
Metro 4

Ace: You ok?

Man: Thanks for the rescue. If not for your help we would have been dead. Name's Tanaka.

Woman: Thank you for saving us. I'm Amanda Shepherd.

Ace: No problem. Name's Ace. How did you two end up here?

Tanaka: We are, well, were part of a group of police officers that were tasked with rescuing and getting the people to an evacuation zone. Unfortunately for all of us, we got attacked by that thing. It killed four officers in a minute. As for the survivors, they didn't even fight back as they were killed. We managed to run from there, but that thing was faster than any walker we saw. Our bullets were blocked by his skin and without any solution left, we decided to go underground. What about you?

Ace: Helicopter crash, we got rescue by a group of survivors and ex-military.Now? I'm waiting for the leader to wake up.

Tanaka: Leader? Shouldn't you, a soldier be the leader?

Ace: You won't be a leader without people or followers. Eric, our leader saved most of the people in our group. He even risked his life on some occasions. He earned his place.

Saying his part, Ace pointed at Eric's sleeping figure.

Ace: He fought one of the zombies.

Amanda: He's a teenager. How can he risk his life for others?

Ace: It's a long story and even I don't know why he will do something like this.

Tanaka: You said that he fought one of the new zombies?

Ace: Yeah. He killed the abomination just in time to save their asses from getting killed. The woman that sleeps on the floor, she's Olivia, Spec Ops. They barely survive a fight against five abominations.

Amanda: Let me think for a second. You said that these two fought a group of them and survived? The boy is, well a boy. I understand how the woman survived, but the boy shouldn't be able to fight like a soldier, right?

Ace: Eric is strange. He's strong, that's for sure, that's the way he carries a ballistic shield with and an ax to fight. Now, from where or from whom he learned to fight, that's his story to tell not mine. What are you two going to do now?

Tanaka: I don't know. We are on our own, I think. We lost our squad and I'm pretty sure that the evacuation zone was hit as bad as our group, if not harder.

Amanda: Well, we will leave the station in the morning. We don't want to be the bad guys here.

Ace: I see. Well, you are welcome to remain here. In the morning, some of our boys will come here to help us clear the net station.

Tanaka: Say, Ace, if we somehow want to remain here with you guys, what are the chances of being accepted?

Ace: Well if guys know how to follow orders. How to deal with the people and how to fight, pretty high I may say. Eric isn't the pickiest person in terms of new people joining, but, if you guys are here to make trouble for the people, you will beg for death. Traitors will be dealt with without mercy.

When they heard Ace's words, both officers tremble a little. These words were strong enough to make them feel fear just from thinking about what would happen if they betray the group.

Just as they were about to say something, a voice was heard.

Eric: Don't scare them like that. Hello, I'm Eric Jarl. Welcome to the Station.

Eric POV

I wake up when shots were fired inside the metro, but as I was tired, I didn't get up. After a few minutes, Ace comes back with two police officers. Well, it seems like we may have another addition to our merry group.

As they speak about what happened, I heard Ace scaring the officers. The man was a monster when we want to scare a person, so, I decided to say hello and save the poor officers from their fate.

Eric: Don't scare them like that. Hello, I'm Eric Jarl. Welcome to the Station.

The three people were shocked when they heard my voice and I couldn't help myself from smiling at their faces.

Ace: Eric, hehe, when did you wake up?

Eric: When I heard shots being fired.

Ace: Fuck me. I have something to do. See you later.

Tanaka: He ain't coming back right?

Eric: No. He's gone. So, you two want to join our group … why?

Amanda: Safety in numbers, plus the fact that you guys have this place as your base. We can help you.

Eric: I know that you will help me and can see that you two are quite desperate to remain alive.

Tanaka: …

Amanda: …

Eric: Once again, welcome to the Station.

Amanda and Tanaka: Thank you!

Eric: Grab yourself a spot and try to sleep a little. We have a big day tomorrow.

The new members of the group did as Eric said and found themselves a place to sleep.

The next day

I wake up, as someone yelled at me to wake up. Opening my eyes I saw Olivia standing in front of me trying to wake me up. I know that its morning and that our car should arrive soon.

After a few seconds, I forced my body to stand up. I greet everyone before I looked at Olivia.

Eric: What?

Olivia: Ace said that Paul will arrive in T-60 minutes.

Eric: So one hour. Where's Ace? I need to charge my ax.

Olivia: He's inside the outside gate room.

Eric: Thanks. See you in a few minutes.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I also created a patr eon page where I'll post advanced chapters .If any of you want to support this poor meat bun you can check my patr eon page for advanced chapters . Stay safe!

https://www.patr eon.com/meatbunkun

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