya snarfed were not saturated with milk." Sara looked down at her cup frowning.

"What is it then?" she asked confusedly.

"That's Elvish wine lass. Not the most potent of drinks, but apparently potent enough for ya," he said reaching across the table to take her glass from her and pressing a glass of water into her unsteady hands. "Perhaps ya should retire for the night. Fili, Kili take her back to her room. We will wait for you before we begin," he assured as they began to grumble. "Quickly now, see her to her room."

Several minutes later Fili, Kili, and Sara stood at the end of their hallway. "Do you remember which door is yours?" asked Fili taking the empty glass from her. Most of the water had splashed onto the floor on their way back.

"Sure," she said walking past her door to Bilbo's. "This one is my door." She wobbled precariously where she stood.

"No," said Fili coming to turn her around and bringing her to stand beside her door. "Second door on the left," he said.

"Come on Fili," called Kili from the end of the hallway. "They will start without us."

"Coming," called Fili. "Remember second door on the left," and then he was gone. Sara turned and watched them go.

She held up her left hand. "Second door on the left," she said looking at the door to her left. "One door," she said. She took several steps forward towards the next door. "Second door to the left." She turned the handle of the door, pushed it open, and stepped inside.

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