

"oh dang it." Jonathan said while playing with his new powers. He found that time isn't relevant inside the portal. But wouldn't be affected if an object went through it only if it was left inside of it. He had left a piece of bread inside the hole and it stayed as fresh as it was when placed inside. Even though it had been a week. Jonathan also dissolved many different materials even though he couldn't figure out what exactly he did. Jonathan had ordered basic materials in their elemental form. He found that a concentrated block of metal dissolved slower than a mixed material object. On his day Jonathan sat outside on his step. It was raining pretty hard. When Mary and her six year old son walked out of their place. He watched as the two crossed the road towards him when half way across a powerful gust of wind hit them. It tossed the child's umbrella away tumbling in pieces. Mary put her umbrella over her son as the two tried hiding under a small umbrella. The child began to cry as they finished crossing the street. 

"Mommy my racecar umbrella! It's going that way! I want it back!" The child had said. Jonathan knew she had a kid but this was the first time he had really seen him. His crush was white with blonde hair and brown eyes. Had a Caramel child who was absolutely adorable. Jonathan quickly got up leaving his laptop and notepad by the door and ran towards them. Mary saw Jonathan coming towards her; she looked down towards the ground in shame. Jonathan stopped right before them getting close to Mary. With a slight bow," good morning m'lady. It seems like you could use a new umbrella? It just so happens that I have a spare. He reached behind Mary so far that they almost touched. She had backed away a little bit so Jonathan respected that. He opened his portal and reached in to get an umbrella he stored in his hole. Having grabbed the handle he pulled a massive umbrella out behind Mary. It was big enough to cover the two and then some.

The little boy's eyes shot open in astonishment. " Did you just pull that from thin air? I didn't see you holding an umbrella before? How'd you do that?" Mary seemed just as impressed. Jonathan replied quickly,''Well little one, that's a secret. The umbrella is magical as long as you stay under it with your mother. As for the poor racecar one. Well you two look to be in a rush I'll get it back for you okay? Why don't you two get going dont want you to be late. Also here's an apple. I heard this keeps doctors away." He had pulled an apple out of the portal behind the little boy's head. The boy's mouth dropped "wow!" His stage whispered. " Ah Jonathan , are you getting soaked? Are you sure it's alright for you to give us your umbrella?" Smiling Jonathan replied," I can get another later. Just stay dry now. And don't worry about the racecar umbrella. I'll make sure it's okay and get it back to you for the little one." 

Mary had smiled and Jonathan showed them off to not be late. With their backs towards Jonathan he opened a portal in front of the broken umbrella. It blew into the portal and came out right into Jonathan's hand. He turned around thinking about how he's gonna fix the umbrella. Looking up Jonathan saw that the little boy had to watch his portal jump the umbrella!

Back in his apartment Jonathan checked out the racecar umbrella. Three of the umbrellas ribs were broken. So Jonathan did a quick internet search to fix them. He was lucky he had all the materials to fix the umbrella. In the basement there was a closed workshop. It was just a simple place with a few saws. His neighbor was a construction worker and would often do home projects so he used cheap equipment in the basement. Jonathan grabbed a few pieces of wood sawed one down to five millimeters wide and screwed the two two by fours together with the five millimeters piece in between them. He then sawed a piece of PVC the length of the umbrella cleaned off the edges and began to heat up the PVC. When it started to get floppy he placed the PVC into the five millimeters gap between the two by fours. Jonathan found himself enjoying doing this simple task. As he slid a shimmed down piece of wood to turn the PVC quarter pipe into a u shape. After reheating several times to shape the whole PVC strip. He then localized the heat every third the length of the half rib, and one more just past the joint. Shaving the end of the umbrella's new PVC rib to a point to fit in the cap at the edge of the umbrella. Sewing the cap and joint to the umbrella it was fixed! It had only taken a half hour which made Jonathan happy. He needed to work on his story. " no stupid. It's not work. I want to continue the story I made! That's better, it's a fun hobby!" He said to cheer himself up.

Aiden was taking a nap when his digital computer screen started beeping. Waking up in a panic Aiden jumps out of his chair and reads the screen. The screen scrolled off all the materials that's been collected. He had enough to use the cube three times. The last entry in the log changed his mind. Hmm interesting with that final piece I should be able to build it. " Why are you talking so freaking loud so late at night?" Emma said as she rubbed her eyes while walking into the room. Aiden spun around in panic pulling out his weapon. As soon as he saw it was Emma he holstered his weapon. Aiden replied,''Well you see we've been waiting for certain components to show up and we got everything we need minus the power source. But we will have to supply that. Aiden froze because he had a single thought," oh I wish Kyle was here he'd love the news. Or any of my men." Without saying a word Emma walked up to Aiden while his eyes seemed empty. She gave him a hug which stunned Aiden. He hadn't had a hug from someone who wasn't his man in years. Having come back he hugged her back." Emma I am..." " I can't believe he's gone. Kyle promised me he'd be back. It was a simple sneak in and out mission. You guys have done so many of those. Why? Why couldn't he have come back and someone else not. Why did you come back while he didn't? Why Aiden..." Emma said while those words pierced Aiden's heart every single question added a new spear." I wish I could've died in his place. I wish I would've said no to Luka. I wish for many things please don't add to my self doubt. Emma we need to not focus on what ifs. Just keep going forward, it's what Kyle would want. I really wish I had shoved him into the pod when we got to it." 

Aiden had hung his head down. He couldn't help but question. How could a basic factory worker and hotel maid end up here? They weren't alone but their branch was. Their branch was isolated in the middle of a country whose name was lost years ago. It was just the small crew and most of them ended up going on the mission that had killed off all but the two. Emma had said something about reinforcements a while ago but there was no news. In that short period of thought Aiden looked up to see Emma had left. Aiden decided that he was just gonna leave her alone. Let her grieve without his stupid thoughts not helping. Focusing back on the computer Aiden opened a file for some old tech." ahh here it is. Well whoever you are I hope you're prepared for what's about to happen next."

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