
The Influence Of A Dragon


 Panicked screams and cries for attending loved ones filled the shaking room as the ceiling above them suddenly cracked. It parted as if the building itself were opening up to allow Zazzy inside, putting the already stunned spectators into a dazed state. No one noticed that Skye was using her Earth magic to allow Zazzy in without bringing down the entire castle, except for the other Alconians.

 Skye's magic had a warm and unique aura to it, so anyone who knew her and could sense magic, could recognize her easily. Tidas assumed that the use of her magic was the reason Genie was now walking towards them. He'd stayed behind in his office after Hang's comment about loving someone that he shouldn't.

 Dismissing the forming thought process before it could turn dark, Tidas looked back at Zazzy. She was whipping her head back and forth, excited to see so many people. But there was one in specific that she was looking for..

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