
Resolutions: Part One

Chapter 64: Resolutions: Part One.

Bini Filters's POV


The first thing I was aware of was birds. Birds. How long has it been since I heard birds...Why am I hearing birds right now? My eyes fluttered open, I was laying in a stasis pod. OK, time to evaluate the situation. I am in a statis pod...on an unknown planet...with birds...Yeah. I have about 500 questions...Oh right! I almost died from a virus! Yup, now it's hitting me.

The pod hissed open and sat up, looking at the four other pods that also hissed open. First popped Micheal, who seemed on the verge of a panic attack once he looked at me with a million questions.

The second pod revealed Mollie. Happily wagging her tail before sticking out her head and immediately stepping out of her pod and investigating the area.

Then Sarah got out of her pod. Seeming to question reality once she woke up.

Then the last two contained The Captain and Chakotay. Looking around and finally stopping at us.

"Are you alright?" The Captain asked.

"I am infected by a virus. I could be better." I said sarcastically, getting a glare from the Captain and Chakotay.

"Sickbay to the Captain. This is the Doctor speaking." The Doctor's voice cut through the awkward silence.

"You've brought us out of stasis. I assume you have news." The Captain replied.

"Yes. Our sensors show your vital signs are normal. How are you feeling?"

"We're fine. How long were we in stasis?

"A total of seventeen days." The Doctor admitted.

"That long?"

"I wanted to exhaust every possibility of finding a cure."


"I regret to inform you that I have been unsuccessful. I have not been able to develop a counteragent for the virus, and I have no other options to explore."

"What about keeping us in stasis aboard Voyager?" Chakotay suggested.

"Something in the planet's environment is shielding you from the effects of the virus."

"If you leave, you risk a recurrence of the disease, which would undoubtedly prove fatal. The only option I can think of at the moment is contacting the Vidiians. They have sophisticated medical technology. It's possible they might be able to help."

"We'll take it under advisement, Doctor. Thank you for your efforts. Janeway out." She said. Ending the call. She turned to Chakotay as I helped Micheal and Sarah out of their pod and Mollie explored the field that we were in. "What do you think?"

"It's risky. The Vidiians have never shown any willingness to help us. It's more likely they'd attack Voyager and try to harvest body parts from the crew." Chakotay suggested.

"Agreed. I just want to make sure we're not overlooking a possible alternative."

"Could we live with ourselves, knowing we sent Voyager into that kind of danger?" Chakotay asked.

"Janeway to Tuvok."

"I'm here, Captain."

"You must be aware of the Doctor's report."


"I'm turning over command of the ship to you on a permanent basis. Your orders are to resume a course for the Alpha Quadrant." She said. She seemed to be tearing up and turned away from us as she clenched her fists. "And regardless of the Doctor's suggestion, you are not to make contact with the Vidiians."

"I understand."

"I'll prepare a message for the crew."


(Later that Day)

B'Elanna Torres's POV

"So we're just going to abandon them on this planet?" I asked in outrage as what was left of the senior staff sat in the briefing room. Discussing the people we are abandoning on the planet below.

"Those were Captain Janeway's express orders." Tuvok coldly replied.

"But you're captain now. You can rescind them." I objected.

"To what end?"

"I can't believe we haven't been able to find a cure for an insect bite." I snapped abruptly.

"The Doctor hasn't deactivated himself for a month. He's tried everything. He searched every database, attempted the most drastic research. You can't fault him." Kes argued.

"I can tell you, the morale of the crew is going to suffer if we leave them behind."

"Not if, Mister Neelix. When we leave them behind. The decision has been made. We will of course, provide them with everything they'll need for their survival and comfort. I am arranging for a modular shelter to be transported to the surface. They'll have all the technology they need. Weapons, tricorders, a replicator."

"You talk as though it were a camping trip. They have to spend the rest of their lives down there."

"That is not a certainty. Captain Janeway intends to continue researching the virus. She is an able scientist, and may eventually be able to effect a cure. They have a type nine shuttlecraft at their disposal if it becomes possible for them to leave the planet."

"Type nine shuttlecraft has a top speed of warp four. It won't take them more than, oh, about seven hundred years to get home." Tom calculated.

"I'm not certain what it is you expect me to do, Lieutenant."

"I guess clearly something you can't do, which is to feel as rotten about this as we do."

"You are correct that I am unable to experience that emotion. And frankly, I fail to see what the benefit would be. If there is nothing more, you are all dismissed."


Bini Filters's POV

"This...ugh...House looks really bland," Micheal complained as we pushed a wall up and connected it to the rest of the structure as Chakotay and the Captain went through the supplies.

"Maybe we can paint it? I need to practice my art anyway." I suggested, looking back at Sarah who was with the field.

"Do you think we will ever get back to Voyager?" Micheal inquired. I shrugged and hammered the wall together.

"Janeway to Tuvok."

"Yes, Captain."

"We've received the transport. We'll check it over and let you know if we're missing anything." She said.

"I will remain in orbit until I hear from you. And after that, we can still remain in communication for approximately thirty six hours."

"I'll contact you before the day is over. Janeway out." She said, ending the com link. Chakotay called out to us, practically ordering us to take a break.

I grabbed Sarah's hand and we went go explore the forest.

"Are we going to be here forever?" Micheal asked as we the feild and head where I heared rushing water.

"I hope not. I like this place but damn, I think Voyager better." I admitted.

"The house looks like Voyager...inside at least." Micheal said, jumping on a rock.

"But Mommy will find cure!" Sarah cut in.

"We don't know that for certain!" I replied, unhooking Mollie from her leash, allowing her to run wild.

"We just need Chakotay to back off-" Micheal started, I rolled my eyes and groaned in annoyance.

"This can not be happening. Don't get started on that again! We have to live in the same house as him."

"That's the problem!"

"Deal with it!"

"I can't! He is going to try moves on Mommy!"

"Did you really just say that? Hahahaha!" I started laughing at word once we reached a lake. Micheal grinned and shoved me. Causing me fall right into the lake which seemed hysterical to the children.



(Next Day)

Harry Kim's POV

"This diagnostic report looks like it was written by a first-year Academy cadet. There are mistakes. It's incomplete." B'Elanna yelled at Crewmember Swinn, who looked terrified.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant. I guess I've been distracted." Swinn replied hastily.

"We've all been distracted, Ensign. That's no excuse." She snapped.

"Yes, ma'am."

"I can't get anything done here. Nobody can concentrate." She complained

"I know how they feel." I admitted.

"I'm not feeling so terrific myself, but I don't let that get in the way of my work."

"B'Elanna, I've been talking with some of the Starfleet crew. They're not happy about what happened. I was wondering, how are the Maquis taking it?"

"How do you think they're taking it? This isn't a Starfleet issue, Harry. It's affecting everyone." She replied.

"Then why don't we do something about it?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"I don't know. It seems like we shouldn't just accept this."

"Well, that's all well and good, but frankly, I can't think of anything else we can do. If you have any ideas, I'll listen. Otherwise, I think we should take a deep breath and move on."


(Two days later)

Bini Filters's POV

I followed...Kathryn into the forest. The fact that I have to call her by her first name is more strange to me than it should be. It's like if I called my mother by her first name all the time. She was no longer wearing a uniform and preferred a dress instead as we checked her bug traps that she used to help her research.

Mollie followed us as we made our way. Checking our last trap.

We entered the field where the house was. Micheal and Sarah were playing as Chakotay came out of the forest. He was wearing leather Jerkin, shirt and jeans. Wiping his hands clean on his pants.

"Catch anything?" Chakotay asked Kathryn who put down her box of flies.

"Just the same ones as yesterday" She said with a disappointed sigh. "And they don't seem to carry the pathogen that's infected us. Where have you been?"

"Oh, in the woods."

"For the past two days, you've been spending a lot of time in the woods. Is something going on I should know about?" She asked. Stepping closer to Chakotay.

"Not yet." He replied with a grin.

"Not yet?" Kathryn repeated. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means when it's time for you to know, I'll tell you."

"Don't I even get hints?" She begged.

"I'm building something."

"Building. What could you be building? And why can't you tell me?"

"You can't stand it, can you? You're like a little kid wheedling." He joked. Micheal muttered under his breathe in hostility towards Chakotay.

"Tuvok to Janeway." Tuvok's voice interrupted the moment.

"Janeway here." Kathryn replied after tapping her combadge.

"We're about to move out of communications range. How are you faring?"

"We're doing quite well. I'd like to speak to the crew now."

"Your comm. link has been put through to the entire ship."

"This is Kathryn Janeway. I've never liked saying goodbye, so I'll make this brief, but I want you all to know that serving as your captain has been the most extraordinary experience of my life. No captain could ask more than what this crew has given. Bravery, compassion and strength of character. But I think what I'll miss most is the fun. The times we joked together, the games on the holodeck. I'll remember the laughter more than anything. Although Commander Chakotay and I won't be with you for the rest of your journey, we know that you'll be the same steadfast crew for Mister Tuvok as you have been for us. We wish you a safe and speedy journey home. Our thoughts will be with you. Janeway out.

"Thank you, Captain, Commander. I am sure I speak for the entire crew when I say we will always remember your grace and courage. And I would like to add, it has been an honour serving with you. Live long and prosper."


Bini Filters's POV

(Kathryn Janeway's personal log, Stardate 49690.1. Day twenty-four of our stay on the planet we've named New Earth. As yet I've been unable to make any progress in finding a cure for our illness, but a soak in the tub Chakotay built always helps me focus on possible solutions. My children and Bini are doing well. These days spent on this planet has gained me valuable experience.)

I followed Kathryn back into the shelter where Micheal and Sarah at the dining room table eating ice cream. I sat with them at the table, feeding Mollie as we settled into one of our usual conversations.

"How was your day, dudes," I asked.

"Micheal pushed me into the lake." Sarah pouted.

"That seems to be a running theme around here." I said with the roll of my eye before turning to Micheal. "Why did you do it this time?"

"She said that she wants Chakotay to be our Daddy." He sneered.

"Dear lord, suck it up, Micheal. It is happening whether or not you want it to for goodness sake!"

"I am trying but it's hard!"

"OK fine...Look at it this way..." I suggested. "Is Chakotay like your Father?"

"I...Sorta..." Micheal admitted.

"Don't you want a Father?"

"Bini..." He growled in a warning tone.

"Chakotay, are you there?" Kathryn asked once she came in and dropped her supplies.

"No, I left an hour ago." He joked from outside, entering the shelter seconds later.

"I was thinking. Maybe looking for protein cofactors is the wrong approach. Even if I can't find a specimen of the insect that infected us, I could try to learn something about the bio-molecular evolution of this planet's ecosystem." She suggested.

"Can't hurt to give it a try."

Suddenly, we all stopped once we heard a rustle outside. Sarah was the first to jump up and run towards the door, followed by a protective Mollie. I ran after her, as the Ca-Kathryn stood up to stop her. She ran into the forest and started calling to something. Frantically pointing to something in the trees. Since it was dark, it took my eyes a moment to adjust before I saw a monkey looking back at us...A monkey.

"Ahhhhhh, why is there a monkey outside?" I questioned out loud. Everyone else quickly followed us outside. Looking at the primate staring back at us.

"That is...very unusual..." Chakotay stated.

"Why is there a monkey in the middle of the Delta Quadrant?" Micheal asked. The monkey quickly lost interest in us and scuffled away.

"Maybe we should be out looking for other primates. I might be missing something important." She suggested.

"Kathryn, the Doctor worked for weeks trying to find a treatment for this disease," Chakotay argued as we all reentered the house.


"You've been at it twelve hours a day, seven days a week since we got here, and we're still no closer to a cure than we were the day we were infected."

"I'm not sure what you're getting at."

"My people have a saying. Even the eagle must know when to sleep. Maybe it's time we both considered that."

"You mean quit, give up?" She clarified.

"Why do you have to see it as defeat? Maybe it's simply accepting what life has dealt us, finding the good in it."

"There may be a day when I'll come to that, Chakotay, but, I'm a long way from it right now. I need to keep looking." She insisted.


(Six weeks later)

(Acting Captain's log, supplemental. After six weeks, the decision to leave Captain Janeway and the First Officer behind still seems to weigh heavily on the crew.)

"Captain Tuvok?" I asked. Staring at my console in excitement.

"Yes, Ensign?" Tuvok replied.

"I'm picking up a convoy on long-range sensors. It's Vidiian, sir."


"Approximately one point five light years." I replied with excitement.

"Lieutenant, alter course to a different heading. I don't want to risk their detecting us."

"Sir, the Vidiians-"


"They're within hailing range. We could ask them if they know anything about the Captain's illness."

"You're aware that Captain Janeway specifically told us not to risk contacting the Vidiians."

"Yes, but it's not like we went out of our way to find them. We would just be taking advantage of an opportunity that's presented itself." I insisted.

"That bit of sophistry is not terribly persuasive, Ensign." Tuvok argued.

"Sir, how can we turn our backs on this chance to do something? Don't we have to try? Don't we owe that to the Captain and the Commander? Don't we own that to Bini, Mollie and the children?"

"The matter is closed, Ensign. Return to your station."

"What's wrong with the rest of you? You know I'm right." I yelled at the rest of the crew. Getting increasingly angry.

"Ensign Kim."

"We have a chance to help them. How can we ignore that?"

"Ensign, you are relieved of duty. Leave the Bridge at once or I will have you put in the brig."

"Harry." Tom pleaded. I stormed off the bridge as Tuvok ordered them to proceed with an altered course.

--3 hours later---

"Excuse me. Ensign Kim, could we?" Ensign Hogan asked as I sat down in the messhall with Ensign Swinn behind him.

"Sure. Have a seat." I allowed. They quickly sat down and moved closer to me.

"We just wanted you to know we heard what happened on the Bridge." Hogan started. "And we think you're absolutely right. We've got to contact the Vidiians."

"It's a risk, but it's worth it." Swinn insisted.

"That's what I think, but Captain Tuvok's made his decision. three ensigns won't change his mind." I insisted.

"There are a lot more who agree with us."

"A lot." Swinn pressed.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Everyone we talk to can't believe that Tuvok won't give this a try."

"Come on." I gestured, slipping to B'Elanna's table where she was eating lunch.

"Did you hear what happened this morning?" I asked. She nodded and took another bite of food.

"Sure did." She replied.

"Three weeks ago, you said if I had an idea about what to do, you'd listen."

"I'm listening."

"Is there something going on that I should know about?" Neelix interrupted with growing interest.

"Have a seat, Neelix. We might have come up with the biggest morale booster you could possibly imagine."

---That night---

"Come in."

I entered...Captain Tuvok's quarters. Standing as straight as I can in front of him. Keeping a calm expression.

"Can I have a moment, sir?" I asked.

"It's zero one hundred hours, Ensign. Don't you have the early shift this morning?"

"Yes, sir, but this is important." I insisted.

"Very well." He granted.

"First of all, I want to apologize for my behaviour yesterday." I started off.

"Apology accepted. I understand that this is a difficult situation for you."

"I'd like to suggest a plan. It's something a lot of people have helped to develop. We have two big bargaining points when it comes to dealing with the Vidiians. First, there's the woman Doc treated, Denara Pel. They were very close, so I'm sure she'd help us if she could. And then there's B'Elanna. Her DNA might lead to a cure for the phage. We could offer them some, in exchange for their help with a cure for the Captain and Chakotay, the children, Bini and Mollie." I explained.

"Those are, as you say, points in our favour. But there is also the fact that we were recently responsible for the destruction of a Vidiian ship, an act which killed over three hundred of their people. That alone makes it unwise for us to contact them."

"Sir, I think you should know how many people on this ship disagree with you. Everyone I talk to thinks we should give this a try."

"The people you talk to do not have the responsibility of commanding this vessel. I do. The safety of this crew is paramount, and I must do whatever I can to ensure that safety." He argued.

"But if we're willing to take that risk in order to help the Captain-"

"Ensign, I'm going to say this once and once only. If you ever question my orders again, you will be relieved of duty permanently. The next words I expect to hear from you are yes sir."

"Yes, sir." I relented.


Bini Filters's POV

Sundown was coming. The light turned pink as the sunsetted. I outside gathering wood with the kids and Mollie. We watched as Kathryn paced back and forth, back and forth, pinching the bridge of her nose and inhaling.

"She is angry at him again." Sarah muttered quietly to us.

"Well, this is what he gets for suggesting they give up on finding a cure."

"He had this coming. She might give him the silent treatment!" Micheal suggested.

Suddenly, she started muttering to herself, walking into the forest. Probably to collect her bugs for research. Suddenly the sky darkened and wind started to pick up.

"What the hell is happening?" I asked Chakotay as he came out in alarm.

"I am going to find Kathryn, the rest of you get into the shelter now!" He barked. We quickly followed his orders, running into the shelter and hiding under the table in the shelter.


(Next Day)

Kes's POV

"Come in."

"Do you have a moment?" I asked as I stepped into the ready room.

"Of course. Please sit down." He offered. Gesturing to the chairs in front of the ready room desk. I gratefully accepted. Ready to bring the rest of the crew home.

"I'd like to talk to you about my father." I started. Tuvok raised an eyebrow towards me.

"Your father?"

"He was a very wise man. More than anyone, he shaped the person I am. If it hadn't been for him I would have never questioned my people's beliefs. I would have never left our city. I would never have met all of you." I explained.

"Then we owe him a debt. It is difficult to imagine this journey without you."

"When he died, I had just turned one year old. I didn't know how I'd get through the rest of my life without him. But then I started working with you and I didn't miss him so much anymore."

"I am honoured by the comparison."

"As Captain, the well-being of your crew is important to you." I continued.

"Of course."

"Their emotional well-being as well as their physical safety?"

"I cannot allow myself to become hostage to their feelings."

"Tuvok, they are suffering because of this. Maybe you don't know what it's like."

"If you are suggesting that I am not sensitive to the situation, nothing could be further from the truth. I have lost a valued friend. I am not immune to the effects of that loss." He insisted.

"Then try to imagine what it's like for those of us who feel things deeply. A lot of the crew are on the Bridge hoping you'll talk to them." I said. He got up and I followed him onto the bridge where most of the crew was waiting.

"None of you can appreciate what it means to be in command of a ship until that responsibility rests squarely on your shoulders," Tuvok stated to the crew on the bridge. " as it does on mine. It has been suggested that I take an action which would require me to disobey an order, and knowingly put this crew into a life-threatening situation. In general, I believe it demonstrates faulty leadership to be guided by the emotions of a distraught crew. However, as Captain, I must not ignore the sensibilities of those I command. We will contact the Vidiians. This is my decision and mine alone. You are all absolved of responsibility in the matter. I will accept any consequences which may ensue. Lieutenant, set a course for the Vidiian convoy. Mister Kim, let me know when we're within hailing range."

Everyone smiled and quickly went to their jobs.


Bini Filters's POV

The storm had passed from last night. Everything was basically destroyed. The roof had holes in it, the experiment for the cure was destroyed. We had no hope of finding a cure anymore. I kicked some debris out of my way as I made my way into the field.

"Let's check inside. Maybe some of the insect traps are still intact." Chakotay suggested. Mentioning the supply room in the back...Which certainly...looked like a cave in there.

"None of this is salvageable either. There's no way I can continue to do my research." She said in disappointment.

"I'm sorry."

"Well, that's one way of letting go."

(Captain's log, Stardate 49694.2. We have contacted the Vidiian convoy with encouraging results. They have promised to communicate with Doctor Denara Pel and ask if she will help us.)

---End of Chapter 64: Next: Resolutions: Part Two.---

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