
Real Life

After the girls had drank their drinks and danced their ridiculous dances, it was finally time to go home. Something that completely BLEW everyone's minds was how Todd and Emma ended up kissing for the first time. Everyone knew it was coming, but they were all surprised at the same time. The most insane part about it was how Todd started jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas with the widest smile on his face while Emma turned to all the girls in the house with the same type of smile.

It took a good ten or fifteen minutes to get Emma away from Todd and out of the house but it worked in the end. Everyone came out to say goodbye like it was their last time seeing the four nutcases, but it honestly could've been with their IQ's.

From the front door David shouted "Bye, have fun!" It was a nice gesture that brought a smile to Madeleine's face, up until Heath roughed it up with the old "Try not to get kidnapped!" But thankfully, Mariah elbowed the man in his ribs.

The girls waved goodbye and walked towards Emma's car, but before Maddy could get in, she felt a hand grab her wrist. She turned around to see David wearing a shy look.

"Oh! David. What's up?" She asks, everyone else had already gone back inside and it was odd to see the ringmaster alone outside at the last minute.

"Uhm, well you see. Uh, I was just gonna ask you if you, uh. When you come back, if you wanted to maybe go get coffee or something. It's cool if you're not down for it, though." He said, looking off into the distance, but sneaking a glance back at the blonde.

Maddy smiles at the shy guy in front of her.

"I'd love to Dave."

His eyes immediately lit up and she could see the excitement light up inside of him. A smile that went eat to ear appeared on his face.

"Yes! I mean, oh, sure, yeah cool. Yeah, see you when you get back." He rambled.

It was CRYSTAL CLEAR that David had COMPLETELY forgotten what it was like to flirt, let alone to ask a girl out.

"Right." Maddy laughed. "I'll call you." David said, still smiling wide. "And I'll answer." Maddy replies with a wink.

Maddy got in the car and shut the door giving David another smile and a wave before hearing Olivia speak. "Okay, what was that?"

"Does my best friend have a DATE?" Emma asked emphasizing the word "date".

"Shut up, no-I mean sure. Yeah?" Maddy responded, under pressure.

"I FUCKING CALLED IT YOU BITCHES!" Valerie shouted while Emma clapped in the front seat.

"We called it girls." Olivia factually said.

"See Madeleine, we know you better than you know yourself sometimes." Emma teased.

"Oh just shut up and drive." Maddy groaned.

"Mark my words, Y'all are gonna get married and have eight kids." Valerie states.

"Yeah, sure okay. Wait-what? Eight kids?!"

"Yeah I don't know, the number just popped into my mind." Valerie shrugged. The rest of the girls laughed while Maddy kept replaying the conversation in her head. She couldn't help but smile just thinking about it.

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