
Chapter 11: Assessment

In which Sara is assessed.

Due to the company not sleeping the previous night, Thorin allowed them to spend the day in the troll camp to rest and recuperate. The troll hoard had provided them with enough food for a day or two, even if the Ale would not last till lunch if Bofur had anything to say about it. It seemed that every time Sara saw him that morning he had a mug in his hand, but at least he was a cheery drunk. The horde had also included a few objects of great value, not the least of which were several small chests of gold, which Gloin and Nori had buried saying something to dwalin about making a long term deposit. The greatest prizes were however the new swords that hung from Gandalf and Thorns hips. Even Bilbo seemed to have acquired a weapon. Bilbo had showed the small elvish blade to Sara when she asked about it, telling her that Gandalf had insisted that he take it, as it could be used as a warning for goblins and orcs.

They set up camp, ate breakfast, and then most slept, a few of the dwarves taking turns keeping watch. It was late in the afternoon when Sara I woke again and rejoined the group. Bombur was happily tending to the fire and Bofur lounged nearby nursing his mug while chatting with Bilbo who seemed quite happy. Dwalin was over by the ponies talking to Nori. Much of the camp was still asleep and it seemed that Fili was still angry at her, for when Sara went to sit beside the two brothers who were under the tree talking quietly, he got up and left without a word to her.

"He's still mad at me isn't he?" Sara asked, sitting down beside Kili who was pulling up blades of grass. He nodded. "Should I say something to him?"

"Not yet" said Kili. "He's still pretty.... what did you call it.... ticked? Yeah he's still ticked." Sara sighed and they sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again. "I don't like being caught in the middle," he confessed.

"Would you rather be with him? I don't mind. He is your brother after all." Kili looked at her testing her sincerity. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"I'm sure. I can hang out with Bilbo." she said. He wrinkled his nose

"Hang out? You sometimes say some very strange things Mistress Miller."

"Yeah because dealing with cranky dwarves and trolls it part of my everyday routine too," she said wrinkling her nose back at him. "Go on, I will be fine. I don't want to cause trouble between you two." He gave her hand a quick squeeze before following after his brother. Sara leaned back against the tree wondering how long Fili would be upset with her. She didn't regret sticking up for Bilbo, but she knew she had offended and embarrassed Fili and she wished she could take back her words. It was in this despondent mood that Dwalin found her some minutes later.

"Here now, where are your two shadows?" he asks standing before her arms crossed.

"Not shadowing today I guess. Fili is mad at me and rather than get between them I sent Kili after him."

"I see," he hummed. "Then I guess they won't be missing you for the time being."

"I suppose not," she said flicking a pebble in the dirt. Dwalin sighed.

"Come with me lass," he said reaching out a hand and pulling her to her feet.

"Okay, but where are we going?" she questioned dusting off her pants. He didn't reply. Sara followed him from camp and through the woods until they reached a sandy clearing and he turned to face her.

"So what are we doing here?"

"Training lass," he said as he reached behind a tree and pulled out two staffs of wood that looked as though he had only recently vested them of their leaves and branches. He saw her expression.

"Don't worry Ms. Sara, I won't put ya through yer paces today. I know yer still a bit sore, though ya hide it well. Also Oin would have my beard if I impeded your recovery," He said tossing her one of the staffs which she caught easily enough. "I just want to gauge your skills. Ya say ya have some training did ya not? Tell me about it as I test your skills," he said taking his staff in hand and beginning to circle her slowly.

"Why do both at the same time?" she asked watching him. "Why not do one and then the other?" She had the staff clenched in both her hands in a defensive position and was beginning to feel a bit cornered.

"That's part of the test lass, how well can ya think on yer feet. Battles requires you to be aware of multiple things at once. Go on tell me of yer training such as it is. How long have you been training?" He swung slowly for her legs and she blocked him easily enough.

"About two years now," she said blocking another swing. "I have had classes twice a week."

"And what have ya been learning?" he asked.

"I have studied both Judo and some Aikido." She jumped as his staff swept beneath her feet. "Judo is a martial art that comes from a place called Japan, the name means Gentle Way."

"Gentle Way," snorted Dwalin. "What use is that?"

"You tell me," she said taking a swing at him and dodging another. He was still moving slowly allowing her to react. "Judo is what I used to throw both you and Thorin."

"Was it now?" he asked a bit surprised. She nodded. "Judo does not involve striking or weapons but instead focus on being able to manipulate your opponent into submission, though it can require some strength to use to its greatest effect. Neither you nor Thorin were expecting me to throw you," she explained.

"Aye, that would be true enough. But what use is this technique if ya don't strike your opponent?" he asked. She felt a gentle tap on her elbow. "Don't let yer guard down lass," he instructed. "What about this Akio?"

"Aikido," she corrected. "It somewhat like Judo, in fact they are both from Japan. Aikido uses throwing, joint locks, striking and pinning techniques, as well as some weapons like sword, staff, and knives. It requires less strength and instead teaches you how to use your opponent's force against them."

"So ya have had some weapons training," he said satisfied.

"Not like you're thinking," she said taking another swing at him which he blocked with a snort. "I had only recently started using the weapons in Aikido, and they were mock weapons. The only real weapons I've ever used are guns, and that was for fun, not combat. Just target practice." She jumped out of the way of a swing.

"What is a gun?" asked Dwalin dodging her return swing, tapping her lightly on the shoulder.

"It's a distance weapon like a bow, but it's much more powerful and has better range and accuracy."

"Kili might not agree with you on that," he said as their staffs connected. His movements were speeding up now. "Kili rather likes his bow, he crafted it himself."

"I bet he would like using a rifle." she replied. "But I'd probably give you a bazooka." she said grinning widely at him.

"What's a bazooka?" he asked. His staff tapped her hip and she swung at him in return.

"A really big gun," she said. "But it doesn't matter, there are no guns in Middle-earth. Anyway the martial arts I have learned are primarily for self-defense not combat."

"Why all the self-defense lass?"

"I had a bad experience with a guy on a date once." she said. Dwalin let his staff drop.

"What do ya mean lass? Did he hurt you?" ask the dwarf, his face darkening.

"He tried to," she said. "He got really drunk and was really angry when he wanted more than I was willing to give. He didn't like being told no. There was a fight and he hit me a few times but I got away from him. If he hadn't been so wasted I doubt I would have thought. I ran to my friend Nathen's apartment across campus and the guy chased me all the way. When I got there he tried to get past Nathan. That was a mistake. He was out cold for forty minutes. Nathan used to be in the Army." she said. Dwalin was watching her now listening, not attacking. "Anyway after that, Nathan urged me to take some self-defense classes and I started going to M.A. with him. That night was terrifying for me. I don't ever want to feel that defenseless again. That's why all the self defence." finish Sara. She was still watching the warrior in case he should swing her staff held at the ready.

"But surely ya have got people to look out for ya back home? Brothers? A father?" he asked. Sara let the staff drop from its defensive position and her face grew shadowed. "Lass are you okay?" asked Dwalin. "Ms. Sara? Have I said something to upset ya?" She drew in a breath and shook her head quickly replacing the smile on her face.

"No, its okay. I don't have family back home. It was always just me and Granny, and she is gone now. I guess the bright side is that no one will be missing me." she smiled at him but he knew it was fake. "I guess that's why I get along with Fili and Kili so well. They are like the big brothers I never had, well sometimes they're like little brothers. Although Fili is not speaking to me right now." Her face fell again as she thought of the blonde prince.

"He'll come round lass," said Dwalin. She looked to him. "Does it bother ya?" he asked.

"Does what bother me?"

"Talking about yer home? Yer reasons for training?" he clarified. She thought for a moment before she answered.

"I don't mind people knowing about what happened, I just don't like telling them myself. Sometimes it helps people to understand me better, but it also reminds me of how helpless I was and I don't like that reminder." He nodded his understanding.

"I wont tell the others," he said.

"I don't mind if you tell them, I just don't like to talk about it myself." He watched her for a moment and then his gaze slid past her and he and he sighed.

"Come on out Nori," called the warrior. Sara spun around and saw Nori emerge from the bushes at the edge of the clearing.

"Hello Ms. Sara," he said coming to stand by her and Dwalin who turned to him.

"Well what do you think?" asked Dwalin.

" Not terrible form for a beginner, she needs help with her footwork, grip is okay. She will do."

"That's what I thought. Possible sword and dagger training as well. Some strength training and it would seem more work on awareness of her surroundings. Had you been an enemy she would have been dead several times over, and you weren't exactly hid very well now were you."

"I was observing, not hiding. Had I wanted to hide, you would not have seen me," replied Nori cooly.

"Hello, I'm still here. Care to introduce me to your conversation about me?" Sara was a bit annoyed to be discussed this way. They turn to face her as though she had just arrived.

"Sorry lass, we want to train ya," said Dwalin.

"We?" she asked.

"Nori and I," clarified the warrior.

"Why, and why Nori?" she asked again. "No offense," she said turning to Nori.

"None taken Ms. Sara," he said fiddling with something in his breast pocket that sounded like small pieces of metal clinking together.

"I want ya to be trained for many reasons," he said. "But chiefly for my peace of mind. I didn't like to think of ya back at camp alone, while we were being roasted by trolls. Ya mentioned that you have some staff training and while I am proficient in most weapons, Nori excels with the staff and is thus better suited to teach ya. I would like it to train with us both."

"Won't Thorin mind you spending your time training me?" she asked. "He told me not to expect help from anyone and that I have to look out for myself. He doesn't want me fighting. He thinks I will get in the way."

"He may flight it on principal, but I believe he will see the sense of it. I think it can do no harm to have you trained so that you can look out for yourself, should a fight happen."

"Gandalf said that he thought Thorin was just trying to get me to keep my guard up, could he have been right?" she asked.

"Gandlaf is a sharp one and little escapes his notice. Yes, I believe that was his intent. Thorin may not admit it but he would protect ya as would the others if it came down to it. Ya were not there last night but he laid down his sword to protect the hobbit from the trolls."

"Bilbo," she corrected him. "And yes, that's what Fili said. He seemed very upset about it. That is actually what we fought about," she confessed.

"Fili is young and has little experience with leadership yet," said Nori. "He's still training for the day he assumes the throne after Thorin, but let's pray that day is indeed a long way off." Dwalin nodded his agreement.

"What do you say lass, will ya train with us, if only to help an old warrior sleep better at night?" he asked taking up his staff once again.

"If you can get Thorin's blessing first," she said. "I don't want to get on his bad side even more than I already am. He's already called me a sneak once and I don't fancy being called that again."

"Ya mean you find Thorin more intimidating than me," asked Dwalin in mock indignation. She smiled at him.

"Under normal circumstances no, normally I would be terrified of you, but unlike Thorin I know you like me at least a little bit. With Thorin it depends on the day and how recently I have saved his nephews or gotten in his way.

"I wouldn't sell the king so cheap," said Nori watching her. "You did save his nephews, and I've never seen Thorin apologize to anyone for anything."

"That's true enough" said Dwalin, also watching Sara.

"I would still feel better if I knew he wasn't going to find out if and rip me a new one." she said. They looked at her confused. "You know bust my chops." Nothing. "I don't want him to yell at me," she confessed. They laughed at that.

"Alright lass," chuckled Dwalin. "We'll get his say-so first, and then will train you. Though I doubt he will fight it." They returned to camp and Sara went to sit next to Bifur, Bilbo and Bofur who was still sprawled out in the dirt. Bomber was preparing supper on the other side of the fire.

"Hello Ms. Sara," said Bilbo scooting over to make room for her on the log. Bifur nodded his hello.

"Hey Bilbo, what's going on?"

"Hey lass," said Bofur from his on the ground. He tipped the brim of his hat up to peek at her before letting it fall again. "Where have ya been, we were just talking about ya."

"Oh," she said skeptically.

"Yes we were discussing your strangely named candy from the other night." replied Bilbo. "They were quite good." Bifur nodded, he was carving a small wooden horse tonight. "Popular with the others as well," continued the hobbit.

"Aye, Ms. Sara's kisses are quite ... pleasant." purred Bofur, running his tongue suggestively over his parted lips and tipping his hat back again to wink at her. She flushed and kicked his booted foot.

"You make everything sound dirty," she complained.

"But ya make it too easy lass," he said sitting up to lean against the log beside her. "And ya look quite fetching flushed to your ear tips." She's slugged his arm and he laughed good-naturedly. "You should have seen Thorin's face when I told him you were sharing kisses with the company, turned white as a ghost he did." Sara's jaw fell open and she smacked Bofur again.

"That was you!" she accused. "You know he thought I had designs on Fili and Kili because of that. He thought I'd been kissing them! He was not happy."

"I expect not," said Bilbo as Bofur laughed loudly holding his stomach.

"Bofur!" They all fell quiet. Thorin stood on the other side of the fire. He jerked his head for Bofur to follow. The hatted dwarf rose to his feet slowly and followed the king across camp.

Bifur leaned over and handed the finished wooden horse to Sara. She held it gently in her hands. Bifur's work was always so realistic, and often seem to be alive. Bilbo exclaimed in wonder as he looked at the carving from his seat beside her. Bombur came around the campfire to see what had their attention. Sara held the horse out to him. "How do you do? It it's like you breathe life into things you make. It's like magic." she said turning into Bifur. Bomber was the one to answer her.

"That's because it is Ms. Sara. Our family has been making magical toys for a long time. We used to be part of the thriving toy market in Dale before Smaug seized the mountain."

"I've heard of the marvelous toy market that used to be in Dale," said Bilbo excitedly.

"Wait, dwarves have magic?" asked Sara, Bilbo too seem to straighten in his seat as he waited for the answer. Bifur nodded.

"Dwarves have magic" replies Bombur. "But not many know, or think of it. Our magic is usually related to our craft and is not flashy like that of a wizards or elves. Some may have encountered our magic but didn't realize it was ours or that it was magic at all," he explained, handing the horse back to her.

"But what kind of things can you do with your magic?" she asked, examining the toy again.

"We can craft magical weapons and armor, some even craft musical instruments; in fact Thorin's harp is such an instrument," said the cook.

"I would believe that," Sara replied, thinking of the peace that seemed to come over the camp the few times she had heard the sound of the harp accompanied by Thorin's voice.

"What else?" asked Bilbo, eager to know more.

"Well of course there are the magical toys that our family makes, and also the dwarf doors that can be made invisible, such as the ones in Moria and Erebor," he said. Sara thought of the door that the fellowship would use to enter Moria.

"Mellon. Speak friend and enter," she said quietly under her breath. Bifur looked at her suddenly, a started look on his face, but no one else seemed to have heard her or seen his reaction as Bombur continued.

"Indeed, we are quite accomplished at hiding things we don't want found. And finally there can be a certain magic in our voices as in other races, but once again it is more subtle in our kind."

"What about yer stew Bomber? Is that magical too?" asked Bofur as he returned to the group "Because I'm starving." He sat down beside Bilbo as Bomber got to his feet.

"That's why I came over here, to tell you supper is ready. Come and get it." Bilbo sprang to his feet and was back with his plate in a trice though Bofur almost beat him. After the meal, Sara sat with Bofur and Bifur, as Bilbo had gone to bed still a bit sore for the manhandling of the trolls. Sara was carving and the two dwarves were smoking their pipes blowing great rings into the air. Across the fire Gandalf was smoking as well, blowing out plumes of smoke which took all manner of shapes from great sailing ships to animals, some of which Sara had never seen.

"Care to have a go Ms. Sara?"asked Bofur offering her his pipe. She shook her head

"No. Thank you. I like my lungs just as they are." Bofur raised his eyebrows in question.

"What are you talkin about lass?"

"Smoking ruins your lungs and can cause cancer and other medical problems," she said. "Lots of people die from smoking-related health issues."

"That's ridiculous. I'm a hundred and twenty six, been smoking most of my life, and I've never had a sick day in my life."

"You forget Ms. Sara is not a dwarf," said Gandalf from his spot across the fire. "Mahal built you dwarves to endure much longer than a human ever was intended to, and they are not as hardy as a dwarf. Indeed, I doubt most dwarves are acquainted with illness while for humans it is quite common." Bofur looked to Sara.

"Sorry lass," he said popping the pipe back in his mouth.

"No problem," she replied. "Actually your pipe smoke smells much better than any smoke from my world, and it's fun to watch you guys blow smoke rings." She turned back to her carving. After few minutes of silence she spoke again. "So Bofur, what did Thorin want with you earlier?" she asked trying to hide her smile. His face was sour as he pulled the pipe from his mouth and taped it empty on the log.

"He put me on latrine duty and gave a watch shift every night this week." he scowled. "Still" he said tucking the pipe in his jacket pocket. "It was worth it to see the reaction of the others. Especially Thorin's, recon i saw a bit of envy in his face." Bofur watched Sara for her reaction. She didn't look up from a work as she snorted.

"Now that's ridiculous," she said brushing away flakes of wood. Bofur shook his head and walked to stand behind her. He ruffled her hair affectionately and pulled the hood up over her head.

"Night lass, I'm off to bed. I have the morning watch," and he left for his bed.

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