
Chapter 11 - Drunk

After drinking three bottles of fire whiskey, Aquila knew she is drunk, but she continue to drink, as she is too sacred and confused at what Albus has told them.

"Why I am in danger? Why they are going to find me? What have I done to deserve this to happen to me?" She keeps asking herself in her drunk mind. Of course no one can answer the question, as no one really know about what will happen in the future, they are not a seer.

Severus knocks on her chambers door, but Aquila is too drunk and deep in thought, she doesn't hear it. As Aquila hasn't answered the door, Severus burst into the room and quickly look around. He then noticed she is sitting on the floor, completely drunk.

Severus sighed, "Tell me. Why are you drinking?" He asked hwr but Aquila just looked at him. She is too drunk then isn't in her right mind.

"You know...when I first met you in Dumbly's office...I have already fallen in luv with you...what is that called...? Love in first sight?" Aquila said drunkenly.

Severus is a bit shocked at her outburst, how can she loved him in first sight? She doesn't even known him them. But he smiled a bit as he found out she loves him which he felt the same deep in his heart. He might not admit it himself now, but he will soon if he has the courage that is.

Aquila looks at Severus, "do you know you have beautiful eyes? I really love looking at them...and your lips...it looks so soft that I just want to kiss you..." She said and suddenly brushed her lips against Severus's.

Severus is completely shocked when he felt her kissing him. She tastes like fire whiskey and cherry. Severus can't resists himself anymore as he kissed her back passionately before he realised what he is doing.

Severus cannot believe himself, he has taken advantage of a fellow professor who is drunk. "What have I done...?" He muttered as he puts the drunk professor onto her bed. Aquila has fallen asleep soon after the kissing. Severus then starts to think, "Is my kiss that boring that has caused her to sleep?"