
Who’s More Likely To

Maggie's POV

I briefly explained the rules and started with the first question.

"And we also have to explain our answer, and why we chose that person. First question, who's more likely to get drunk and forget who they are?" I asked.

Zoe put up Maggie, Carly put up Maggie, Sophie put up Maggie, Jack put up Maggie, and I put up Jack.

"WHY?" I asked in confusion.

Jack answered first, "Because I know you. One time you got so drunk, that you had to ask me if you were a boy or a girl."

I sighed, "It's true."

I passed the phone to Zoe.

"Next question! Who's more likely to have a one night stand?"

Zoe put up Jack, Carly put up Maggie, Jack put up Jack, Sophie put up Maggie, and I put up Jack.

"My own sister says that I'm most likely to have a one night stand." I laughed and so did everyone else.

Zoe passed the phone to Sophie.

"Ooh! Who's most likely to have sex with the same gender?"

Zoe put up Maggie, Sophie put up Maggie, Carly put up Maggie, Jack put up Carly, and I put up myself.

When Jack looked at mine his eyes widened.

"Why did you put up yourself?" He asked.

"It's happened. And that's a story for another time my dear." Sophie answered for me. While I covered my blush with my sign.

Sophie passed the phone to Carly.

"Damn, who's most likely to have a threesome?"

Zoe put up Jack, Sophie put up Jack, Carly put up Maggie, Jack put up Carly, and I put up Jack.

When Jack looked at the signs he looked at the camera with a mixed emotion of confusion and anger.

"Why me?" He wailed.

"You're a fuckboy." All the girls said. We looked at each other and laughed.

Carly passed the phone to Jack.

"Who's most likely to die the first in a zombie apocalypse?"

Zoe put up herself, Sophie put up Zoe, Carly put up Zoe, Jack put up Zoe and I put up Zoe.

"I think you'll just try to make friends you'd just be eaten." Said Jack. Zoe nodded in agreement.

"Whereas I would just be flamethrowing bitches left and right, all day all night!" I shouted.

"ALL night?" Jack smirked at me.

"Oh fuck you." I said.

"If you're lucky." He winked. I shoved him off my bed and took my phone.

"Alright! Last question! Who's more likely to become a stripper?"

Zoe put up Maggie, Sophie put up Maggie, Carly put up Maggie, Jack put up Maggie and I put up Jack. I looked at the camera in a dramatic and confused face.

"WHY ME!" I shouted.

"Okay, don't get me wrong, I'm only saying you because I've seen your body and you look amazing." Zoe said. Sophie, Carly and Jack nodded with Zoe.

"And I've seen you dancing." Sophie winked.

"When you want to diss a friend without getting her mad." I say in a monotones voice, causing everyone to laugh.

"Anyways, thank you for watching this video. Please like, comment and subscribe to become part of the family! I'll leave these guys' links in the description below and I'll see you next week!" We all waved and I ended the video.

Jack's POV

"Well that was fun." I said.

"It was." Zoe and Sophie said at the same time. I checked my watch, 11:15, not bad.

Maggie's POV

"Who wants to go shopping with me?" I asked.

Zoe said she had to go film with

Alfie, Sophie said she had plans and Jack said he was going to film as well. That left me with Carly.

Carly's POV

"Yay! We can have some time to get to know each other better!" I was so excited to go out with Maggie. She's such an amazing person.


"Alright let's gooooooo!" I pointed towards the door and we were off.

*After the shopping trip*

We were in the car and Carly was in deep sleep. She really shopped till' she dropped.

"Carly, Carly." I tried to shake her awake. It was no use.

Damn this girl is a deep sleeper!

Well, so am I, but that's besides the point. Since she wouldn't wake up. I decided to bring out the big guns.

"CARLY WAKE THE FUCK UP!!" I screamed.

"WHAT HAPPENED? DO I NEED TO CUT A BITCH?!" She shot up and asked. I laughed so hard.

"No, I was just waking you up. We're at your flat."

"Ohhh, right. Well, speak soon!" She waved.

"See you soon!" I waved and drove off.

*Back at home*

"I'm hoooome!" I shouted. Nobody answered.

*Buzz Buzz*

Baby🔐: Come into my room.

Princess💞: Of course😚.

I walked into Jack's room, to find him laying down on a chair in his room with a bottle of Rosè on the table next to him.

"It's about time you got home." He said.

"Baby, you know it's only 7:00." I smiled in the doorframe.

"So? We have the flat to ourselves all night, and most likely, half of tomorrow." He winked at me.

I walked closer to him so that I was sitting next to him.


The next scenes are going to be explicit. Skip if you'd like.

Maggie's POV

But I couldn't resist myself, I got up and sat on his lap and gave him huge kisses, I'd missed this. We hadn't done this in a while. Every kiss got deeper and deeper. He picked me up and carried me towards his bed and dropped me down. He started kissing my neck and planted hickeys around my neck and collarbone. I let out a soft moan. I took his shirt off and he did the same with mine. He ran his fingers up and down my waist never once breaking a kiss. I then fumbled with his belt, trying to unbuckle it. Once I managed to take it off, I threw it across the room and took his pants off.

Jack's POV


She wanted this, badly, she was like a wolf, hungry for more. I didn't want to be too rough around her stomach since it hadn't healed quite yet, but that didn't break the sensuality between us. She started planting love bites around my chest as I did with her whilst I took off her bra. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I slid her panties off and she took my briefs off as well. I pushed her down against the bed and started kissing her, from her neck, down to her belly button.

Maggie's POV

As he was going down to my stomach, I could tell he was trying to be as careful as possible. I let out small moans with every kiss he gave me. He looked up at me when he reached my bikini line and I nodded.

"Tell me if I'm hurting you." He said which gave me a warm feeling of comfort that he cared so much about me. Once he made his way all the way down to my pussy, he started kissing it at first, just to tease me. Then, he slowly inserted his cock into me, which made me let out a loud moan.

"Fuck, Jack!" I moaned.

I tugged at his blonde highlights and kissed him.

From then on, all I thought about was me, Jack in that moment.

*The next morning*

Maggie's POV

When I woke up, I saw that Jack wasn't next to me.

He's probably just having breakfast.

I sat up slowly, still tired, but awake when I felt the urge to throw up. I ran into the bathroom as fast as possible and threw up into the toilet.

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