
Vile Surfer

Back at the military camp, things were looking beyond redemption. Lot charged ahead. His speed caught many of the dying soldiers off guard.

At first, they considered the option that perhaps someone had come to save them but... It didn't look human. It also didn't seem to have any intention to stop even after charging and likely inhaling so much of the bone-melting substance. He was resilient.

Though still human, Lot's skin had been replaced by green scales and his back had grown wings. These green scales showed complete immunity to the deadly green haze.

With his unprecedented speed, even the vile surfer was caught off guard. Its large body was struck directly by what should have been nothing more than a fly. Nevertheless…

The large serpent was also at the same level as Lot. The full-body strike of the small lot left nothing but a dent on its strong scales.


Yet the snake hissed in protest. To leave a dent on its great figure was already a great offense.

But hiss as it might, Lot was simply too slippery. The vile surfer could only hear loud buzzing caused by the wings on Lot's back before being hammered from all sorts of directions without mercy

The serpent's large size seemed to be working against it.

"Hm?" That was at least until Lot finally encountered a problem. His scales which had been hitting that of the snake's had suffered great damage. The vile surger was akin to a thick wall of concrete!

Lot's mutant powers orignianted from the dragonfly. The dragonfly was a literal mix of both dragon and dragonfly. Though the creature maintained most of the characteristics of dragonflies, its exoskeleton was unusually tough and held the appearance of scales.

Nonetheless, a dragonfly was still a bug. Lot's ramming of his own body against the monumental serpent was bound to cause great harm to himself when traveling at the ridiculous speed of 70+ mph. (113 kmh)

The dragonfly's perk was its speed but that left pretty much every other of its characteristics to be lacking.

But mankind was not idiotic enough to not know this much. In fact, Lot's suicidal attacks had been calculated from the beginning, even if the damage had ultimately surpassed his expectations.


The vile surfer was not an easy target either. It drew back its head before launching forward in a quick motion. Its huge jaws opened up revealing its bar length fangs.

This heinous mouth that was full of poison and toxicity bit at Lot's location. Well, his previous location. Lot had flown past the creature's large head unsheathing his knives as he did. A streak of viscous dark red blood fell by the gallon into the lake underneath.


The vile surfer hissed a painful cry that resounded in the surrounding area and caused ripples in the now blood-red lake water.

"Urgh!" Lot blocked his ears with his hands but this primitive method was incapable of stopping the sonic attack. Lot's ears started to bleed and a ringing sound accompanied him throughout his flight.

The snake then continued to open its mouth and shoot out more of its hazey acid. This time however the acid seemed thicker and heavier. The toxic particles acted like a heavy smoke screen that concealed everything around Lot.

"Damn…" Lot's choice to ram his own body against that of a giant serpent's seemed inane. Yet, his reason for doing so was to avoid the current situation.

Mutants were cunning. It was their keen battle sense and instict which when coupled with the increased intelligence of the higher stages allowed them to become cunning by nature.

By ramming his own body against the vile surfer's Lot got the snake to underestimate him and created an opportunity to strike. A snake's venom was a limited renewable resource. It couldn't be used wantonly.

Therefore, when faced with weak enemies, it wasn't a bad idea to finish them off with simple lunges.

But now…

The snake viewed the much smaller Lot as a threat. Things were bound to get troublesome as Lot could not afford to waste his time in his incorporated form. He had to pin his hope on the back up of the other two.

Back at the base camp, Colonel Wright was struggling to get a grip on reality. It was impossible for him to think straight after witnessing the total annihilation of his army by what was nothing more than green mist.

This mist was a known danger that they had prepared for but who could have expected this particular snake's toxin to be so nefarious? The suits weren't able to handle the toxicity!


"Good day Colonel" A foreign voice said while holding a gun at the Colonel's head.

The colonel froze before coming across a realization. The voice turned out to be familiar.

"You, You are the scout!" He yelled loudly.

The scout, Rook, was not amused.

"Come on Colonel, it's a bit rude to try and announce our private conversation" The colonel's tent was still filled with broadcasting devices and they should have all gone into action with the press of a button yet…

"I've disabled all of the equipment already. How about you answer some questions now?" Rook wasn't one to overlook such a simple problem. He would be deeply embarrassed if he was caught by such an oversight.

"N- Never!" The Colonel shouted out in clear refusal.

"Really? That's too bad then" Rook replied succicintly.



A shot rang out at nearly the exact same time as the Vile snake had hissed. Rook's work was never to acquire information as much as it had been to cause mayhem.

"Ah damn! I got cerebral matter on my military jacket!" Rook said in dissatisfaction before promptly removing the clothing revealing a dark hoodie underneath. He also removed his pants only to reveal darker trousers underneath.

After murdering the Colonel, Rook snuck out of the tent and waltzed his way over to a vehicle garage. He whistled as he turned on the car and pressed down on the gas.

"I should go pick up those folks now" Rook had one mission. To cause mayhem. But it wasn't limited to the militarity base. It was now time for him to go pick up some more pawns for the board.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter even if it was rather late for the weekend.

Thanks for reading and make sure to leave some impressions if you have any.

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