
Hundred Thousand

"Equo ne credite, Teucri Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentis"

"Do not trust those horses called Trojans. Or what ever it is, I fear the Greeks even when they are offering gifts." 

-        The Aeneid, Virgil

Just as Antonius and Khalid drinks the alcohol and is having a little bit of break time soothing their tired bones and worn out muscles after a prolonged horse riding journey, the commander of that petite cavalry force with less than a hundred riders, Abraham ran in to the room grasping for air wearing only his casual wears still with the scent of horse dungs and salty concentrated hay Lage. 

"Admiral, I heard that you are going to put these horses as logistics purposes carrying loads and wagons?" 

"Ah, Abraham." Antonius welcomed the man and ushered him to take a seat beside Khalid, then confessed his thought. "Aye, you are right my friend, I did intent last time to place this herd of horse in to logistics division."

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