
Real Life

*An Hour Later*

After getting lost in translation a few times while asking for directions to the club the girls finally made it and smoothly scored a spot inside without having any reservation.

The perks of being a beautiful girl in a man's world right?

When the girls got inside, they drooled. The lights were blazing, artwork on the wall was gorgeous, the music was POPPING, and the best part of it all...the bar was HUGE.

All three made a beeline to the bar and put their orders in. While the bartender on the left was making Emma and Maddy's drinks, the other decided it was smart to start flirting with Valerie. It was obvious that Valerie was uncomfortable, so as her motherly instinct came through, Maddy pulled her signature eye roll out and joined the conversation.

"I didn't know you get paid to flirt with customers? Is that also how you get girls drunk and take them home?" She piped up, cocking her head to the side.

The bartender's face turned a dark, dark, dark red color and scoffed before walking off.

"Thank you for existing." Valerie said giving out a relieved breath, putting a hand on Maddy's arm.

"It's just my thing." She shrugged.

"That was fucking hilarious." Emma laughed, "Did you see his face after that?"

The girls laughed loudly, only making the bartender cower over into the back room. A minute later, their drinks came and the second bartender came over smiling.

"Someone really had to put that guy in his place." He said with a chuckle.

"It's my specialty." Maddy giggled.

"Your laugh is beautiful. I think that's your specialty." He added.

Maddy could feel her cheeks getting warm.

Don't blush. Don't blush. Don't blush. You'll look weird

She cleared her throat and gave a nervous smile.

"Thank you."

Maddy took a minute to take in all of his features. His smile was at least 700 watts, jawline could cut a filet mignon, and just as a cherry on top, he had freckles. FUCKING FRECKLES.

*10 Minutes Later*

Before the girls left the bar, Maddy saw that someone had left a piece of paper under her drink. Her nosey self couldn't help but unfold it. It was someone's number, there was a name under it. "Michael". She turned around and saw the godlike bartender looking at her, he sent her a wink before turning back to the drinks he was working on.

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