
Two Weeks

Jack's POV

In the end, we ended up watching fuck loads of movies I didn't even like. I didn't know how I stayed awake through all the movies that I had no interest in, but I was awake. I was facing towards Maggie, admiring every facial feature.

She's a catch, this one.

"Jack, I can basically feel your eyes burning into my skin." She said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I was just admiring how beautiful you are."

"Ugh, don't be so sweet. I like the normal Jack." She rolled her eyes. I chuckled.

"Describe this "Normal Jack" that you speak of." I held her by her waist.

Maggie's POV

"Meh, he's annoying, sarcastic, funny, and nuts." I tapped the tip of his nose.

"Is he handsome?" Jack asked while making a face.

"It varies." I said and we both laughed.

"I wanna go out." I said. I felt like going to the club.

"Where to?" Jack asked.

"A cluuuuuuub." I said, making a face.

"I'm in!" Jack shouted.

"I'll ask if people want to come with us." I said pulling out my phone.


Baby Devil😈: Oi! Who's up for a night out at the club?

Carlyyy☠️: You know I am😘

Pineapple🍍: I'm coming!

Papa Bear🐻: So am I

Joe-Bro💥: YEAH!

Sophs😚: I'm in!

Baby Devil😈: Great! Wait, what about Zoe?

Zo Zo💅: Too tired

Baby Devil😈: Ugh, whatever

Carlyyy☠️: Next time then.

Baby Devil😈: Well, since its 10:00, we'll meet up at the club at around 12:00?

Joe-Bro💥: Sounds good

Sophs😚: Alright

Pineapple🍍: See ya

Baby Devil😈: I'm off to get ready.

*1 hour later*

Maggie's POV

I was all ready to go to the club and I was excited for it.

Liked by: AlissaViolet, Joe_Sugg, Miniminter and 7,273,826 others

maggielindemann:Bitch I'm ready

Miniminter: 😍😍


SophiaLind:Damn sis👏🏻👏🏻

AlissaViolet: Holy Shit!😱💖

Did THE Simon Minter just like and comment on my post? EEEK!

I checked the time 11:35.

"JACK WE GOTTA GO!" I shouted. I heard Jack's quick footsteps come through the door.

"Alright Mrs.Maynard, let's go." He said linking arms with me. I laughed and we left the flat.

*At the Club*

Maggie's POV

We got out of the car to see everyone standing outside the door to the club.

How the fuck are WE the last ones here?

When the boys saw me they started whistling.

"Damn Margaret! You look stunning!" Joe said.

"Thank you! And don't fucking call me that!" I groan.

"Damn, fine."

I laughed to myself and ran up to Sophie and Carly to give them bone crushing hugs.

"Hello to you too." Carly said.

"Are we ready?" I asked everyone.

"HELL YEAH!" Everyone shouted back at me.

Throughout the night, everyone danced the night away. We all got lost in the music together and I completely forgot about all my worries.

*The Next Morning*

Conor's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing off the hook.

"For fucks sake," I picked up the phone.

"Conor Maynard, who is this?"

It was my manager. He wanted Jack and I to fly to Los Angeles for two weeks regarding GOAT.

"Alright, I'll let him know." I hung up.

7:00 am, I'm going back to fucking bed.

When I woke up again, I could hear everyone out in the sitting room talking. I walked out.

"Morning roomies."

"Morning." They replied.

"Jack, I need to talk to you in private please." I grabbed my brother by the arm and led him to my room.

"What's up?" He asked.

I told him everything about flying to L.A., and how we would be gone for two weeks.

Jack's POV

"How do I tell Maggie?" I asked.

"I don't know, but it's something you're doing, and not me." Conor shrugged and went back to the sitting room. She'd be so sad. Plus two weeks is a while for her. Whatever, might as well get it over with. I walked out into the sitting room and sat next to her.

"Meet me in the bedroom, I gotta tell you something princess." I said into her ear. She nodded and headed to the room.

Maggie's POV

What does he have to tell me? I hope it's nothing bad.

I thought, while pacing around the room. As I sat on the bed waiting for Jack, I went on Instagram.

Just as I put my phone down, Jack walked in. I patted a spot next to me on the bed for him to sit.

"Hey princess." He said.

"What's up Jack?" I asked.

"Conor got a call this morning from his manager, saying that he wants us in Los Angeles for two weeks regarding GOAT." Jack said, looking at his feet.

"You're leaving for two weeks?" I asked softly. He nodded.

"When're you leaving?" I asked.

"Noon tomorrow." He said.

"I'll miss you, ugly." I said hugging him.

"Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it princess." He smiled.

All through the day, I helped Jack and Conor pack for their trip. Even though they'd only be gone for two weeks, I'd still miss picking on them.

*Skip to the airport*

Jack's POV

Everyone was dressed and ready to say goodbye.

"Don't get too crazy while I'm gone Mags." I warned.

"No promises Maynard." She winked.

"Flight 268 for Los Angeles is now boarding." I heard the stewardess say. I hugged everyone and gave Maggie a goodbye kiss. She waved and turned to leave. But then, she stopped and ran up to me.

"I'll miss you at night baby." She whispered and left. I smirked.

"Jack! You coming?" Conor asked. I nodded and headed forward.

"What happened to your face bro?" Conor asked me.

"Nothing." I said, and rushed past him.

*Back at home*

Maggie's POV

I headed towards my room and flipped on my bed. I stared at the ceiling thinking.

What am I supposed to do for two weeks?

I was playing with my ring when I got a notification.

Jack _Maynard23 has tagged you in a photo

It was the first picture we took together. Just looking at it made me stick my bottom lip out and warm tears threatened to pour out.

I sighed. I was too tired to ring any of the girls, but I didn't have any other ideas. Then it hit me.

"Time to make another video!" I said to myself and grabbed all my equipment.

Now, I just need to think about what I should film.

I finally decided to film a "Youtuber Impressions" video. I tweeted out asking people who I should impersonate and I received hundreds of replies. I turned my camera.

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